Twisted Dreamer
South Africa
Read Poems (58)
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Member Since 17th October 2013
oTHER_vOICES joined 4111 days ago and last visited 4085 days ago
Comments 102
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Poet Introduction

Rita Mae Brown "Let others live in black and white, YOU must live in Technicolour. Let your readers see τђє blood at τђє heart of τђє ruby."

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sylvia Plath / Dylan Thomas / Bob Dylan / Leonard Cohen

About Me

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[left][/left] “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die – for the harder I work, the more I live, I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me; it is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it to future generations.”
George Bernard Shaw

Artist, Poet and Writer on a journey towards recovery, healing and wholeness

The words, ‘white’, ‘male’, ‘gay’, ‘bipolar’, ‘poet’, ‘writer’, ‘artist’, 'addict', although all true do not describe me. I am more than the sum of my parts.

I am a survivor. I have survived Apartheid, Abuse, Aids, Bipolar Disorder, Addictions, Gay Guilt and general Apathy. Now, if I can just get over my Survivor Guilt I will be just fine. LOL!

Like Robert Fulghum I believe that “imagination is stronger than knowledge – myth is more potent than history – dreams are more powerful than facts – hope always triumphs over experience – laughter is the cure for grief – love is stronger than death.”

I believe that what I do today will change tomorrow.

I believe I can fly.

I have been writing poetry and prose since the age of 13. My first poem set the pace for things to come and I still strive for the simplicity of this initial effort:

Sitting alone
loneliness sat down beside me
and laughed at my being caught
sitting alone

My poems have been published in the South African literary journals New Coin, New Contrast and Botsotso and in two anthologies; Over the Rainbow’ by New African Poets and ‘Walking the Tightrope’ by African Queer Poets.

I have written two books and am working on a third. ‘GO for Game Over’ is a non-fiction account of gambling addiction and recovery and ‘Other Voices’ is a semi autobiographical novel about triumph over adversity. Both of these books will be published as e-books in the near future. Chapters are currently being published on my blog, Other Voices: http://othervoices.co.uk/

My current prose writing is a novella called ‘Buggered Angel’. It tells the story of an abusive Master/slave relationship between a 14 year old boy and his ‘uncle’.

My artwork is more illustration than fine art. It has evolved out of a desire to add depth to the poems and prose.

My Reading List

just a kiss by emo1
night and day by emo1
Ole DruNk rUsTy NiccA... Wa?.. by RedHot_Peppers

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (9)