
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 21st March 2014
RaverBee joined 3920 days ago and last visited 3897 days ago
Comments 20
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Im going to cop out by saying there are far too many to mention...

About Me

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Welcome to my profile. I'm kind of new to this. I find inspiration in dark poetry, specifically within human sexuality, substance use (and misuse) and pleasure/pain experiences.

I love: dancing till I drop, hot sunny days, losing my mind when the sun sets, festivals, trippy dreams, falling in love over and over again, road trips, mad missions, meeting new people, laughing till my face hurts, sweatbox warehouse raves, hotpants and fluffy boots, ZIPPY, muthapucker lip gloss, getting luv'd up, cuddles, all animals, writing lists, writing lists of lists, reading anything I can get my hands on, writing meaningless waffle and then turning it into something profound, texting till the small hours, LONG phone calls, getting deep and meaningful at raves at 3am :-), balloooons and all that jazz :-)

My Reading List

Rave by cattymagraa (beck)
Raver by MidnightXDawn (Wynter-frost)
Just Lust Darling by crimsin (Unveiling)
how could we ignore? by playwithher
You & Me by Mrembo

Poets I Follow
