
Strange Creature
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Member Since 11th July 2012
lucid joined 4451 days ago and last visited 3449 days ago
Comments 6
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About Me

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I convinced myself to join because I'm a big fan of raw and twisted poetry; oh, and a poet on here convinced me to join for support. But now I'm feeling like I have to start submitting poems. Yikes!

My Reading List

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Blessed by a curse by 13blueyes13 (michael g m)
Fakebook by 13blueyes13 (michael g m)
A penny for your thoughts by 13blueyes13 (michael g m)
Catholic Calamity Condoms   by 13blueyes13 (michael g m)
Overshadowed by Alastair (Alas...a tear)
         IT IS EVERYTHING by 13blueyes13 (michael g m)

Poets I Follow
