zenithquasar77 (Marcus cooke)

Dangerous Mind
10awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (452)
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Age 47
Member Since 6th September 2012
zenithquasar77 joined 4586 days ago and last visited 782 days ago
Comments 2590
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Poet Introduction

Pervair of witty ditty's and sublime rhymes...i also like cats.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Jm Morrison, John Cooper Clarke, Ian Curtis, Eger Alan Poe, Tom Quinton, Ted Hughes.

About Me

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I am  a performance "Punk" poet from England
I have been writing and performing for over eight years

I describe my poems as Diverse, I write about a lot of different subjects and styles often experimental in nature and enjoy a good collaboration.

So far i have had the pleasure of working with three fantastic poets Faith Elizabeth Bingham( Faithmarie) Tom Quintin (Tommytit)and poetbradley.

I find writing allows me to express my anger of the state of the world and allows to me to use my imagination to write about diverse subjects.

My work has been published in Twisted Tongue Magazineand Serendipity and in Sept 2014,i won a poetry medal in a international poetry competition.

I write and perform under the alias of Zenith Quasar and The Marcus De Sade, both utilizing different kinds of poetry as well as writing under my own pen.

I was also one half of "Punk Poet Detectives, we wrote and performed poetry as well as recorded and made videos of are poems and performed regularly at gigs in our area, we have a Facebook page we post are poems and continue to promote spoken word and poetry in the south west of England.

I have collected some of my work in a Ebook called "Scilence to a Beat" a collection of dark disturbing horror and dread in poetry form.  The book is edited and ready to go just need to seld-publish it.  I am also in the process of recording all my poetry collections as "Spoken Word" collections.   I have also started work on my 10th collection  of poetry  in "Chapbook form" entitlted "Graphic Violance" .
A collection of videos were made much like a music video, the first "A Punch In The Facebook" can be viewed on  DP to accompany the poem of the same name, it's also on You Tube along with some really dodgy footage of me performing.   The videos were directed by short film movie mystro Clay Sanford and produced by "Big Rich". Check them before they  check you.  here's the link https://youtu.be/1aEMy6ViYpo

...And remember kids there's a thin line between constructive criticism, and being a dick!!!

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Moving On Not So Well by faithmairee (Faith Elizabeth Brigham)
The Lone Wolf Vent. . . by poeticfool
Crossroad by faithmairee (Faith Elizabeth Brigham)
Default by Nico1116 (Nico)
Slaughter House by poetbradley
Turd Burglar by nikkimoe

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (10)