
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 11th January 2017
tmra69 joined 2960 days ago and last visited 2706 days ago
Comments 23
Forum Posts 9
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Poet Introduction

I am an amateur poet. Fairy tale themes and the err of judgmental views are my poem's focus.  Emotions and words are very powerful.  Together they create a written work of art beyond carnal beauty.   It's poetry.  :)

About Me

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I'm a small town Louisiana girl who recently moved out of the swamp lands in search of some healing in the hills and the mountains.  Which I did find...along with new love, some peace from the storm, and finally finally....the audacity to like and embrace myself.  I love my adult son and daughter and my grandson more than anything in the world.  They inspire me, as does my husband, in so many crazy good ways. My many mistakes and heart aches along with some good memories and positive/negative people in my life, are also good sources to find a poem or two at times.  I am very unpolished and there is so much i don't know and would love to learn, not just in writing, but in all areas.  I'm not chasing rainbows here or trying to write myself into a frenzy of deep dark complicated genius poetry lol!  Although that would be cool as hell!  I'm just hoping to maybe learn some new things or ways of writing, have some fun with it, and just feel good about myself.  I've always been too shy or too unsure of myself to let anything I've written be seen by the public eye.  So I hope this is a positive experience...or at least a learning experience for me  

My Reading List

Turpintine Smile (Revised) by DanielEHastings

Poets I Follow
