PostalPoet (Andrew Durbin)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (28)
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Age 42
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 3rd May 2020
PostalPoet joined 1589 days ago and last visited 48 days ago
Comments 13
Forum Posts 5
Group Posts 2

Poet Introduction

I'm a poet and a dreamer. I have an appreciation for the dark and macabre, and I have a vivid imagination.

Favorite Poets/Writers

H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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I'm a mailman living in Aurora, Colorado.  Poetry is my absolute favorite hobby.  If it were possible, I would do it for a living.  My poet idols are H. P. Lovecraft (mostly) and Edgar Allen Poe (somewhat).  My style is mostly horror and dark, but there are times when I can show a gentler side in my poetry.  Please enjoy my work.