Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 18

Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 18
Sam and Mellos growled, "I don't know about Mellos. I refuse to be a pawn in the petty war that your two groups had against each other." Fino was about to speak again through Sam when he held up his hand. "I don't want to hear it, Father. I am the sum of all that you and mother did."
The male voice spoke through Mellos, "Don't believe him, son. Your father always lied to you and all of us."
"I am not your son; I also know what my father and mother were trying to do. Please don't try to peddle your lies to me, ok? I KNOW; I see all that they both did back then. The thing is, you didn't realize they were trying to help..." Sam started.
"HELP!? In the words of that backward world you were raised in? YOU are so full of shit! I should..." Fino stated that a choking sound was heard.
Mellos grabbed Sam's arm, "Please don't, true he is my father, true he is hideous. Let me deal with him. I am far stronger than he ever was."
An unbelieving smirk came to Sam's lips as he could only stare at Mellos momentarily. Leaning forward, Sam whispered to Mellos, "We'll see, won't we, Mellos."
Mellos returned Sam's smirk with one of her own. "No, I know I am stronger. I hurt you last time; don't deny it, though you have a hard head, so are my fists."
"You will not deny me, Mellos. You will never be stronger than I am. You think that because you are over eighty percent healed, you can beat me? Dream on, daughter." Fino's voice stated from her lips.
"I've listened to you berate me all this time. I think it's time you shut the hell up!" Mellos shouted.
"How dare you! I am your father; you are a vessel of my creation. I should..." Fino started.
"Yes, you should shut the hell up. This is MY body, not yours; it might behoove you to remember that. As you stated, I am well over eighty percent healed. I am not the weak being that you became aware inside of." Mellos growled.
"You are not that strong..." Fino started again.
"God shut the hell up!" Mellos shouted again, causing the male voice to scream and grow quiet.
Sam stared at Mellos for a moment and then nodded. "So, you are stronger, though you could have been far faster than you are now. I've had control of that ability for a while now."
Mello's head snapped up to stare at Sam; her eyes narrowed, and she finally nodded. "I can see that though the way I was, I doubt seriously that you would have freely helped. Unfortunately, though I am mostly healed, I can still feel the unbalance within me. I apologize for..."
Sam stepped back as Mello's face twisted first in pain, then rage. Sighing, Sam reached out to Mellos, barely grasping her arm before it was slapped away aggressively.
"Don't you dare touch me!" Came A deeper female voice from Mellos. "You are a complete freak of nature. Nothing like the noble race that we were. She may have defeated her father. That will not be the case with me!"
Sam was about to speak when a female voice came into his mouth. "So, the true leader of the sick failed ones speaks. I am surprised you stayed in the shadows as long as you did."
Mello's head snapped up to stare at Sam. "Ah! The slave wife of Fino the mighty." The voice stated, full of contempt and loathing.
"Even with the healing, you are still so full of hatred. He never wanted you that way, Cyan, you should realize..." The female voice started.
"Realize that you were out to discredit me and the group? Yes, that I did, Tynco. I..." Cyan started bitterly.
"You never checked after you disappeared. All credit was given to you. You were more brilliant than you thought. This whole contingency was born from an idea of yours." Tynco stated.
"ENOUGH!" Sam suddenly shouted. "I will not have the four of you bickering, not when we have the remaining Tetricons trying to control everything."
A gasp rose from Mello's mouth as well as Raydy’s. Confused momentarily, Sam turned to look at Raydy; looking closer, he nodded.
Raydy’s eyes went wide, and then she bowed to Sam. "I am honored that you were able to bring us forward." A male voice stated from Raydy’s mouth.
An embarrassed Raydy nodded also. "I meant to talk to you in private. This is what I was speaking of."
Sam thought momentarily, then stated, "As you can see, all three of us are experiencing the same..." Here, Sam paused, choosing his words. "The same occurrence within each of us." Turning to Mellos, he started again. "I know to withdraw and restore. The only problem I have is the equipment, plus the fact that I don't trust your assistant."
"You don't..." Cyan's voice started.
"Enough mother I know you have a lot to say. This is still my body; I am far stronger than ever. Let me handle this. With any luck, we can all be free soon. Though you don't trust him, I now do." Mellos stated.
"I agree you are much stronger, Mellos. Know this: if I feel he is out to harm us, I will take control; I still have a few tricks you haven't discovered." Cyan's voice warned.
Finally, with all quiet, Sam looked at both females as an idea started to form.
Motioning both females to him, he reached out to both, momentarily laying a hand on their shoulders. Looking closely again at both, he nodded.
"I plan to bring all the Tetricons out into the open. I know of the seven on the I.P. council. I believe that Triot is one, especially after what I recently felt. I feel that there are more out there. Then, we have the problem of the one they call Lord Doctor." Sam stated, naming those that he knew of.
A genuine smile came to both Randy and Mello's faces. Sam then started going over his plan even as he spoke. Both females' faces held an excitement neither had known for long.
Well, Sam thought, I've got these two onboard. Now, all I have to do is talk to my few allies. Lord knows after the I.P. falls, everything is going to go to shit pretty fast.
An hour later, Drivas and Thallus’s ship arrived in orbit. Almost immediately, several alarms went off onboard their ship.
Shocked, they were both bringing up shields as fast as possible. "Can you tell what it is?" Drivas asked.
"Not as of yet, I... I have it! Bearing thirty degrees off starboard. It fits the configuration of Mellos Thymp's ship." Thallus replied, a little worried.
"Have you got a reading on Sam?" Drivas asked, a little concerned herself.
"Nothing as yet, continuing to scan the planet's surface for Sam's bio-signature,"

Thallus replied.
Drivas sighed; there wasn't much for them to do until they found him. However, a few moments later, another alarm went off.
"Uh," Thallus started, a look of confusion on her face. "I'm picking up three sets of readings that match Sam's. I'm not sure which is him. I..." Thallus tried to continue, then turned to stare at Drivas's open mouth. "One of them is Mellos Thymp!"
"Is he in trouble?" Drivas asked.
"No, not from what I am seeing. Commander? Her Geno closely matches his. I'm confused, to say the least." Thallus said, more concern appearing on her face.
"So far, Sam hasn't led us wrong; we should wait to see what he has to say," Drivas said, causing Thallus to nod her head, though not doing much to dissuade her concern.
Sam had been there for a while, outlining everything he wanted to do. Neither female noticed that he'd touch their arm every few minutes.
I hope that this works, he thought. An hour later, he felt a rift open. Looking up, he nodded that it would be Drivas and Thallus. He also needed to work on them more. They were more than halfway to being like his people. A smile crossed his lips as he thought about that—his people, well, such as they were right now, only three and another two almost there.
"I have to go; remember what I said, Raydy." Turning to Mellos, he stated, "I have to thank you for the assist. With what you've given me, I should be able to do this quicker." Sam told them.
Sam took to the air with that, leaving two more determined and focused females behind. Shooting up, Sam was surprised when he was at the ship in seconds. Phasing inside, he nodded to both females.
"We came as soon as possible, Sam. We were concerned when we saw your proximity to Mellos Thymp." Drivas said as soon as Sam was solid.
"Yes, well, I don't think we'll have many problems with her any longer. I'm sorry, but I must continue what Thantas was doing. I know it is for later, but I fear you won't be strong enough to help with a final confrontation. I do hope it keeps the both of you alive." Sam told both of them.
He looked at the both of them. It appeared that Thallus was about fifty-five or six percent changed. Drivas seemed to be at sixty to sixty-one. He could already see that Drivas's body was trying to manifest the new powers it would soon have. He needed both of them at sixty-five percent or higher to survive. Unfortunately, that would take more time than he felt he had.
"I am ready, sir," Thallus stated. "If doing this, we can somehow help Thantas, please go as far as you can. You told us that the higher we get, the more dangerous it will be. Sir, I don't care; I want to help her."
Sighing, Sam nodded as Thallus lay down. Sam started rearranging the edge of where he'd stopped on her Geno. At first, she bravely lay there, not making a sound, until Sam hit sixty percent complete. Then he tried to push her higher as she steadily advanced to sixty-one, two, three, then four percent. Issuing a scream, Thallus passed out, immediately making Sam stop.
Concerned, Sam looked her over, breathing a sigh of relief. He saw that he'd pushed her pretty hard. Then again, having waited as long as they had, her body was more muscular than they had thought.
Walking to Drivas, Sam told her, "I was afraid I had pushed her too far. It appears the time you had getting here, plus the longer time you had 'til I could do this, strengthened her. It appears that she will recover faster. I dare say that she is as strong as you right now. I'll work on you when she has regained enough strength."
"Thank you, Sam. I know that Thantas said that this would help us. It would make us stronger if she were forced to destroy us." Drivas stated.
Sam's head snapped up at this, so that was why she had started this. Narrowing his eyes a moment, Sam then turned to Drivas. "I need to 'talk' to Thantas for a moment." When Drivas nodded, Sam concentrated.
So, you just decided to change them without asking them. I had thought far better of you, Thantas. Sam's thoughts reached out to Thantas.
A startled Thantas replied, and they said they would do anything to help and make things right. It was an extreme desire within them. I had thought that."
You are changing their Geno to what we are. Did you think that they might want to remain what race they are? They are close to halfway; I can still revert them.

Sam's thoughts angrily replied.
NO! If you do, I will have no choice when I am ordered to destroy them. They, in turn, will not survive. I. Thantas stated.
We must inform them; if not, I must make them what they were. The problem is, right now, Thallus is still unconscious. Sam's thoughts berated her. I'll make sure to reach out to you when she's with us again.
As you wish, Sam, please take care. I have felt Triot's power increase intensely.

He has surpassed all the council, making him far more dangerous.  

Thantas warned.
Sam nodded as he thought about this, so Triot has managed to increase. Thantas was right; that made him far more dangerous. Then again, Sam thought with a smile, could his body keep up with the increases?
Reaching out, Sam could feel Triot with all the increases he'd made. ‘Not bad,’ Sam thought, ‘though nothing compared to him nor the one he'd faced before.’

‘Strange,’ Sam thought, though not unexpected, ‘Triot was starting to feel almost the same as the councilors.’ Nodding his head, he guessed he'd been right. Triot was feeling increasingly like the same race as the councilor's.
Smiling, Sam decided to press a little more. Hey, asshole! All this power, and you don't expect the others not to feel it? You are more stupid than I at first thought. Plus, the fact that you aren't even trying to hide it? Tsk, tsk, rather sloppy for one as thoughtful as you. Sam's taunting thoughts started to Triot.
Ha! So, you know, what is your weak, pathetic ass going to do about it? I am far too well protected for you to... gasp. You have returned Triot's thoughts.
Weak? Pathetic? No, I think that you are describing yourself. Sam smiled as he 'saw' that Triot was struggling to move. Perhaps I could end this now with him, Sam thought; pushing harder, he saw that a trickle of blood was flowing down Triot's face.
You... will... not... defeat... me! Triot's thoughts struggled to get out, and then Triot's hand fell on a shield activation lever.
Sam pushed even more challenging as he felt the shield slam down, blocking him. Onboard the station, Triot was panting, a vast pain growing under the thin helmet.

It was then that he noticed the small pool of blood that was on the deck.
Slowly, Triot tried to stand, though the wave of nausea and dizziness had him back in the chair he'd been in. Looking in a mirror, he removed the helmet, seeing that his head was indeed bleeding.
He was cursing as another wave of nausea passed over him, making him lose the contents of his stomach. This was the last time he would ever be defeated that easily. He'd either go up to the level of the lord Doctor, or he'd die in the process.
Sitting back, he cursed again as he thought all the nutrients he needed were in his quarters. Damn it! As weak as he was, it would be hours before he could move.
Sam smiled as he felt Triot lose consciousness. It was just as he thought; Triot's body was not ready to handle the new levels. Then again, it might take less time, too, Sam thought. His own body had adapted rapidly, and Triot's might also.
Thantas breathed a sigh of relief when she felt Triot lose consciousness. For now, they had a chance to get more things done. Reaching out, she was amazed when she felt Thallus was now at sixty-four percent. Then she looked at Drivas, not only seeing her at sixty-one percent, but several powers she'd not had before were starting to manifest.
The biggest shock, though, came when she looked at Sam. Excellent, she thought. He is far beyond where I am, even with all the machines they have hooked up to her. Then she looked harder, almost seeing three instead of one life force in Sam. Looking harder, nearly everything with Sam suddenly seemed to shut down.
What in the world was going on? This reminded her of the rumors she'd heard right before being captured. Then, what Sam showed her, it appeared that the scientists had been working overtime. Still, in the end, she should have been kept in the loop. She had been the leader of the scientific community. Were they that afraid, paranoid? She didn't know if Sam was from her world; she needed to find out.
Seven males were starting to meld their minds together in the IP home world.

Finally, the Lord Doctor thought they agreed. Now, if I could keep them there, he was hoping though that it wasn't too late, Sam had indeed grown far more powerful.
"What is the status of the meld?" The Lord Doctor questioned.
"All appears to be at seventy percent. They are increasing faster as we speak.

Their power will be unparalleled by none but you." The emotionless tech told him.
The Lord Doctor thought I might not mind wiping this one later. Reaching, the older male nodded; this was nothing except the duty to them in his mind. Well, what little of the personality had been retained?
The Lord Doctor was about to turn away when he felt the tug of a powerful mind. A mind far more powerful than he'd felt in a long time.  

Erecting a mind shield, the Lord Doctor was shocked when he was slammed against the wall.
Hello, you piece of worthless crap! A voice echoed in his head. I told you that I wasn't as weak as you thought.
Indeed! You will find that I am not either! The Doctor's thoughts returned. You will have a more challenging time than last. Then he started to push back against the force holding him pinned.
Ah! So, you have also increased good. The next time, you and I will not tie. I will make sure that your kind will never darken the universe again.  

The voice sounded loud in the Lord Doctor's mind. Then suddenly, it was gone with no trace of it at all.
Reaching out, the lord Doctor was even more amazed when he felt no energy from the mind. A slight trembling came to his body as he thought those thoughts. Those thoughts felt like those there five centuries ago when his mate disappeared. It wasn't possible he knew that Clive Stone was destroyed. The Lord Doctor had touched him on the planet when it cracked open.
A slight look of terror came to his eyes. They were in real trouble if even one of the original Clive Stones was alive.
The floor caught the falling Lord Doctor, who then left the building to confirm if his suspicions were correct. He hoped they were; if not, they might not have a chance even with the seven joined.
Triot awoke only a few hours after he'd finished. Though weak, he knew he had to go back to increase. This time, though, he thought with a smile, I'll take what I need. Suddenly, Triot felt the melding of the council’s minds. Shit, he thought, finally get up to where I've been trying to get to, then this shit happens.
Shaking his head, he wasn't sure if the shielding would hide him. Against a few of them, yes, though the combined seven? No, he wasn't that strong, not yet, anyway.
Going as fast as he could to the room, he hoped he had enough to survive.
Sam looked over the machine that he'd built. "I just hope it can do all that he and she said it could," Sam told Queen Triada.
"It is your people's technology, Sam," Triada stated.
"A people that, up 'til a few of the periods of the planet I was raised on, I did not know," Sam replied. "Then I find out this grand scheme that they all had, well, the smartest among them."
Triada nodded; she felt for Sam. It seemed that all were trying to use him to some end. "I have to ask for your forgiveness for what I did, Sam. I was desperate to protect all of our Triad. Plus, thanks to you, all my young are far healthier than I thought."
"Though I know why you did it, I was initially slightly angry. You didn't realize, nor did I at the time, that this opened me more. I am far more powerful than I would have been doing what I had been. Nor would I have even half the knowledge that I have now." Sam explained.
It had been a busy two days; Sam was still worried about Drivas and Thallus. The last he'd felt, Drivas was at seventy-four now, with Thallus a close sixty-nine. Then, there was the fact that Drivas could now float.
Shaking his head, he could still see the broad smiles on the female's faces when he and Thantas had explained what was happening to them, what they were doing. Then the fact that Drivas stated, "We said we'd do anything, including this. If being like you is punishment, so be it,"
That had been a surprise, for sure. Sam just hoped that everything he'd done with the machine was right. A slight hissing sound could be heard momentarily, and the machine opened. A naked female was reclined against the padding inside.
"Hello, mother. Are you feeling like your old self again?" Sam asked the tall, pale woman, who stared at him momentarily.
"Not sure, Sam? Is it? Might take a while before I can say." The female stated.
To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
Published | Edited 23rd Dec 2023
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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