dysfunctionalheart (Mark Anthony)

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Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 25th January 2015
dysfunctionalheart joined 3664 days ago and last visited 3627 days ago
Comments 44
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Poet Introduction

Please email me a link you any poem you wish reviewed.  Simply put in the subject box "Please Review" so it gets my attention.  If you have a poem that gets views but no reviews would be happy to give it one just email me the link for

Favorite Poets/Writers

emily dickinson, cummings, robert frost, poe, w h auden, anne sexton, mary leader, jane kenyon

About Me

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Am a nobody that writes images from my mind.  Have been published and now publish ebooks only.  Do not think much of being published or my writings but have a love.hate relationship going on that seems to enjoy the torture of the process.

I have no style, no classic form...could care less about perfection or grammar.  I just like releasing my thoughts from my head so I can sleep now and then.

Am open to meeting other poets and reading theirs works, simply email me.  Am not available for a relationship, heavily involved with myself right now...healing and falling apart at the same time.

Happy writing to all and a big thank you to the Mistress of this site for doing an amazing job blending rules and ease of use into one GREAT poetry community.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Inside my head by Cyn80
Five more... by Deborahlee3313 (poetry in oceans)
Signs by Cyn80
the girl who never was by JohnFeddeler
Paper Cut by jemac

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (17)