Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd April 2020 3:06am
View Profile Poems by gardenlover

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Contrapuntal Conquest

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

Related submission no longer exists.
Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Great to see you here again, Nathaniel.  You're making a great habit of contrapuntal goodness.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

Related submission no longer exists.
Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Acknowledging your third and final entry, with thanks for maximum support.


Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

Leisure Gardening

A contrapuntal poem
The spring brings out the flowers
The garden is for my pleasure
Toil in the garden many hours
Work and time spent at leisure
Bask in the sun and fresh air
Enjoy the blooms and the scent  
Toil away without a care
Relaxing is time well spent
Autumn is the harvest season
Edible produce for all to eat
Celebrate for good reason
Dishes that are hard to beat
Written by gardenlover
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gardenlover said:

You've maxed-in well wth this final entry, gardenlover.


Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782


( a contrapuntal poem )  

He looked into the dark of Internet  
And found a huntress who wrote poetry.  
She gazed at him with longing and regret,  
He also sighed and felt they’d never meet.  
But stranger still she could not realize  
He too supposed he didn’t have a chance,  
The competition coveting his prize.  
She put a pen to verse the words that dance.  
Then back and forth a week of poetry,  
Would his desire turn into a play?  
But like the flower to a honeybee,  
To go to him and give her heart away.  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Jade-Pandora said:

How I adore ya!

Thanks for sort of bringing up the near rear with rare novelty.


Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

Mars at Jupiter's End

(a contrapuntal poem)

Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity,
Gigantic and majestic reigns supreme,
While Mars, the Bringer of War,
Echoes in the distance like a dream.

Perhaps it’s the giant’s breathtaking presence,
That portrays such power and magnitude,
Yet in the shadows there’s a coming resonance,
Personified by a fierce and ferocious attitude.

But at the end of Jupiter’s glorious suite,
There’s a sweet and explosive harmony,
The brutal Mars bars percussive attack,
All come together, deafening and artfully.

# NaPoWriMo2020
76 words
57 unique
Written by wallyroo92
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wallyroo92 said:

Thank you, wallyroo92, for coming to earth's end to input your Mars at Jupiter's end -- and just comfortably in time before the end of the competition.

Best wishes to you!


Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

cabcool said:Contrapuntal poetry is a concept influenced by musical practice.  The music (preludes and fugues, for instance) of J. S. Bach is largely contrapuntal.  In contrapuntal (or counterpoint) music, multiple melodic lines, relatively independent, unfold simultaneously.  Multilinear music is often referred to as polyphony.

Contrapuntal poems intertwine two (or more) separate poems into a single composition.  This composite form alternates each successive line of poem A with its corresponding line in poem B, continuing this way from start to finish.

Create a new contrapuntal poem based on any cohesive theme(s)
•   100 words max
•   rhymed or unrhymed
•   porn entries disqualified
•   limit 3 entries per competitor (no multiple pseudonyms)
•   2 weeks only
•   winner, 1st runner-up, and 2nd runner-up determined by peer ballot

Dear competitors

Thanks for your participation and amazing submissions to this competition.  As you are aware, Admin is heads and heels immersed in the NaPo2020 challenge.  I crave your patience as you await the requested public vote, which I know will receive due attention in a little while.

I've enjoyed reading every single entry.  To keep the pages current, why don't you go take a read of the rich tapestry from time to time, either to break the "monotony" of NaPo or to garner further inspiration for your writes?

Yours sincerely

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Billy_Snagg, adagio, Ahavati, AspergerPoet56, Grace, nutbuster, cabcool, Phantom2426, Stoney223, Tallen, Kinkpoet, Marks, Layla, Josh, Hepcat61, greyeyes10780, case28, Frustrated_prole, runaway-mindtrain

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 782

CONGRATULATIONS, gardenlover, for sowing seeds that have sprung you in spring!  You were at ease with the form, weaving apposite threads that captured well the fluency of the contrapuntal concept.

Thanks to all who participated, for helping to make this a worthwhile pursuit.  Although this might have been one of the more challenging  of forms, your entries were all fun; hopefully, you will continue to explore counterpoint as an alternate expression in your general writing.

Fellow judges -- Billy_Snagg, adagio, Ahavati, AspergerPoet56, Grace, nutbuster, Phantom2426, Stoney223, Tallen, Kinkpoet, Marks, Layla, Josh, Hepcat61, greyeyes10780, case28, Frustrated_prole, runaway-mindtrain -- you gave of your intellect in analysing and evaluating the entries to make rational decisions about the winning entry.  Well done.

Hats off to you, Admin, for making mountains into molehills every time you are confronted by mammoth simultaneous tasks.

Yours sincerely

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

This competition has been quite a challenge, It is a form I had not tried before but will again in the future. Thank you for all involved

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