A Thousand Years From Forever (Eleven)
Serenading A Dream
The Golden Palace
The Supreme King’s Royal Bedchambers
He is lying Your Majesty, I have never allowed this man to touch or smell the fragrance of my skin
I am the Queen of Scotland, and am not an adulterer, as the King speaks before this inquiry begins
Upon your mercy, spare me the shame
I would like to remain in my castle, until my King returns, his arms I need to console
Someone has professed untruths upon the remnants of my humble spirit, words are being carried away to the wind
The King’s law, has stood for uprising this nation and all sacred descendants who are or who has resided in this Kingdom
We are the fairest, when it pertains to erecting your own Kingdom, only after it has been consecrated by the will of Allah and His principles of faith, peace, and love
Our sovereign is a gateway through the Pineal Gland that takes care of its people with a divine calling bestowed from above
From the poverty-stricken, it should be humanity’s mission
It is the spiritual essence of mortals and how they will glimpse into the mirror of his or her soul and there, you will find where a person will discover the truthiness of his own his path
Either it will bring Sunshine of Darkness’ wraith
In the laws of leniency as I stand here in honor to have my name affixed to a building, our country, my country with lush lands, bellowing trees
And clean air you can inhale, and exhale, our existence is a Utopia and no wars, we uphold out meek
and a peace treaty with a pending parliament, and I do not raise taxes, or allow any Emperor or Empresses to elevate taxes on the impoverished backs of its own country in the name of freedom or denied liberties
This Queen is not guilty of such frivolous lies
To be sentenced in exile by such wicked in the townsfolk's eyes
If my King was present
He will hunt for the man’s head, who denounced idolatry upon the Supreme King’s castle, his royal subjects, his laws would have been swift in its relent
Sephora, the Queen of Scotland, The Royal Council and all its governing bodies have found you to be accused of adultery, an act of treason an act against the King's throne by the oath of the Roman Catholic his insignia ring
How and I would like to discuss this final ruling with my King
I am his Queen
Yes, who would be stricken from the noble books
From any historian’s eyes’ once they take a look
Royal Guards escort the Queen of Scotland to the Hightower and prepare for her journey, on her departure, make sure she writes a letter to the King of her confession
I beg your pardon, I will do not such to incriminate myself, in the mouths of this parliament future progression
Your Chancellor, what should we tell the King of his beloved who will be absent from his sheets
Simply she was a cheat
Come, and follow me my Queen
Your Day of Judgement has been rendered, as it may seem
As the rising the Sun
You will not be allowed your dowry to remain standing just as one
There will be a Royal Release the news of the Queen’s abandonment will keep the tongues circulating within the walls of this Kingdom and to the power that be
The Kingdom will be managed with the theology of thee
You're all making a terrible mistake
Guards take the exiled Queen away
Wait… what is to become of my King
He will hear of your treason, my Queen
The Waterloo
Below Sea Level
The Dragon Kingdom
My Sire, no one has seen this woman who was birthed into Waterloo
The King, Our Lord is holding a vigil at her bedside, his heart is in pursuit
And the myth of this so called rose
The connection to a voice from so long ago
Whatever became of this fair maiden, my Sire
She was a love upon a moon, a forbidden chance encounter in the moonlight
A time when her King was away, and her sheets, were cold and I was her midnight fire
This woman
Watch your mouth, or I will slice it
Pardon, my tongue that has unfortunately slipped
She was my dream Queen, a peek here and there, I was feeling the proximity of her mind
In passing her scent became a drug, it was like getting intoxicated, her fragrance was my wine
Her grace, the way she moved, she moved me
And I will slay any other Dragon, or, knowing if I was ever discovered lusting after the King’s true love, I would have been beheaded and my Kingdom's Royal Staff for a possible coup to overthrow the King would be subject
I let my heart rule my eyes in what I felt
Allah’s persecuted no, afterlife, but for the love of our Dragon Deity, I am here
She is here, once again I can hear her tears
I must see this woman, who the King has hidden behind his heart
When the owl is out, we will make a visit to The Golden Place, to see if my slumber holds memory, will I be denied while my shadows are louder in the dark
Do second chances come true, if she will accept the fate of my fire power
I need my Dream Queen, can she be my salvation in love's darkest hour
My Sire, you are building a war in your mind, that could rock the foundation of the Waterloo
There is a thin line between love and fate, then there is the fool
Our Supreme King mandates the welfare as our Heavenly wings unto us
It will be hot water, if she refuses to dance in my fire, in me I need her trust
My Sire, you are waging discontent with your heart and pardon my free speech, but a signature of treason
As a woman with accusations behind this reason
And a machete to your head, it will roll from your body it will depart
And that is from the Sky Creator himself you will be declared
Unfit and condemned to Hades, lost and will remain there in chaos welcomed by dark
I once heard, there was some sort of fight in the above majestic, the sacred parchments denied and forgotten upon the ancient scrolls' books, was it for the love of one heart
The absence to want to feel that person’s mist
I will get this woman, if she is indeed the Fallen Angel into the Waterloo, I know she is my dream, her lips I would love to kiss
My Sire and if she is not
Silence, I hear her heartbeats away and she lay upon his chest
Knights prepare the horses, and we will travel the night, from East to West
The Golden Palace
The Supreme King's Royal Bedchambers
Who are you, my love that I hold in my arms
A cold night the pulsate of me thrusting inside your greed
As you called out my Hebrew name to the stars, your body I kept warm
Can I whisper in your ear what would you have me to do
With a beautiful siren, with a faint beauty mark upon her right thigh who happened to fall into my Kingdom
Legs entangled to a forceful energy so silence
Tell me about the mysteries behind your moans, foreign names that sound like gibberish that has your body moving closer to mine
I feel your heat, as you convalesce in your sleep
Yet, you move like the waves crashing into my shore
A day seems like forever of missing you, a love that has no time, its forever, we ask eternity to give us more
My heart it beats for you
Tell me, my slumbering Fallen Angel did the scrolls of ancient time
Tell the world the woman in my is she the whore, and I had to go on and pretend
So merciless, to have denounced me, and my throne, with a heatless note behind my emotions became my shied
Yes, for you love I had to be strong, I learn once again how to survive on my own free will
I had to uproot my Monarchy once again
From the trickery of my Queen who brought my soul damnation, a sin
And now you ask for mercy, back to once upon a time begin
A woman whom I said I will get revenge no matter the realm, or a whisper in a faraway dream
And I hold you in my arms before your eyes are open
My law for you is already spoken
I am the Supreme King, I could have you dispose for your treason and betrayal, as my word is like a whisper, my guards will be in here and the villagers will see you as you did me, shameful and with centuries of regret
Once your body has healed, my rule upon your head will be dealt
In my arms, still fertile, I feel you in my need, your lust, still beautiful, I feel your... your… I do not feel the heartbeats of this cunning woman I have rooted in the twilight of my subconscious, far to teach, still close in my eyes, for me to reach
The Golden Palace
The Supreme King’s Royal Bedchambers
He is lying Your Majesty, I have never allowed this man to touch or smell the fragrance of my skin
I am the Queen of Scotland, and am not an adulterer, as the King speaks before this inquiry begins
Upon your mercy, spare me the shame
I would like to remain in my castle, until my King returns, his arms I need to console
Someone has professed untruths upon the remnants of my humble spirit, words are being carried away to the wind
The King’s law, has stood for uprising this nation and all sacred descendants who are or who has resided in this Kingdom
We are the fairest, when it pertains to erecting your own Kingdom, only after it has been consecrated by the will of Allah and His principles of faith, peace, and love
Our sovereign is a gateway through the Pineal Gland that takes care of its people with a divine calling bestowed from above
From the poverty-stricken, it should be humanity’s mission
It is the spiritual essence of mortals and how they will glimpse into the mirror of his or her soul and there, you will find where a person will discover the truthiness of his own his path
Either it will bring Sunshine of Darkness’ wraith
In the laws of leniency as I stand here in honor to have my name affixed to a building, our country, my country with lush lands, bellowing trees
And clean air you can inhale, and exhale, our existence is a Utopia and no wars, we uphold out meek
and a peace treaty with a pending parliament, and I do not raise taxes, or allow any Emperor or Empresses to elevate taxes on the impoverished backs of its own country in the name of freedom or denied liberties
This Queen is not guilty of such frivolous lies
To be sentenced in exile by such wicked in the townsfolk's eyes
If my King was present
He will hunt for the man’s head, who denounced idolatry upon the Supreme King’s castle, his royal subjects, his laws would have been swift in its relent
Sephora, the Queen of Scotland, The Royal Council and all its governing bodies have found you to be accused of adultery, an act of treason an act against the King's throne by the oath of the Roman Catholic his insignia ring
How and I would like to discuss this final ruling with my King
I am his Queen
Yes, who would be stricken from the noble books
From any historian’s eyes’ once they take a look
Royal Guards escort the Queen of Scotland to the Hightower and prepare for her journey, on her departure, make sure she writes a letter to the King of her confession
I beg your pardon, I will do not such to incriminate myself, in the mouths of this parliament future progression
Your Chancellor, what should we tell the King of his beloved who will be absent from his sheets
Simply she was a cheat
Come, and follow me my Queen
Your Day of Judgement has been rendered, as it may seem
As the rising the Sun
You will not be allowed your dowry to remain standing just as one
There will be a Royal Release the news of the Queen’s abandonment will keep the tongues circulating within the walls of this Kingdom and to the power that be
The Kingdom will be managed with the theology of thee
You're all making a terrible mistake
Guards take the exiled Queen away
Wait… what is to become of my King
He will hear of your treason, my Queen
The Waterloo
Below Sea Level
The Dragon Kingdom
My Sire, no one has seen this woman who was birthed into Waterloo
The King, Our Lord is holding a vigil at her bedside, his heart is in pursuit
And the myth of this so called rose
The connection to a voice from so long ago
Whatever became of this fair maiden, my Sire
She was a love upon a moon, a forbidden chance encounter in the moonlight
A time when her King was away, and her sheets, were cold and I was her midnight fire
This woman
Watch your mouth, or I will slice it
Pardon, my tongue that has unfortunately slipped
She was my dream Queen, a peek here and there, I was feeling the proximity of her mind
In passing her scent became a drug, it was like getting intoxicated, her fragrance was my wine
Her grace, the way she moved, she moved me
And I will slay any other Dragon, or, knowing if I was ever discovered lusting after the King’s true love, I would have been beheaded and my Kingdom's Royal Staff for a possible coup to overthrow the King would be subject
I let my heart rule my eyes in what I felt
Allah’s persecuted no, afterlife, but for the love of our Dragon Deity, I am here
She is here, once again I can hear her tears
I must see this woman, who the King has hidden behind his heart
When the owl is out, we will make a visit to The Golden Place, to see if my slumber holds memory, will I be denied while my shadows are louder in the dark
Do second chances come true, if she will accept the fate of my fire power
I need my Dream Queen, can she be my salvation in love's darkest hour
My Sire, you are building a war in your mind, that could rock the foundation of the Waterloo
There is a thin line between love and fate, then there is the fool
Our Supreme King mandates the welfare as our Heavenly wings unto us
It will be hot water, if she refuses to dance in my fire, in me I need her trust
My Sire, you are waging discontent with your heart and pardon my free speech, but a signature of treason
As a woman with accusations behind this reason
And a machete to your head, it will roll from your body it will depart
And that is from the Sky Creator himself you will be declared
Unfit and condemned to Hades, lost and will remain there in chaos welcomed by dark
I once heard, there was some sort of fight in the above majestic, the sacred parchments denied and forgotten upon the ancient scrolls' books, was it for the love of one heart
The absence to want to feel that person’s mist
I will get this woman, if she is indeed the Fallen Angel into the Waterloo, I know she is my dream, her lips I would love to kiss
My Sire and if she is not
Silence, I hear her heartbeats away and she lay upon his chest
Knights prepare the horses, and we will travel the night, from East to West
The Golden Palace
The Supreme King's Royal Bedchambers
Who are you, my love that I hold in my arms
A cold night the pulsate of me thrusting inside your greed
As you called out my Hebrew name to the stars, your body I kept warm
Can I whisper in your ear what would you have me to do
With a beautiful siren, with a faint beauty mark upon her right thigh who happened to fall into my Kingdom
Legs entangled to a forceful energy so silence
Tell me about the mysteries behind your moans, foreign names that sound like gibberish that has your body moving closer to mine
I feel your heat, as you convalesce in your sleep
Yet, you move like the waves crashing into my shore
A day seems like forever of missing you, a love that has no time, its forever, we ask eternity to give us more
My heart it beats for you
Tell me, my slumbering Fallen Angel did the scrolls of ancient time
Tell the world the woman in my is she the whore, and I had to go on and pretend
So merciless, to have denounced me, and my throne, with a heatless note behind my emotions became my shied
Yes, for you love I had to be strong, I learn once again how to survive on my own free will
I had to uproot my Monarchy once again
From the trickery of my Queen who brought my soul damnation, a sin
And now you ask for mercy, back to once upon a time begin
A woman whom I said I will get revenge no matter the realm, or a whisper in a faraway dream
And I hold you in my arms before your eyes are open
My law for you is already spoken
I am the Supreme King, I could have you dispose for your treason and betrayal, as my word is like a whisper, my guards will be in here and the villagers will see you as you did me, shameful and with centuries of regret
Once your body has healed, my rule upon your head will be dealt
In my arms, still fertile, I feel you in my need, your lust, still beautiful, I feel your... your… I do not feel the heartbeats of this cunning woman I have rooted in the twilight of my subconscious, far to teach, still close in my eyes, for me to reach
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