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Poet Introduction
Favorite Poets/Writers
Poe, Morgan, Stephenson, Lovecraft, Benn, Rühmkorf, Hesse, HouellebecqAbout Me
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I'd say I'm down-to-earth and I try to take myself not too serious.
Yet, currently I'm struggling with myself and the world around... sometimes this can even be inspiring... but most of the time... it is not.
I started writing ~12 years ago through a friend of mine who showed me some of his work. So, I thought by myself I could give the whole writing-thing a try; I started with short-stories and rhyming poetry (mostly in German) back in the days. Today I think that beginning to write was one of the best decisions I've made.
And even if I might be a bit "limited" in my style of writing I think it's still one of the few things I'm good at.
Note to all native English speakers:
I really like to write in English, and I'm aware that my writings can contain grammatical or other errors - even if I give my best to avoid them!;)
So, feedback is highly appreciated!
Yet, currently I'm struggling with myself and the world around... sometimes this can even be inspiring... but most of the time... it is not.
I started writing ~12 years ago through a friend of mine who showed me some of his work. So, I thought by myself I could give the whole writing-thing a try; I started with short-stories and rhyming poetry (mostly in German) back in the days. Today I think that beginning to write was one of the best decisions I've made.
And even if I might be a bit "limited" in my style of writing I think it's still one of the few things I'm good at.
Note to all native English speakers:
I really like to write in English, and I'm aware that my writings can contain grammatical or other errors - even if I give my best to avoid them!;)
So, feedback is highly appreciated!
Strange Creature