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edgar allan poeAbout Me
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To tell about me is like to give the ending to a story,
I stay a secret until the very end and only then is everything revealed,
at the end is when you will know the rest,
until then all i will say is
I am like a book,
not an open one of course but one sealed shut by lock and key,
only a select few holding the key.
I always say let the writing speak for you so if you wish to know more then my poems and such will help, the meanings of each are all personal to me, that is how i write, with personal feeling and emotion, figuring out the meaning is to figure out a small part of myself as well.
I stay a secret until the very end and only then is everything revealed,
at the end is when you will know the rest,
until then all i will say is
I am like a book,
not an open one of course but one sealed shut by lock and key,
only a select few holding the key.
I always say let the writing speak for you so if you wish to know more then my poems and such will help, the meanings of each are all personal to me, that is how i write, with personal feeling and emotion, figuring out the meaning is to figure out a small part of myself as well.
Strange Creature