Spoils of war

We fought a battle fierce and long    
with so many good memories lay martyrs to hate    
as I walked over their lifeless bodies    
realizing they have been relieved of their debt
Written by PleasingDragon
Author's Note
In this poignant exploration of conflict within a relationship, the poetry delves into the aftermath of a fierce and prolonged battle. Memories, once cherished, become casualties of animosity, leaving a trail of metaphorical lifeless bodies in their wake. As the narrator reflects on the toll of hatred, the realization dawns that the combatants have been freed from the burdens that bound them. The underlying advice woven into this narrative is a timeless truth: no conflict is worth the profound impact it brings forth. It serves as a poignant reminder that the toll on relationships can be too high, urging a reconsideration of the value and consequences of engaging in prolonged discord.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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