
Twisted Dreamer
1awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (53)
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Age 19
Member Since 4th November 2009
annie-lang joined 5623 days ago and last visited 4974 days ago
Comments 20
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Poet Introduction

Annie has been an amateur poet for roughly seven years, writing mainly on the world around her in remarkably cheerful or strange terms.

About Me

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Annie was a Londoner, by birth if not by nature. She left London some three years ago, and will probably return eventually, even though she doesn't much want to.

Annie has dark hair, a rare smile, an annoying laugh, very long fingers, and earphones permanently affixed to her head. Life is nothing without a soundtrack, and it may still be a sad one if you don't let yourself dance when you're happy.

Annie refers to herself in the third person because she is made up and therefore the odd one out. Unless you buy into Descartes' philosophies, in which case, she doesn't exist anyway.