
Strange Creature
Read Poems (11)
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Member Since 14th June 2013
DecayingRadiance joined 4279 days ago and last visited 4115 days ago
Comments 13
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Poet Introduction

Hi! My name is Juliet Evans. I have been writing stories and poetry for years and am working on getting published. I welcome and encourage any comments, advice or ideas any readers have for me and I'm also be more than happy to give it out as well!

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens,

About Me

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Juliet Scarlet Evans is my name. You
can call me Scarlet or Juliet, it doesn't matter
to me. I have been writing for many many years
now and mostly focus in poetry and short stories.
I am also a musician (playing the flute, cello,
piano and a killer electric guitar), and an artist.
I write and paint every day.
My favorite weather is rain and I listen to
a wide variety of music including classical,
opera, metal, celtic, new age, and instrumental.
Mostly metal. I am very open to any comments
or advice anyone has for me and am more
than glad to give some out if wanted as well.

                                   - Yours,

Poets I Follow
