Least Read Poems About Evil
Least read poems about evil. Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.
Rock a bye...

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That Purple Blob Named Grimace
Is he a taste bud or a milkshake?
Everyone loves that happy, purple blob Grimace
He's a McDonald character that loves milk shakes
Back when he debuted in 1971, he was called Evil Grimace
Evil Grimace was sinister
A villain who would steal milkshakes from children
He was mean, had four arms and no charm at all
Children were frightened
Some children believed if they ordered a milk shake, that evil Grimace would steal it out of their hands
The 4-armed Grimace was also a coke fiend
Besides stealing milk shakes and tormenting kids,...
Everyone loves that happy, purple blob Grimace
He's a McDonald character that loves milk shakes
Back when he debuted in 1971, he was called Evil Grimace
Evil Grimace was sinister
A villain who would steal milkshakes from children
He was mean, had four arms and no charm at all
Children were frightened
Some children believed if they ordered a milk shake, that evil Grimace would steal it out of their hands
The 4-armed Grimace was also a coke fiend
Besides stealing milk shakes and tormenting kids,...
57 reads
Hellhounds nipping at my heels, will I get away? I have seen the brilliance of heaven and the shadows of hell, but neither held any allure for me. In a haze of alcohol, I made a careless toast with a stranger, promising my soul for a taste of Bukowski’s infamy. I never imagined a demon would be eavesdropping on my drunken bravado. Let me recount the tale of why I abandoned whiskey. One night, after too much of it, I fell into a deep, restless sleep. I awoke to find myself in a strange, foreboding place. A demon, unmistakably so, stood before me. My eyes focused on a grim scene: a crematorium,...
59 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Poems About Evil