Image for the poem The Sacred Scrolls Of King Solomon (Part II of V)

The Sacred Scrolls Of King Solomon (Part II of V)

King Solomon’s Spiritual Coronation            
970 BCE            
As you kneel before a forging generation may my words carry you through            
In the mist of the universal affirmant, the bylaws of the spiritual oracle must be followed            
Unorthodox books shall be written, denied truth of your cavalry to the lost Books, upon darken hues, it will become a bitter pill to swallow            
To the leaned who hide in the denial of truth            
A mortal’s mind will yearn for the sweetest of the divinity as your Crown, my son shall be in pursuit            
Time does not move if you do not know thy moment of the hour            
The endurance of man’s time cannot be measured, it cannot be calculated            
To give longevity to the mind, your temple, must religiously weld its own holistic power            
As my son, your King, who I pass the rite of my spiritual staff            
Instill your sovereign with love, honor, and faith, to the meek you must lead the path to a higher ascent, you must never plant a tree root in the soil of wrath            
This day forward, you walk upright, and uproot the ideas from the elements, as they come to pass            
The water in your ruling shall be your place of sanctuary            
You bless over the midst not seen in the abyss of the affirmant, it is necessary            
The vessel that navigates through the realms, must practice cautionary            
You kneel upon the footstep of your coronation, once you uprise, ascend to your throne            
The Seal of our Heaven’s Oath, this day as my son guardianship shall be embalmed upon ruins, this will be upon my insignia      
And it is bequeathed as yours, and yours alone            
The duties as you elevate your Kingdom to relieve the burdens that tarries restful minds from sleep            
Reprisal for the man who does not have purpose in your words they seek            
Words of enlightenment to sit as it shall be written, the letters from King Solomon, your reign will be reminisced as spiritual Psalms            
As you sit upon the Head of your table, among many dialects, religion, and faith            
Wisdom and knowledge might reveal, when you are disguising, the doctrine of a great man will find ways to balance his fate                  
Your fingers dipped unto the Holy Covenant when you Christian the flesh for the passage to be spiritual of reborn            
May the air of your authority bridge hearts that are jagged and torn            
The fire in you, my son has been blessed to see you stand            
Never dispute a failed reason with self after you’ve taken a chance            
Destiny is calculated to set boundaries of living, to awaken, to put you back sleep            
It is diabolical, and privatized by manmade designs to hinder footsteps, give your voice reasoning to teach           
Live each day, and as your Father whom all praise shall chime           
You are the particles fusing through an hourglass by the sands of time                   
I have given you the gift of life, my next generation who wear this Crown, it is your duty to uproot my success, make it yours            
In the building of your temple, may it flourish, your people will honor the laws, they will still request more            
Your Crown is to always protect the head that wears superiority of his governorship            
The land from battles, armies under your engagement, must be considered always before spark flies      
If not to be found in union, then divide in the dirt of Earth, and allow the universal last kiss            
The renewal of faith, should not define man, or the will of his might            
What was born, shall always ripened to face the darkness of a set sun, only to be rebirthed in the shadow of light            
The trinity of every soul in the mirror of a universal plight            
As a Hebrew King, you are to lead Israel (Zion) with firm intentions classified by its spiritual law            
Your monarch receptive, fair, unto all            
In the engagement of war, you are to battle slay with harden claws            
The last man presiding as you shall be by the grace of the Most High remain standing tall            
I ordain you as I pass my scepter to become your own man            
Make love not war it builds alliances to strengthen lineages as your monarch will demand            
There is movement of society in the habitant of a King's animal spirit as two legs he roams, the nature of the primitive instinct must always be his simmering force          
It is the balance of his duality, each energy emerging from his loins carry the wishes, or consequences he will face from his own choice            
You must find compassion in realms where your mouth speaks what the heart at times may risk            
An earnest mortal gives, in the elements of what he receives, his action, tells of his success, or the darkness of a barren land tilled as his own sowed gift            
I give you this day, upon your Grand Rising stained on the earth as spiritual dew           
Unto the Heaven your laws shall govern over the multitude            
You shall rule under the affirmations by Yahweh to always ensue            
I, King David, give to you my Son, King Solomon, the official entitled King of Israel            
The Sacred Queen Orator          
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 27th Mar 2024
Author's Note
Solomon’s coronation took place “on Gihon,” as described in the Book of Kings I. The prophet Nathan and Tzadok HaKohen played key roles in this event.
Researchers believe that the ceremony occurred at the heart of the Spring House, over the gushing Gihon Spring.
The Ritual
Sacrifices were offered to Yahweh during the coronation.
On the next day, burnt offerings were made: one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, and one thousand lambs, along with libations and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel.
The people ate and drank before Yahweh with great joy.
Solomon, the son of David, was anointed as king for the second time, and Zadok the priest played a significant role.
Solomon sat upon the throne of Yahweh as king, succeeding his father David, and he prospered. All Israel obeyed him.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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