Louise_Usher (Louise Usher)

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (7)
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Birthday 31st December
Member Since 15th August 2020
Louise_Usher joined 1662 days ago and last visited 1633 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I started as a poet, now write non fiction but occasionally a little fiction or love poem/quote comes along to call me to grab my pen. Deep feelings and emotions sometimes sit better among a poem, don't you think? Can you figure if it's my muse talking?

About Me

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Louise Usher lives in Kent, Uk with her twins and snoring shihtzu. Travelling widely to continue her writing while drawing inspiration from sandy shores, she films these trips for youtube too. All while fighting to keep her heart from turning to ice.

A recent creative writing MA has seen her realise the dream of writing about life. Her current work in progress is her own painful auto ethnography of IVF and subsequent single parent heartbreak.

As a child she always had pen to paper, writing many letters to thankful Grandparents. The passion writing about life has taken Louise on a journey. Twenty years ago she wrote two novels and decided to leave them in her bedroom. Long before the days of typing on a computer, she also won a place in a publication called the Other Side and took her poem, 'Thank you, mother nature' to print. Reflecting on her own infertility issues, this painfully written poem was a total contrast to her now humorous journals that she writes and publishes.

Often based on true stories, Louise loves to write about daily life and the ups and downs in a funny, relatable way that is easy to read. Subjects including Trying to conceive, weight loss, relationship hunting and life changing behaviours.
After discovering the Law of Attraction and how it helped her towards creating the life of her dreams, Louise published "The Basics to the Law of Attraction" to kindle and the work is currently growing with a passion.