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Gematria Language, Numbers

poet Anonymous

Newb Question Time:

Okay, so ... if I don't understand what a poem means, because it is written too ambiguously ..... I can theoretically use The Code to further decipher what the author intended to share but is having difficulty communicating ...?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:Newb Question Time:

Okay, so ... if I don't understand what a poem means, because it is written too ambiguously ..... I can theoretically use The Code to further decipher what the author intended to share but is having difficulty communicating ...?

You would be able to know much more than that.
The Code would tell you,  if the ambiguity was feathered bullshit meant to attract readers with the "cool" factor, like some of mine
Or,  it would make perfect sense of the ambiguity,  it's value  would tell it all.
It would  be an ahaa, moment to the extent you would say to yourself,  hot damn are you serious right now?
The truth is hidden in plain sight those who are willing without prejuidiced will see it

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Actually , Sky Dancer , Johnny is correct , as are you...

I will explain in the next post...

poet Anonymous

No. I don’t believe that. But each to their own.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

JohnnyBlaze said:Newb Question Time:

Okay, so ... if I don't understand what a poem means, because it is written too ambiguously ..... I can theoretically use The Code to further decipher what the author intended to share but is having difficulty communicating ...?

Johnny , you are correct , yet you might have to
know the person's birth name , and / or other
information to target that poet ;

As well , include the name of the poem , or add
the specific quote from the poem you were attempting
to figure out...

Let me give you an example of how this
has been utilized by a rather famous poet

Back in a moment !

poet Anonymous

I’m willing to participate;

Can have my name, address, age
And then tell me what you think is bullshit and what isn’t

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Not this time, I hand it over to Blackwolf. It will be quite amusing, to see him use that code, to try and tell me exactly what is happening.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I’m just eager to be shocked, is all.
If by using that code, one becomes jesus and performs a miracle of tripping me up over some poetry, and it actually being the truth, I’m ready.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

William Blake ( first verse )

So let us see if just perhaps , William Blake knew this Code...

Just perhaps he was a high level Mason...

As this is something given to *some* high level initiates

Yet it is not just Masonic...let us follow a thread , shall we say ?

Top symbol , column on right , can have a Th / Ph letter value

Symbol below , second down , can be pronounced Yar ...

And it has a "G" letter value...so let us combine those two


Now then :

ThGyar , ThGyar

Second symbol down , column on left , means :

Torch , Warmth , Life , Light , Heat...( among many other meanings )

Thus we obtain the idea of :

"Burning Bright"

In that same column on left :

The bottom symbol is pronounced Fay , or Fayoh ;

Above that is the symbol which is a "U" letter value ,
yet is pronounced "Ur"

Top symbol same column :

Pronounced "Os"

Third symbol from bottom :

"T" letter value

So we attain the word Fayurost...( Forest )

So now we could write :

"Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;"

Yet , the top symbol in the comparison to Obri / Hebrew ,
means "Eye" , and the second symbol can mean and make
the shape of a hand with thumb extended , thus :

"What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

What is even deeper ;

We know that these symbols deal with the strings at
the center of specific atoms / chemistry...

Thus :

Fay = Oxygen

Ur = Nitrogen

Os = Hydrogen

T = Carbon

Recognize what those four are the basis for ?


And as the bottom symbol , the Oxygen symbol ,
doubled , back to back , makes the shape of a tree ,
adds to 160 , which is the value for the word in Hebrew
for Tree , and yet is O2 , which is what a Tree gives us...

So , when we are looking at this , as we have always told
our students , "You can see the Forest , not the Trees"...

Unless you look deeper...LOL

Does *that* show you a smidgen , of how this works ?

I have written 12,000 pages of Code , over 26 years , Johnny...

I know this to be the "underlying Code of creation"...

It has been used by those who knew , is being used now...

And will be used...

The number value for those two columns , equals :

"Google + Search Engine Program"

'Nuff Said" for now...LOL...;)

poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

No disrespect taken.
As I said, each to their own.
That code will not tell you, what others have stated their opinions on. Simple.

poet Anonymous

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