
Twisted Dreamer
1awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (54)
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Age 27
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 3rd June 2013
JustWondering joined 4128 days ago and last visited 3529 days ago
Comments 28
Forum Posts 18
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I am the artful voyeur

Favorite Poets/Writers

Seamus Heaney, Robert Frost

About Me

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I'm sixteen and i love writing. Anything really, stories, poetry, blogs... Unfortuantly i am not doing much english at school so after asking advice in one of my blogs i ended up here; which to be honest has ended up being a pretty goo decision

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Twilight in Solitude by HadesRising
Restless Souls by Hades (x.firestarter.x)
Cyanide and Frosting by serenitythepeacful (cliche)
Someone Else by Kurdt94 (Mike K.)
Small News by Atakti
Failure by bobbedford

Poets I Follow
