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Poet Introduction
I have been writing poetry for about 15 years. Most of my poems express my inner feelings and emotions, and are an intimate baring of my soul, although I write some of a more humourous nature.
Favorite Poets/Writers
John Dunne, William Wordsworth, John Keats, T S Elliott, Dylan Thomas.About Me
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I was a public health scientist for forty years before my retirement, working for many years with blood borne and sexually transmitted infections. I am still a part time lecturer at Masters level on virology, public health and epidemiology.
I was introduced to poetry at a very young age by my mother, often poems that might have been thought to be too old for me, and have continued to read poetry throughout my life.
I am bipolar, so at times I feel like I am flying and thoughts and ideas flood my mind, at others I sink into a slough of despondency and self loathing, and my mood can change in an instant. Sadly, in my darkest moments I am subject to feelings of irrational jealousy and rejection.
I am in a long distance relationship with elizabethblack, who is not a poet but just a lover of poetry and my best critic.
I was introduced to poetry at a very young age by my mother, often poems that might have been thought to be too old for me, and have continued to read poetry throughout my life.
I am bipolar, so at times I feel like I am flying and thoughts and ideas flood my mind, at others I sink into a slough of despondency and self loathing, and my mood can change in an instant. Sadly, in my darkest moments I am subject to feelings of irrational jealousy and rejection.
I am in a long distance relationship with elizabethblack, who is not a poet but just a lover of poetry and my best critic.
My Reading List
Full Reading List
Two Empty Chairs
by flowergirl
Let It Be......
by flowergirl
Path To Where We Are
by flowergirl
An infinite sweetness
by SweetOblivion
Always With You
by flowergirl
Rainbow Of Luv
by flowergirl
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (9)





Twisted Dreamer