Image for the poem Bastet (The High Priestess)

Bastet (The High Priestess)

I wrote this as a self-serenade to my presence where I stand, from my pilgrimage I now softly walk. Henceforth, it feels too good to uphold my own torch in life, to allow detractions to veer me off course.                
I bow to the Heavens as I reap the universal from my divine rewards, and being humble in my existence, to give a silent prayer from the distance it has taken for heart, mind, and the soul to evolve, in the admission of how far I have progressed.                                   
The element of surprise in regards of stepping away from the true identity of oneself, got me pondering more than I should have.      
I had to assess and delve deeper to the meaning of such powerful words. Therefore, in the gist of examining all possibilities, I am perplexed to ask of, can a person really step away from themselves and still hold the highest esteem about themselves or how they perceive the world and remain non-bias of the inhabitants who reside.                      
Can the hemispheres of the brain be formulated to act one way as the world perceives your presence as we think or interact another way.
I say that without the morality of giving credence to the ID, The Ego or the SuperEgo                                  
They are three concepts used to explain the way the human mind works.                      
It is very much impossible, and to alter the way we think while not deserting the sense of our integrity.                                  
As individuals from conception. we are genetically coded by birth with chromosomes and DNA to determine the attributes that make us who we are, and how we see ourselves.        
There is never a right way to determines anyone’s mindset when it determine its value our self-worth.                                 
I have encountered many intellects over the course of years, and now in my professional walk of life.        
Fragile minds that could thrive, to function within the realm of society, but somehow cannot grasp the fact. The mirror is only the reflection for who stand in full view, it should never be a substitute to forgo the compass of the concealed soul.                                            
Let me clarify that statement in more philosophical terms. When we look at others, of course we will like them to accept us as is, feel the pulsate of our heart, our strength, see an honor in our imperfections.                      
This is what blankets the eyes when we are unsighted to our own potential to a benign acceptance of self.                             
Self-sabotage is a proverbial coping mechanism when we refuse to place one foot in front of the other as we move through this journey, we call a lifespan.                      
In the detrimental stage of the mind, it is when the chemical imbalance of our thinking pattern tends to breakdown, when we do not see the beautiful capabilities within the sanctuary of our skin, denial of how our presence perceives imperfections as an ability to learn to accept ourselves first.      
The poignancy in demoting the quality is another means which sets us up to fail.                      
Within that declaration, I have unfortunately seen many who have succumbed to that misfortune when determining their self is lacking its own worth.                      
It becomes frightening when we are the judge and the jury, advocating prejudices we think matters to others, instead of uplifting, them embracing them, therefore, may we not become a hindrance to our individuality, but a beckon of inspiration to others.                      
Condemning one’s existence for validation or when we devoid the spirit of harmonic perception. Destruction found in the absence of a good sense of judgement begins to rule common sense.                      
That mind supremacy only hinders the progression of exalting us to the greater good of loving self; it also befalls the ideology of depression, the onset of anxiety, and self-demise giving into the reality of failure to thrive, impeding mental growth.                                      
Looking to others to give our mind peace, which is already found within is, we must tap deeper to gain that wonderful insight of self.        
You are you and no one ese could be you, always remember that in life, it takes you far, in bringing into play that old adage into light, the grass is greener on the other side, it is a false mental illusion, to think your life is any less than someone’s else.                                         
Who gives anyone the right to live by the standards of others, making excuses for yourself in the eyes of others? I never understood that psychological standpoint.                                        
Asking society to accept you as you wish them to see you, as I see myself is, as you see not.                      
To adopt that belief is a ludicrous notion to me. You are the fruit of your own labor, or you can be the demise you sow of self and in its consequential relations you shall reap.                                    
No one is without imperfections; it is within the scope of surviving and learning to love self, whereas you nurture those flaws as part of your uniqueness.      
For the ones who makes pardons to project self-hatred or become skeptical in uplifting their ability to maintain peace and pamper their mind in a productive manner, his or her presence is destined to fail; he/she becomes the scapegoat and the catalyst for others to condemn.                      
In such a diverse world. You must stand on your principles and hopefully, you learn from YOUR mistakes to accept the truth about yourself, subsequently, in that discovery process, may you realize you are beautiful and of worth.                
Love yourself as above and lead thyself not into temptation below.                
Assalam Alaikum                
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
Bastet is the Egyptian Goddess of the sun.

The High Priestess represents intuition, sacred knowledge, and the subconscious mind. The card depicts a woman sitting in front of a veil decorated with pomegranates, which represents the separate conscious and subconscious realms, the seen and the unseen, and serves to keep casual onlookers out. Only the initiated may enter.

The pomegranates behind the veil are a symbol of abundance, fertility, and the divine feminine, and are sacred to Persephone who ate a pomegranate seed in the underworld and was forced to return every year. On either side of The High Priestess two pillars, marking the entrance to this sacred, mystical temple (also associated with the Temple of Solomon) Major Arcana (11-22-23-SKC)

Grand Rising Everyone,
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