Conversations With The Mind: Feelings

Don't apologize for your feelings
You can hurt, You can cry
Why do I feel like this?
Why am I sad, when nothing is wrong
Why do I feel like I have no right
To still occasoinally hurt
Over a girl I knew forever ago
To miss a dead relative
To miss something I never had
How can you lose something you don't own
Sadness just exists, feelings aren't real
And yet they are more real than you can imagine
And they give you reason to live
And reason to take in greed
They rules your world like a bipolar king
Searching for his queen...
Down the longest road with a sunset at the end
That you walk towards but you always stumble
And lose time and steps
Until the moon rises and you have to wait
For the time again and pray it stays the same
Because that sun will rise everyday
It will always be the same
But will you be..?
Written by ConcreteMoon (Dillon Nickerson)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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