chloebear (Jade Dragon)

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 6th May 2013
chloebear joined 4239 days ago and last visited 3946 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

New to writing poets, a former friend asked me to read one of his, so i joined this site.

About Me

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Im from South Cali, USA but moved to "sunny" Southend, UK about 3 years ago.
Im a bit nuts, Who am I kidding? I'm totally nuts! But in a fun way, I never stop, or slow down always looking for something mad to do next, from jetsking (I almost drown doing this aged 14) jumping off brigdes or other crazy extreme stuff.
I love to surf, and love the beach, the ones here are a bit rubbish really, and I soo miss going out and riding the wake. LONG Beach RULES!!!!
I also love skating, on ice or my blades, i don't care i can land a double axle on ice and a backflip on a 1/2 pipe ;)ive twisted my ankle countless times and had a concussion from my skating.
Gucci!!! I love Gucci, I go mad all the time and buy new stuff from them... Some call me "high-maintenance" because of this. But it does help with my job.
My job - I'm an escort, I love my job! I'm not here for new clients! So don't bother even asking about it...

Test... "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo" if you understand, then you're cool!  

My Reading List

gods work? by brokenlife
says it all by brokenlife
bipolar by brokenlife

Poets I Follow
