Shakespeares Love Story

This love is a caricature,
A performance for pleasure.
Endless intermissions and laughter,
Never ending ever afters.
Forever is a hyperbole that becomes a promise,
Forever ends when it’s forgotten.
A souvenir black eye,
Craving to cave to your kind.
Love was just a consummation bound by time,
An act of love in the face of a crowd was just a line.
A kiss left up to interpretation by our audience,
The kiss in the wings wasn’t of relevance.
Spotting you with a spotlight,
You’re looking right at me but not in the eyes.
You shoot the gun but I make the sound of the shot,
When they cheer they cheer for us.
I throw a rose up and you throw a rose down,
An after party to the after party after the dissipation of the crowd.
Say you love me into the microphone,
The moment it’s off I end up alone.
This love is a script and scene,
It’s real until someone says ‘and scene.’
It’s a full house tonight,
Will you love me like last time?
Call it a weird character choice,
I’ll call it a lie.
What did I do to deserve this,
Says the man who said Macbeth.
Written by Nixprty
Author's Note
Encore! Encore! Will you say it again? A final bow and last hurrah. Call a blackout or curtain, hiding until the lights come up.

(I’m technical theatre brained. This is slightly slam poetry/ song lyrics so it has a rhythm to it.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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