
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 18th March 2012
grasshopper joined 4748 days ago and last visited 1681 days ago
Comments 11
Forum Posts 13
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Poet Introduction

My dream is to do slam in front of an audience bigger than the reflection of my full length mirror, the end.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Mr. Edgar Allan Poe (a must) & Stephen King (another must) & Andrea Gibson (blue blanket)

About Me

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Much of my writing is in a slam, non-traditional form, so if you enjoy structure you may have a hard time with some of my poems. I've written for most of my life but wouldn't consider myself an expert nor too good for any type of writing, in fact it bothers me extremely when good writers have terrible egos. A written word is a written word, it's beauty and that's that. So please, feel free to be yourself around me, I'm not too good at anything other than doing that very thing and it illuminates me. I don't judge.

Much love, peace, sadness, happiness, laughing-ness, hardships, good trips, marijuana rips, conjoining lips, full hips to you and yours.

"She had an insect living inside her brain. She could feel it clicking across her skull, pulling the wires just for fun" - Dennis Lehane

My Reading List

Ode to a dead tramp. by CruelHandedWriter (Jamie Rhodes)
What I am. by penACTION (Bee.)
“How Can I Help You?” by Indie (Miss Indie)

Poets I Follow
