DisappearHere (Will Adams)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Birthday 23rd April
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 21st September 2014
DisappearHere joined 3736 days ago and last visited 3509 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Jack Gilbert, Brett Easton Ellis

About Me

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My name is William Thomas Adams, I come from an adorable town called Atlantic Beach on the east coast of Florida. Turn east from Jacksonville proper, don’t stop until you hit the water. My religion and my sexual orientation are irrelevant.

Writing and communication are two of the things I do best, though I don’t claim to be the best at them. One of those skills is a little more marketable than the other, but I hope to ease my way into a field of living that allows me to comfortable employ the two. I’m slinking into the twilight years of my mandated education and doing so without a collection of grief that is not totally debilitating. Putting an end to the easiest years of my life is particularly difficult.

This blog was originally supposed to be a platform for a fanciful poetry slam starring only me, alongside exscripts from a phantom novel that I can’t seem to find. I’m only encroaching on the fringes of adulthood, so I suppose a sappy literary career fueled by juvenile angst can be stunted in the name of creating a place where I can quilt together abstract pieces of art and contextless photography that loosely culminate into an unbridled, though not necessarily explicit look at how I think and feel.

I can never have the chance to improve myself if you do not take the chance to criticize me.