PSYCHOACTIVE HALF MOON PRAYER    (Monday, 6-10-19, 9:09pm; Palm Springs, California.)

another hot  mid june
southern california desert
summer night
i walked outside
up to my condo apartment s pool
for my nightly  two hour long
ritual  hot spa soak
just after 4 hits
off my 420 vape pen
then upon looking up
into the velvety dark
vast  deep bowl
of wide open
gaping night s sky above
i was immediately swallowed up
spellbound  enamored completely
by and with
the luminous  soft  white  milky salve
of smiling  near half moon light s
frosted  silvery bath
silently glazing it s
soft  silent  sensuous kiss
down upon me here
all over my open  receptive  living flesh
mind  body and being s full senses
then upon my stepping down
neck deep into
the 105 degrees  hydro jetted
turbulently roiling  hot waters
of this dream like  nocturnal oasis like spa
instantly surrendering to it s
flowing  tugging  turbulence s
powerfully rushing current s
strong  fluid  push and tug  tidal pull
so thoroughly relaxed
in the all encompassing
thought releasing  semi weightless
underwater  fluid mind spell
of it s magical  bubbling  swirling
form dissolving  near ecstatic
primal undercurrent s fluid flutters
upon  into and all around
my own slowly dissolving
sufficiently stoned
now molten  physical form
through which i soon enough realized
i had so quickly become
through some strange  mysterious
yet beautiful
transmutative hydro alchemy
of this spa s hot  turbulent waters
and four hits of this 420 s
mind altering  psychoactive oil
which has so suddenly now
quickened and altered
in a good way
my own body  mind
senses and being
into this even more wonderful state
of more intensely magnified
heightened sensing  feeling
perceiving and overall being
in which i feel and now am
even more expansively tuned in
to and with everything in this world
in all worlds and all things
which i also am
beyond the illusory  physical
and mental limits
of this temporal
even more illusory  3 d  physical world
which already now  has me feeling
like and as if
i have presently been transformed
to little more than
my own  slow  deep  sighing moan s
sweet  euphoric release
which i ve now become
from my complete letting go s
timelessly prolonged
near orgasmically molten
ethereal  bliss stunned sigh s release
of this singular  cosmic
i ve now become and am
at least presently here for now
sending it s blissed out
vibratory  primordial sound s
wordlessly resonant  elemental
pagan prayer out
up into this mystic  half moon s
reflective  cosmic glow s
luminous  primal stare
high up above me here
up on out  to all the stars
and to all the infinite numbers
of other unseen  further heaven s beyond
as well as to earth s
presently unseen central sun s
radiant star
whose cosmically illumined
reflective  moon mirrored  mystical light
still falls so freely  down upon me here now
to fill me up
against all previous  impervious odds
way down here on this sweet earth below
as well as transcendently on up into and beyond
all these still unseen
still unknown  infinite heavens above
where i can finally  truly let go
more fully now
of all earthly human worries  desires and concerns
so mysteriously
so wondrously
but where should i next go from here
i asked
the ineffable oneness
beyond all those unseen  unknown
vast  infinite other heavens above  
somewhere way out there
just on the other side of here
what my true life s  my true soul s
higher purpose and mission here is
then with that one brief thought s
spontaneous  experiential question
and my present  experiential
lucid awareness in mind
i came to realize even further
that there s nothing left for me
to do here now
and nowhere left to go at all
other than to simply
surrender more deeply  more fully
into more completely letting go
to sink off away into
to sink away
sink away
even further beyond
the pure  heavenly  divine
opalescent transcendence
of this glorious half moon s
soul soothing  mind healing light
back through it s beckoning portal
back into the ultimate  higher knowing
the ultimate state of awakened being
through wholly and holy
more consciously  more intimately realizing
in sheer  sustained  transcendent awe
that innermost  ultimate light
of true oneness awareness
awakened knowing
that one source  love light
of all i am
that ineffable source  love light
of all that is
here in this sacred oneness
of all in this oneness
which i too  am
which we all too
as well
of whether
we each and all
even know it
here presently now
or not
here at this most critical
most pivotal time
in all of human history
as a species
upon this our
ever wondrous
conscious  living
mother planet
home sweet home
sweet sacred

Written by OyateInyanNajin
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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