
Outsider's Comfort
- Outsider's Comfort -
It was oft uncommon for those who attempted to steer the course of human events on various worlds, to seek to draw attention to themselves. More oft than not, the wisest course was to remain hidden or in a guise that was something other than what they truly were. By steer, what was meant was to observe... but not to interfere with events unless absolutely necessary... and to give a gentle nudge here and there, as was needful, to get things progressing in the right direction. Sometimes, the best disguise was that of a seer or a mystic, a prophet or a teacher. Someone who would be listened to, but never desirable was it to be someone of great fame, lest that fame bring too much attention unto the outsider. Oft, the price of fame could mean that the outsider's cover could be in danger of being blown... and that could mean no small degree of disaster and the potential risk of their true mission being discovered. That could alter in too great a degree the natural course of events on a given world. And bring down the wrath of the ones who employ these outsiders to begin with. Something that was never a desirable outcome whatsoever! Such thoughts were racing through the mind of the outsider named Akora as she looked about her... a sense of urgency making her mindful that the process that brought her hither had been a jarring one, to put it mildly. The chamber was naturally not familiar to her, not a place she had ever so much as heard of prior. This was always how it was when they dropped you off without a briefing! She hated missions such as these. There was a large elegant bed in one corner, with four great posts holding up a decidedly royal looking canopy. At the foot of the bed was an ornate chest with strange, unfamiliar designs etched upon its' surface. The chamber's windows were all glass, with curtains hanging, which was always sure to be a good sign that at least the world was not an overtly primitive one. That was one small comfort at least! It was sunny out, and judging by the trees outside it was early summertime. Another blessing, for it was never desirable to arrive on an unknown world without a briefing in the middle of winter. Nearby were racks that had weapons upon them, and a closet filled with clothing. The weapons were swords, a spear, and an ax. All of ornate and well crafted designs that were fit for nobility. The clothing was all of elegant craftsmanship as well, and the whole chamber seemed fit for royalty. “Well, someone at least it seems spared no expense, when it comes to making this trip an interesting one! I guess I'm supposed to be a noblewoman here.” she remarked quietly, to herself, making certain her voice did not carry too far. She hoped that she would understand the local language or that it would be at least equivalent to one of those from her own world that she was at least passingly familiar with. Otherwise, things could get very awkward very fast. She had been in situations like that before, and they always ended up with her at last needing to be extracted from the assigned world before things could go too wrong for all concerned. As she looked about, she noticed a manual upon the bed. She took it in her hands and began to read it. This was her briefing! Thankfully. It was... brief... and to the point. Once she memorized its' contents she did throw the manual into the nearby fireplace to burn it, just to make certain that nobody would be able to discover her true purpose here. There was a mirror next to the closet, so at least she could check on her appearance and make certain she would blend in well enough with the people of this world to not cause too much of a stir when walking about. She took a look out one of the windows. “Well well, that's quite the mix of styles people are wearing out there, not quite modern but not quite medieval exactly. This is an odd world, that much is certain!” she thought to herself. “Well, when in Rome as they say...” she did muse, adding: “Do as you must.” She then took a look at herself, in the mirror. She was a very tall lady! Six feet in height, with well tanned skin, burgundy colored hair, green eyes, and a sturdy stocky build to her body. Her face was pretty, though she never had won any beauty contests on any world. She had full lips, big expressive looking eyes, a broad nose and a rounded face to match her big boned frame. At the moment, her hair was in a shoulder-length bob cut style. Or pageboy style, as some called it. Thankfully this was a hairstyle that would be common on a world such as this one! She had big breasts, wide hips, but was hardly of model physique. She was wearing the plain white gown all new arrivals were given.
The gown was sleeveless, long and flowing, all the way to her ankles... and was not belted or girdled at her waist. She was barefoot, and she already knew she had no undergarments on. This gown was the natural choice for basic covering for new arrivals since no matter what kind of world you could end up on, there was sure to be at least one culture in every world in every possible time period that had a kind of gown like this. No matter where you'd appear, or when, or how, you'd be able to fit in reasonably on at least a basic level. The lack of undergarments was an annoyance but it made sense since it was best to make use of what undergarments were prevalent locally... so as not to create a walking anachronism out of oneself. The first thing Akora did was search the nearby dresser's drawers for undergarments in order to rectify the situation immediately. She withdrew a pair of bloomer shorts and regarded them as she prepared to put them on. “Why am I not surprised it would be bloomers? Well, at least these are not those awful kinds that have no crotch to them! They're all white though... at least pink or blue would be a refreshing change, but on these worlds in these sorts of time periods it always seems to be white.” she thought to herself as she put them on. There were bras as well in the dresser, so she removed her gown and put one on, making certain first that it was in her size. “How modern!” she thought, amused. Then, she walked over to the closet to have a better look at its' contents. She picked out an outfit that was a bit of a good fit for her own personal fashion sense. A pair of long billowing pantaloons in the harem pants style that tied at the waist and ankles with drawstring. Once they were on her, she noticed they draped in an elegant manner and felt comfortable to wear. These were purple in color, so they went well given her hair was burgundy. To go with those, she chose a midriff blouse with puffy elbow-length sleeves. It laced up in the front and had a wide neck area to it. It was a deep maroon color, but went perfectly with the deep purple shade of the pants. For her feet she picked out a pair of soft leather shoes, black in color and before putting those on she made sure to first put on a pair of ankle socks she found in another one of the dresser drawers. The socks came in all colors, so she picked black to go with the shoes. There did seem to be a decent assortment of jewelry in the jewelry box on top of the dresser, and out of it she had chosen a purple pearl necklace, a blood red beaded bracelet to put on her left wrist, and a for her ears a pair of ruby stud earrings that looked quite good and were totally her style. She took another look at her body in the mirror, and remarked aloud, but quietly: “Well, at least I will look my best for this mission! So glad this world isn't still in the stone age, or something like that. I always prefer to pass on those.” In due course, she looked about for any books or other reading materials to get an idea of the language. It was vital to make certain that would not be an issue. She found a small bookshelf in a corner and had a look through the books. Surprisingly, they were all in English! “What a relief! English.” she exclaimed out loud, and this time she was not quiet, nor did she need to be. That at least would mean there would be no language barrier to work out. There was a knock on the chamber door, so she went over to it and opened the door. A short, skinny servant man stood there wearing a richly embroidered tunic and a pair of tight leggings beneath it. He was somewhat rat-faced, to be kind about how ugly his appearance was. But his manners were impeccable. He bowed deeply, stood back up sharply, and then asked Akora in a kind and considerate tone of voice: “Milady! I did hear you cry out a moment ago. Is anything amiss? If there is anything I can get you, you have only to command me and...” Akora interrupted him right there and said with a hasty manner: “No, no, everything is just fine good sir! Um... what color is my hair? I... I jut want to make sure your powers of observation are as they should be.” to which the man said with a slight chuckle: “Burgundy, milady. What other color should it be?” The woman chuckled herself, as she said in a jesting tone of voice: “I was but teasing you, sir! You may be about your duties now.” and that made certain that the servant would pester her no further. It also told her something, about him. He was in on her mission and a fellow outsider such as herself. Likely sent ahead to prepare a cover identity for her in advance just to make things go that much easier. Realizing that, she walked out of the chamber to begin exploring the place to which he had been sent. At least things were off to a quite reasonable start.
After leaving the manor house, for that was the type of place Akora had arrived at, she began to look about the scene before her. The house lay at the end of a winding stone-paved road that ran towards the distant large town that could be seen a good ways off. The architecture in the town appeared to be quite on the Gothic side, with tall spires and ornate facades, all of which gave the place a somewhat brooding atmosphere. All around the manor house was a small village bustling with people, and the architecture of the village was rather a varied sort. Stone and brick foundations, stucco walls, and tiled roofs being the most prevalent style the houses came in. There were other styles, but they did not stand out as much to Akora in comparison. She had grabbed her purse before heading out, it was a totally modern leather women's purse, the kind with the strap you sling over your shoulder. For a world with so many aspects of ages past, there were a lot of surprisingly modern-era elements to this one. Akora like that about it a great deal! She decided that since it was a nice day out, she would walk to town. No one tried to tell her not to, or insist on an escort, so she assumed she had leave to come and go as she pleased. Which was a good sign that things were peaceful here, and that there was no immediate danger to be considered. The road to the town went on for a ways, but within a good twenty minutes she was there. The town was an open community with no outer walls encircling it, no gates to pass through, and surprisingly no guards. Just some local militiamen who were pretty much the police hereabouts. Ironically, they even looked a lot like policemen with their long dark blue tunics, baggy lighter blue trousers tucked into sturdy leather boots, and their conical metal helmets that almost looked like a bobby's hat only more medieval. For the most part, they carried sturdy looking clubs and gave stern glances to all whom they passed by. Some it seemed were polite, however, for at least one said to her: “Milady!” and tipped his helmet in the way as might a proper English gentleman tip his hat to a lady out of respect. She always nodded back and gave a pleasant smile, as was to be expected. There were fancy looking horse-drawn carriages clattering their way down some of the town's streets, although it appeared that most people walked here. There were no modern vehicles to watch out for, and everything felt slightly quaint in a charming sort of way. This all had a fairy tale feel to it, which disturbed Akora somewhat. It was always these idyllic looking places, that posed the most danger. Behind the smiles of seemingly contented people, there was sometimes the worst sorts of pains, artfully hidden in the name of keeping up appearances. She made her way, being of a careful mind to avoid any seedy looking alleys or troublesome looking streets, to the town center and that is where she realized... just how much this was not a fairy tale. The town center itself was a circular wide open area with cobbled paving stones. On one end of the center was the town's tallest cathedral, or temple, or whatever the structure was with its' high domed roof, countless tall spires, towers, minarets... and outbuildings. It may as well have been a palace, but the religious-looking statues that decorated a good many of the outside walls of the building told her by instinct that it was a place of worship. Upon the other end of the town center was a mighty looking castle-like structure that had to be the town hall. Nearby was a courthouse, and the headquarters for the town militiamen. Apparently, in this town all of the most important buildings were in the center. Not all that surprising... though hardly always the way. But none of that disturbed Akora. What truly did disturb her was the tree in the center of a small park in the precise center of the town center. Skeletons, decayed bodies, and skulls were hung from many of the tree's branches. Some of the bodies were more fresh, and there were pools of blood on the dirt and in the grass beneath the tree, along with bones and other body parts that had fallen from the dead forms of the hung bodies above. Crows picked at some of the hung bodies, and rats had at the parts they were lucky enough to get at upon the ground. So this was how they enacted justice here! It was always hard for Akora to believe just how uncivilized some of these more civilized worlds could sometimes be. “I was waiting for the big gotcha. Well? Gotcha!” she muttered to herself despairingly. She hated morbid, dark, depressing places like this. When she saw bodies being thrown down a pit, not far from the tree... she realized there was likely a mass grave for the condemned down there. There was always a dark side.
She made haste out of the town center as fast as she could, and barely was able to disguise the look of disgust that was playing about her face. She tried to remember and focus upon her mission! Now that it had been that she located the town center... they could have warned her about that in the manual... all as was needful for her to do was to locate a certain brothel. It was in a rather wealthy part of town, and had the look of being the type of place that catered only to rich clients. That usually meant that the types of kinky fantasies indulged in there, were probably some of the most depraved and forbidden. Say all that you could about most regular sorts of brothels, but if you went to them what you saw was what you got. There were no dark, twisted hidden “specialties” that perverted rich boys could partake of for an always unstated price. But at these “finer” establishments, you never knew what might be going on that no one talked about. Akora entered the building and felt as if she had entered an expensive restaurant. No sign was outside, but the symbol of a pink rose was etched upon a wooden sign hung above the door. Subtle. Very subtle, a vagina reference! May as well have been a beaver. Oh hell, this place actually was on the inside a functioning restaurant... that was apparently the brothel's legitimate business cover. This was so well thought out, that there had to be organized crime involved somehow. This kind of operation was a bit too neat for local criminals to be running on their own. “Madame! Can we help you? We have many dishes here, some rarer than others, and even certain things you will not find on the menu. So, if you're hungry or thirsty for something particular, you need only ask.” Akora turned to regard the man who so spoke to her, and saw a short fat balding older man standing behind a counter. Behind him... was a shelf lined with bottles of various beverages, and there were waitresses hurrying about taking orders between the kitchen around the corner from the counter and the various tables and booths at which people sat to dine. The man wore a long dark green robe, had jeweled rings on several of his fingers, and had overall the appearance and voice of a man who was trying to appear refined but who was really quite low class. He had dark eyes, a smile that showed he was more used to less pleasant expressions, and blotchy skin. Akora walked over to the counter, put her elbows on it, and leaned her head on her hands. Being as tall as she was, the gesture was more awkward looking than she had intended for it to come across as being. “Yes! Actually, good sir, I would like...” she began, but then she felt a hand grab her buttocks in a way that nearly ended with the hand feeling her up. “One moment!” she said, and then spun around with her face in a rage. It was a man about a head shorter than her with long black hair, well plucked eyebrows, an immaculately trimmed mustache, and a foppish demeanor. He wore a pair of loose baggy red pants that were tucked into ankle-length black boots... and he wore a silk gold blouse with billowing sleeves that was tucked into his pants. The blouse was low cut revealing the man's hairy chest. “Hold on, lady! I meant it only as a compliment... such a nice, big ass like that. How much do you go for? I can pay for a whole night, but I'd spring for a weekend with a hot bitch like you.” The sick part was, he likely thought he was being charming. Akora was not a weak woman, by any means. She wasn't strong either, but she was hardly incapable of defending herself... when push came to shove. It felt most, like he had grabbed her using his right hand... this wasn't the first time in her life a man had done that to her... so she seized his right wrist in her own hand and squeezed it extremely hard, digging her fingernails as deep into his skin as she possibly could. She was also right handed. The man cried out in pain, clearly unused to this sort of outcome to these sorts of situations. He screamed: “Oh fuck! Fuck, you're fucking really hurting me bitch! What the bloody hell is wrong with you? I want to see the damn madame! Somebody call the fucking madame. This crazy slut's trying to bleed me.” The man behind the counter so said: “Just take it outside, the two of you... okay?” and Akora yanked the man's arm and practically dragged him out the door of the brothel. She slammed him into a nearby wall, nearly knocking his breath out of him as she did so. “So, you like big women, little man?” she hissed in a mocking tone of voice, adding: “Tell me, did your hand like what it found when you grabbed me?” The man laughed through his pain and said in a slimy sort of tone: “Okay... I did, actually! I like me a bitch, with something extra between her legs.”
She had fully functioning male genitalia and no external female genitalia despite the fact that she was in every other visible way totally female in appearance. The man's hand had found her balls, when most clearly it had gone looking for some pussy to squeeze. Akora explained to him: “Guess what, scum... I don't work here! I am a noblewoman, actually. Same as you... you're too dainty not to be.” The man was still as rude as ever as he chuckled and retorted: “And you're not dainty enough, to be a woman! Look... I've changed my mind about you, okay? Sorry I grabbed you... I thought you were a woman! Turns out I was mistaken... you're a man with big tits and a nice ass that I'd still love to fuck the hell out of.” What made all of this even more vile is that this man was clearly, obviously, a member of this town's wealthy upper class. But he was the worst sort of nobleman! Rude, entitled, and under the horrid assumption his money could buy him anything... or anyone... he wanted. Akora spat in the man's face and said angrily: “Sorry little man, but I don't give my ass out for free! Maybe you'd like it if I fucked yours? You did say that you liked a woman with something extra! Hmm?” She wasn't actually going to do it, but he had no way of knowing that. The man grinned perversely and said: “Oh, baby! Do your worst... good to know I got you going so much. Not my first time taking it in the back door.” She spat in his face a second time, and yelled: “Sorry, you're not my type! Weasel.” He was laughing when she twisted his arm and turned him around, bending him over. He muttered: “Oh, hey, wait a moment here! You just said that I am not your type... what are you going to do to me if you aren't going to fuck me?” Then, she smashed his skull into the wall repeatedly, until he screamed and shrieked in pain. If she let him live, his family would be the type to seek revenge... if she killed him out in the open, she could end up arrested. She took him on down a dark alley that ran between the brothel and the streets that led back to the town center, keeping his head in a headlock and her hand around his mouth so it would muffle his screams. Luckily, none of the town militiamen spotted either of them. She spotted a nearly sewer grate... it would have to do. She went from holding him in a headlock to holding his right arm behind his back in a way that made it so she could easily break his arm if she wished to. His wrist was covered in blood from her nails, and his face was covered in blood from the way in which his head met that wall. Akora then forced the man to his stomach and with her free hand pushed his head down unto the sewer grate. She intended to kill him now. He was screaming, but in an alley like this one no one was going to be exactly rushing to check it out even in broad daylight... plus, by day, with all the noise of the town all around and about... it would serve to further drown out the man's cries. She broke his arm then, ensuring he would not be able to use his arms in an effort to get back unto his feet. Then... she let go of his arm and left him whimpering like the pathetic dog that he truly was. She had to finish him, this instant... before he could become too loud after all! So, she stood up, towering above him, and stomped down hard on the man's head again... and again... breaking his teeth, which clattered out of his mouth whilst Akora stomped the man's head until he was quite dead. She checked his pulse just to make certain. His screams had reached a fever pitch at the end, but by some miracle still no one noticed what was going on! They were near a brothel that was likely owned by organized crime... if anything the militiamen were paid to look the other way here and the locals would be too terrified to rat out any crime in the area. This was the perfect place for murder! By the smell, the man had clearly soiled himself, before dying... which made his next destination ideal. Akora kicked the body aside, threw open the sewer grate, and then kicked the body down it. She heard it splash into what was likely the filth below. Filth to filth then! And then, she closed the sewer grate. No more problems for anyone from that wretch. Akora's purse was nearby, where she had left it prior to committing the murder, and she withdrew from it a pocket mirror which she used to make sure that she had no blood from that man on herself. She was clean, the only blood was on the shoe she had used to smash the man's head into the metal grate. She took out a small cloth, and a bottle of cleaning fluid... and used that to easily get the blood off of the shoe. It took the whole bottle and the cloth was saturated in blood afterward, so she threw the bottle and the cloth down into the sewer. She put her mirror away.
Wearing her purse once more, she hurried on back to the brothel and so tried her best to put the whole disgusting incident out of her mind. She hated killing people, but sometimes, there really was not given any other choice. “I could have just ignored what he did and went back to my business... the man was a product of his times, of his failed upbringing. I judged him by standards that don't apply on this world. I killed him because of that judgment. That was wrong! That was impulsive. I have to focus, back on my mission again, try to forget how I let that man bring out the beast in me.” On her world, a man like that would have at worst been taken to court and tried as a felon. Groping a woman in an unwanted manner was never a death sentence! Why had she made it one? “Stupid! I'm so stupid sometimes.” she thought to herself as she approached the counter at the brothel, and once more regarded the man who had asked her what she would like. The man chuckled a bit and asked: “So, madame, it looks like you've lost that pest from before... again, how may we help you today?” Akora then said eagerly, placing her palms on the counter in a businesslike way: “Yes! I chased that idiot down a nearby alley but he ran into a gang... so I left him to his fate. Serves the bastard right! Know what I mean?” The man winked at her slyly, and she smiled before continuing: “I am in the mood for something rare... rare meat will do. Preferably light meat, not dark meat in this case. And, the animal the meat came from? Young would be best. That is, if young meat is on the menu of course. I don't wish to presume... I just think young meat tastes best is all. My own personal preference, there.” The proprietor then stroked his corpulent chin and thought for but a moment before saying: “Alright, we can satisfy your hunger here very well, madame! Young meat, is one of our house specialties, actually, though you won't find it on the menu exactly. I will send for one of the waitresses and she will take you to one of our private dining rooms. You pay in advance, and the cost will be rather expensive... but nothing a woman of your station could not afford I should think.” He told her how many coins, and it was a goodly sum but surprisingly not as costly as Akora imagined it was going to be. She had actually brought more money than she needed! She withdrew the coins from her purse and paid the man. Then, she inquired of him: “I know this is probably going to sound strange, but I wish to make a more specific request. There is one specific brand name of meat... that I am hoping is in stock.” the woman then licked her lips to emphasize her point before adding: “Do you by chance... happen to have any 'Stephanie Baker' meat in stock, at this time? I'd pay you a full hundred coins more, for the pleasure of tasting it!” and the man's eye went wide at hearing that name. He then said urgently: “Oh, Stephanie Baker is a good brand... very young meat, very delicious taste. I've tried it myself, many times since it first came in stock here! You can't go wrong with that. I'll arrange to have it served to you as quickly as possible. That will indeed be an extra one hundred coins of course... since requests are not something we normally do here... at least not officially.” Akora paid the extra coins and soon she was escorted by a waitress up several flights of stairs into a very fancy section of the brothel's upstairs areas. This was where the unusual requests were fulfilled, clearly. The waitress showed Akora to a door with no number on it...all the other doors, were numbered... at the far end of the last hallway on this topmost floor. Akora opened the door and entered a very opulent looking bedroom that put the one she had at the manor house to shame. Her bedchamber had been elegant, royal, noble... but this one was decadent, exotic, and fit for an empress. Sadly, it belonged to a prostitute instead. No one was there right now, so Akora sat herself down on the queen sized bed and waited for the arrival of Stephanie Baker. The girl she had come to rescue and take back with her to her own world in order to prevent a catastrophic sort of series of events from ever taking place. Soon, she heard the sound of very light footsteps gently and delicately padding along the carpeted floor outside. Why did places like this always have to have such nice carpeting? The outsider mused, before shaking the silly notion from her head. The footsteps got a lot closer, and finally... the door opened. Into the room walked a very exotically clothed little girl of no more than twelve years of age. Akora was certain that despite the girl's youth she was already skilled at her profession. Innocence died fast in places like this, and the girl's dead looking eyes said a great deal.
Stephanie wore a pair of pants similar to Akora's, but the young girl's were gauzy and transparent, of far thinner and less practical material, and they were white in color. Beneath those could be seen a pair of pink bloomer shorts that were knee-length and quite silky looking. The pants were paired with a tight fitting pink tube top with lacy trim that covered the girl's chest but left her midriff as well as the rest of her upper body totally bare. The girl wore a long necklace of white pearls, and had fancy looking silver bangle bracelets on her wrists. Pearl earrings were in the girl's ears, and she also wore a silver nose ring too. The girl was a big girl, well built, not a skinny little slip of a thing. She had meat on her bones, this child did! Stephanie had a round cherubic face with full pouting lips, big sparkling blue eyes, a nose of the sort one would consider cute on a little girl, and light blonde hair done up in twin ponytails that if anything made her cuteness and the illusion of innocence even more obvious. Her chest was still flat... but she had a nice shape to her buttocks that made Akora stare at her in the same way that the odious man she had killed earlier had stared at her. “Heavens! I'm such a hypocrite sometimes.” she mused to herself silently, realizing she was actually very sexually attracted to this little girl. Something that was not always legal back on the world Akora came from. Stephanie was wearing dark red lipstick, black eyeliner, black mascara, and black eye shadow. With some subtle blush on her cheeks. The style of the eye makeup was exotic, and the whole of this made Akora feel a bit bad over the fact that she herself had foregone wearing any makeup at all that day. “You look so beautiful!” the outsider said to the little girl, who replied in a soft and sweet tone: “Thank you! My name is Stephanie. Want to tell me yours?” Akora leaned back on the bed a the child approached. Stephanie had light, soft looking skin... almost like some sort of princess really. There were no scratches or scrapes or cuts from normal childhood sort of play activities. No... this child's idea of play activities would have to be very, very different from the normal sort. “My name is Akora. I am a noblewoman from just out of town actually. Is kissing allowed here? I mean, I've been to some brothels where the girls were not allowed to kiss the clients. They could do anything else... everything else... just not kiss.” Stephanie walked over to the bed, climbed up on it... and began immediately caressing Akora's legs, feeling the soft fabric of her pants beneath her youthful fingers. The little girl exclaimed cheerfully: “Akora... that is a very, very nice name! I like it. And sure, we can kiss if you want to. As long as you don't mind getting my lipstick on your mouth that is.” And to that Akora admitted eagerly: “I don't mind! Oh believe me, I don't mind at all.” after which, Stephanie crept forward and the two kissed. It was the most intense, passionate, lusty kiss Akora had never in all her life experienced. And she had seen a good forty eight years of life, too! After that, the little girl got back to rubbing Akora's legs, running her hands closer and closer to between those legs with each fast passing minute. Soon, the outsider woman could feel the child's hands caressing her between her legs... and immediately she started to get majorly aroused, which caused her manhood to become quite hard. It grew harder and harder at Stephanie's touch, at the moments of the girl's hands. Then, the girl stopped a bit and said: “Don't want you to cum too quickly! We've got all night together, after all. First... I need to know if you want me to call you a man or a woman. Your choice, of course.” Akora thought about it a moment and then confessed: “Down there, I am a man... everywhere else, I am a woman. But lately... if I have to be honest with myself, I have truly been acting more like a man than anything else. So call me a man! I think it suits me far better than being called a woman... sometimes. About the only thing I can't do like a man, is get a woman pregnant... thanks to how I was born.” Stephanie giggled a bit... then said in a resigned tone of voice: “Don't worry about it, silly. Lots of men can't make babies, but they can still do a whole lot of good, hard fucking. And, by the look of how hard I can make you, we'll be fucking as hard as we can pretty soon. Know what I mean, handsome?” Akora asked the little girl first before the two of them got started any further: “Just let me know first, if I need to go more gentle with you due to your age. I don't want to hurt you or anything.” to which the child confessed: “I've been having grown men inside me for a good year now, Akora. Believe me I can handle what you've got to stick me with!”
Then, Stephanie untied the drawstring of Akora's pants, and the outsider lifted her butt up so that the little girl could slide the pants down. The bloomer shorts came down next, and Staphanie licked her soft lips at the sight of Akora's penis which was not just hard but becoming a bit wet about the head too. It was making the young girl very excited... and she began to rub herself between the legs as she then slid her moist mouth down over the adult hermaphroditic woman's rock hard cock. She bobbed her head up and down over it... then used her hands to stroke it as she did so, making moaning sounds that were so erotically charged that Akora thought she was going to orgasm fairly soon if this kept up. After a bit of delivering this exceptional oral pleasure, the young girl straddled Akora and caressed her own body, all the while making those arousing moaning noises. Akora caressed Stephanie's legs, her thighs, savoring the feeling of the soft, gauzy, thin fabric of the girl's pants between her fingers. Then Akora felt the girl between her legs, moving her fingers into the girl's cleft a bit as she fingered her through her clothes. It made the child moan even more. Akora's member remained rock hard through all of this, as she ran her hands all up and down the young girl's body, across her chest. Stephanie felt Akora's cock pressing into her between her legs, through her clothes, and it made her long to feel that inside of her at last. “Oh my handsome, handsome Akora! You want to fuck me so bad, don't you. Come on then, baby! Do me hard. Hard and rough... punish me like the naughty little girl I am. I am so very, very bad you know! Far more bad than anybody even realizes. Give it to me rough baby! I like it rough.” The girl was rubbing her soft thighs upon the naked skin of Akora's legs and that too was turning the outsider on. Unable to contain it any longer, Akora sat up then got to her knees... seizing Stephanie in her hands and placing the child on the bed, on her back quite firmly. Then, in an unbridled, raw display of sheer animal-like lust that came out of nowhere... Akora tore the young girl's clothes off, roughly and savagely, as if intending to engage in rape rather than lovemaking. All the while, the young girl pleaded in a sexy, seductive tone of voice: “Oh yes, daddy! Yes... fuck me hard, punish me, I've been so bad. So bad!” In between giggling in that sort of mischievous way that kids do when they're up to no good. Akora forced the girl's legs open and then thrust into her hard. It was not tight at all, but perfect... moist and wet. Akora pushed in and out of the young girl, grabbing the child's arms but not too tightly, and pressing them down unto the bed in a show of holding Stephanie down to have her way with her. Stephanie obviously had some sort of rather perverse rape fantasy that got her going, and the young girl was into it massively... grinding her hips, as she made moans, sighs, and other sounds of pleasure whilst Akora fucked her vigorously. In, and out... harder, and faster... Akora went over and over again whilst the hermaphrodite's big breasts jiggled. The two's bodies were covered in sweat, and the scent of their lovemaking filled the air. Akora was in a mad rhythm as she neared the climax of her lovemaking... and the young girl was ready to reach hers. After a little bit more, Stephanie felt the wet warmth of the hermaphrodite's orgasmic load shooting into her. It was all it took to get her the rest of the way in the mood to finally orgasm fully herself. Both of them let out cries of pleasure, and sighed together in the ecstasy of the moment. The truth about Stephanie... was that she was an android who was designed to physically look like a twelve year old girl... but to be able to have sex comfortably like a grown woman. She was programmed to exceed the sexual abilities of not just regular young girls, but of most adult woman as well. She could do many positions, perform quite a great many different erotic and even depraved acts if desired... plus, she had some wicked desires of her own. This all stemmed from the fact that on Kora's world androids like Stephanie were created to allow pedophiles to be able to satisfy their desires legally. Since the androids were not human children... men and women with a preference for young girls or boys were encouraged to ask their therapists for what in psychotherapy terms was called a “Comfort Android” which would be provided for them free of charge in order to keep them from ever wanting to have sex with a human child again. After all, if you have an android partner who exceeds at doing literally anything that a human partner could ever imagine doing, then you would actually find the android preferable and far more desirable. The whole idea worked too.
The androids were programmed to bond emotionally with their partner, so that if real love was shown to them then they would show real love in return. In every case, where an adult was partnered with one of these child androids... the couple stayed together for the rest of the human's life, and sometimes out of despair at losing their mate the android would shut itself down permanently... to join their partner in the hereafter. This led to an endless debate over whether or not the androids possessed souls as humans do. Since they were manufactured, the official and legal stance was no they did not have souls. But if it was that you asked their human partners... they would tell you otherwise. There had already been adult android men and women built to relieve the loneliness of men and women, who could just not seem to find a human partner. Most dating services online and offline alike, offered Comfort Androids of their own in order to meet the needs of lonely people. Thanks to Comfort Androids, not one person back on Akora's world had been arrested for pedophilia-related crimes in hundreds of years. This removed a lot of the stigma surrounding pedophilia in general... and after a while, people associated pedophilia with a love for android children only. Once it became the norm rather than the exception for pedophiles to not just seek out child android partners, but to prefer them over even the thought of human ones, it was at last possible to remove pedophilia from the books as a crime. That had been a controversial move, and the year it happened there were riots on the part of right-wing conservatives especially, as well as a lot of religious types who saw the whole thing as a sin. But the doubters were silenced in the end, and all turned out for the better. Over time, a lot of adults who were not pedophiles sometimes sought out the occasional child Comfort Android in order to see if they might prefer the child model to the adult one. This made for a more peaceful, and tolerant society when it came to things that at one time might have been otherwise considered sexually “deviant”. Instead, since androids were involved, it became a form of sexual expression, with the androids being seen as tools of expression. The whole reason why it was needful to bring Stephanie Baker back... is that if it got revealed on THIS world, this primitive one that Akora was on right now, that the child was an android, then that could cause this ridiculously high level technology to be introduced to a world that was totally not ready to understand it. If these primitives did find a way to comprehend it and replicate it, it would disrupt the natural flow their history. Worse! This could lead to them creating battle androids, something that was unknown back on Akora's world since a long time ago war had ceased to be a thing there. How Stephanie had ended up here was actually rather the fault of Akora's employers anyway... Stephanie was her own personal Comfort Android as had been appointed to her by her therapist. As such, she lived with Akora back at headquarters. Some genius left a wormhole open and Stephanie wandered through it... no one had any idea where. Akora thought for a long time about getting a replacement for Stephanie, but the two had already begun to bond big time... and there was genuine love growing between the couple. Thus, Akora decided to wait a bit and see if it might be possible for her employers to locate the girl and send her to fetch her. They did not tell her the next mission was going to be to rescue Stephanie Baker... but Akora was happy to learn that it was. As a consequence of passing through the wormhole, Stephanie did not at the moment remember Akora. It was common for that to happen randomly when one was sent to this world or that. Akora had suffered the temporary amnesia several times during the course of her duties, but it was always temporary and it always passed. The problem was... Stephanie had reverted to old school sex android programming after losing her memory and decided to work at a brothel doing what sex androids did best. Her memory of all that happened during her time on this primitive planet would need to be erased once they got back... it would traumatize her, otherwise, to think she had betrayed Akora with other partners after the pair's bonding had begun in earnest. At present... Akora simply made the young girl believe that she had met her only just now for the first time. The two lay in each other's arms for a while... they had all night to spend together, after all, by the brothel's rules. All Akora was waiting for, was for Stephanie to finally fall asleep. These androids could sleep, and they could dream too. They were just that greatly realistic.
The only things they did not need to do was eat or excrete, since they got their energy in other ways... and that energy left no waste to be expelled. Once Stephanie was asleep, Akora kissed her on the head, got to her feet, and searched her purse for the portable teleportation device that she had squirreled away in one of the compartments thereof. It had been left for her, that device, back at the manor house so that the outsider would have a means of returning home once the mission was completed. She wisely took it with her knowing full well she would be needing to use it soon. She glanced over at the door, just to be certain that no one was outside of it at the time, and then looked back at Stephanie. “Time to go, honey. Let's get home, it has been one insane trip!” Akora said out loud to the girl, who woke up asking: “Uh... what do you mean home? I don't remember where my home is! I...” and Akora punched in the code for two passengers before pressing the send button on the metal wand-shaped device. The indicator light in turn flashed green, meaning the return request was sent. Akora then hurried over, grabbed a hold of the young android girl, and pulled her over to her. “Close your eyes.” The outsider said to the girl, who did as was asked. Within minutes after that... a bright beam of light appeared all around them, and then they were gone from that world entirely, called back to Akora's world once again. The mission... succeeded.
One month later... Akora and the android known as Stephanie Baker were both sitting beside the pool at their own private section of the headquarters for those who worked for the ones who employed such as Akora to be their agents. Stephanie was wearing a sexy pink one-piece bathing suit, and Akora wore a pair of baggy purple swimming trunks paired with a tight purple crop top. It was summertime, and a most beautiful day to be outside. The palm trees were swaying gently in the warm summer breeze that blew through occasionally, and the water felt nice as the couple dipped their fit into it whilst sitting at the pool's edge. They watched the water rippling and it reminded them of how a single action can cause a great change, which was something everyone in Akora's line of work knew about intimately. Over the course of time on Akora's world... societies changed, laws changed, and people changed. Mostly, it was hoped, for the better. But that trip to that particularly brutal and primitive world had taught Akora that just because a civilization believes itself to be the height of civilized behavior... that does not mean that there can be no room for further improvement. There would always be room to grow, to evolve, and to change as time went on. It was the human... and android... capacity to learn and evolve over time that in truth made sentient beings such as them so special. Stephanie's memory of the incident, was removed... and her normal memories returned... and all was restored to normal. Or at the very least what passed for normalcy for this very unusual couple. Akora put her arm around Stephanie's shoulder and held her... it was good to just relax for a change and to have nothing pressing to worry about. As an agent, of certain employers, there was no telling when duty might call... and some world or another might need fixing or guidance. But at least, at the end of a hard mission, Stephanie would always be there waiting for Akora to return, faithful and loving. Marrying her was the best decision Akora had ever made. Stephanie's fair sparkling eyes were practically aglow with delight as she looked into Akora's face and said sweetly and playfully: “So babe! Isn't it awesome? We've got a whole second month for summer vacation... it's just like school in that way kinda. Makes me wish we could keep September a long ways off for as much as possible.” She was back to her original bubbly, silly self that delighted Akora beyond words to express. Akora laughed happily and replied: “Yeah, it's great to be able to spend so much time with you finally... and not to have to talk all serious and worry about using words or phrases that fit in with whatever era a certain world or another is stuck in. I can just be me with you, and it's fantastic sweetie pie!” They spent time joking, laughing, being silly... and being intimate with each other too. The canopy that covered the whole pool area provided not just shade and protection from the sun, but privacy aplenty as well. Every summer vacation, this place was their personal retreat from the whole multiverse, and to them it was as close to a true heaven as anyone could wish for. It was romantic, perfect, and for them... truly civilized.
It was oft uncommon for those who attempted to steer the course of human events on various worlds, to seek to draw attention to themselves. More oft than not, the wisest course was to remain hidden or in a guise that was something other than what they truly were. By steer, what was meant was to observe... but not to interfere with events unless absolutely necessary... and to give a gentle nudge here and there, as was needful, to get things progressing in the right direction. Sometimes, the best disguise was that of a seer or a mystic, a prophet or a teacher. Someone who would be listened to, but never desirable was it to be someone of great fame, lest that fame bring too much attention unto the outsider. Oft, the price of fame could mean that the outsider's cover could be in danger of being blown... and that could mean no small degree of disaster and the potential risk of their true mission being discovered. That could alter in too great a degree the natural course of events on a given world. And bring down the wrath of the ones who employ these outsiders to begin with. Something that was never a desirable outcome whatsoever! Such thoughts were racing through the mind of the outsider named Akora as she looked about her... a sense of urgency making her mindful that the process that brought her hither had been a jarring one, to put it mildly. The chamber was naturally not familiar to her, not a place she had ever so much as heard of prior. This was always how it was when they dropped you off without a briefing! She hated missions such as these. There was a large elegant bed in one corner, with four great posts holding up a decidedly royal looking canopy. At the foot of the bed was an ornate chest with strange, unfamiliar designs etched upon its' surface. The chamber's windows were all glass, with curtains hanging, which was always sure to be a good sign that at least the world was not an overtly primitive one. That was one small comfort at least! It was sunny out, and judging by the trees outside it was early summertime. Another blessing, for it was never desirable to arrive on an unknown world without a briefing in the middle of winter. Nearby were racks that had weapons upon them, and a closet filled with clothing. The weapons were swords, a spear, and an ax. All of ornate and well crafted designs that were fit for nobility. The clothing was all of elegant craftsmanship as well, and the whole chamber seemed fit for royalty. “Well, someone at least it seems spared no expense, when it comes to making this trip an interesting one! I guess I'm supposed to be a noblewoman here.” she remarked quietly, to herself, making certain her voice did not carry too far. She hoped that she would understand the local language or that it would be at least equivalent to one of those from her own world that she was at least passingly familiar with. Otherwise, things could get very awkward very fast. She had been in situations like that before, and they always ended up with her at last needing to be extracted from the assigned world before things could go too wrong for all concerned. As she looked about, she noticed a manual upon the bed. She took it in her hands and began to read it. This was her briefing! Thankfully. It was... brief... and to the point. Once she memorized its' contents she did throw the manual into the nearby fireplace to burn it, just to make certain that nobody would be able to discover her true purpose here. There was a mirror next to the closet, so at least she could check on her appearance and make certain she would blend in well enough with the people of this world to not cause too much of a stir when walking about. She took a look out one of the windows. “Well well, that's quite the mix of styles people are wearing out there, not quite modern but not quite medieval exactly. This is an odd world, that much is certain!” she thought to herself. “Well, when in Rome as they say...” she did muse, adding: “Do as you must.” She then took a look at herself, in the mirror. She was a very tall lady! Six feet in height, with well tanned skin, burgundy colored hair, green eyes, and a sturdy stocky build to her body. Her face was pretty, though she never had won any beauty contests on any world. She had full lips, big expressive looking eyes, a broad nose and a rounded face to match her big boned frame. At the moment, her hair was in a shoulder-length bob cut style. Or pageboy style, as some called it. Thankfully this was a hairstyle that would be common on a world such as this one! She had big breasts, wide hips, but was hardly of model physique. She was wearing the plain white gown all new arrivals were given.
The gown was sleeveless, long and flowing, all the way to her ankles... and was not belted or girdled at her waist. She was barefoot, and she already knew she had no undergarments on. This gown was the natural choice for basic covering for new arrivals since no matter what kind of world you could end up on, there was sure to be at least one culture in every world in every possible time period that had a kind of gown like this. No matter where you'd appear, or when, or how, you'd be able to fit in reasonably on at least a basic level. The lack of undergarments was an annoyance but it made sense since it was best to make use of what undergarments were prevalent locally... so as not to create a walking anachronism out of oneself. The first thing Akora did was search the nearby dresser's drawers for undergarments in order to rectify the situation immediately. She withdrew a pair of bloomer shorts and regarded them as she prepared to put them on. “Why am I not surprised it would be bloomers? Well, at least these are not those awful kinds that have no crotch to them! They're all white though... at least pink or blue would be a refreshing change, but on these worlds in these sorts of time periods it always seems to be white.” she thought to herself as she put them on. There were bras as well in the dresser, so she removed her gown and put one on, making certain first that it was in her size. “How modern!” she thought, amused. Then, she walked over to the closet to have a better look at its' contents. She picked out an outfit that was a bit of a good fit for her own personal fashion sense. A pair of long billowing pantaloons in the harem pants style that tied at the waist and ankles with drawstring. Once they were on her, she noticed they draped in an elegant manner and felt comfortable to wear. These were purple in color, so they went well given her hair was burgundy. To go with those, she chose a midriff blouse with puffy elbow-length sleeves. It laced up in the front and had a wide neck area to it. It was a deep maroon color, but went perfectly with the deep purple shade of the pants. For her feet she picked out a pair of soft leather shoes, black in color and before putting those on she made sure to first put on a pair of ankle socks she found in another one of the dresser drawers. The socks came in all colors, so she picked black to go with the shoes. There did seem to be a decent assortment of jewelry in the jewelry box on top of the dresser, and out of it she had chosen a purple pearl necklace, a blood red beaded bracelet to put on her left wrist, and a for her ears a pair of ruby stud earrings that looked quite good and were totally her style. She took another look at her body in the mirror, and remarked aloud, but quietly: “Well, at least I will look my best for this mission! So glad this world isn't still in the stone age, or something like that. I always prefer to pass on those.” In due course, she looked about for any books or other reading materials to get an idea of the language. It was vital to make certain that would not be an issue. She found a small bookshelf in a corner and had a look through the books. Surprisingly, they were all in English! “What a relief! English.” she exclaimed out loud, and this time she was not quiet, nor did she need to be. That at least would mean there would be no language barrier to work out. There was a knock on the chamber door, so she went over to it and opened the door. A short, skinny servant man stood there wearing a richly embroidered tunic and a pair of tight leggings beneath it. He was somewhat rat-faced, to be kind about how ugly his appearance was. But his manners were impeccable. He bowed deeply, stood back up sharply, and then asked Akora in a kind and considerate tone of voice: “Milady! I did hear you cry out a moment ago. Is anything amiss? If there is anything I can get you, you have only to command me and...” Akora interrupted him right there and said with a hasty manner: “No, no, everything is just fine good sir! Um... what color is my hair? I... I jut want to make sure your powers of observation are as they should be.” to which the man said with a slight chuckle: “Burgundy, milady. What other color should it be?” The woman chuckled herself, as she said in a jesting tone of voice: “I was but teasing you, sir! You may be about your duties now.” and that made certain that the servant would pester her no further. It also told her something, about him. He was in on her mission and a fellow outsider such as herself. Likely sent ahead to prepare a cover identity for her in advance just to make things go that much easier. Realizing that, she walked out of the chamber to begin exploring the place to which he had been sent. At least things were off to a quite reasonable start.
After leaving the manor house, for that was the type of place Akora had arrived at, she began to look about the scene before her. The house lay at the end of a winding stone-paved road that ran towards the distant large town that could be seen a good ways off. The architecture in the town appeared to be quite on the Gothic side, with tall spires and ornate facades, all of which gave the place a somewhat brooding atmosphere. All around the manor house was a small village bustling with people, and the architecture of the village was rather a varied sort. Stone and brick foundations, stucco walls, and tiled roofs being the most prevalent style the houses came in. There were other styles, but they did not stand out as much to Akora in comparison. She had grabbed her purse before heading out, it was a totally modern leather women's purse, the kind with the strap you sling over your shoulder. For a world with so many aspects of ages past, there were a lot of surprisingly modern-era elements to this one. Akora like that about it a great deal! She decided that since it was a nice day out, she would walk to town. No one tried to tell her not to, or insist on an escort, so she assumed she had leave to come and go as she pleased. Which was a good sign that things were peaceful here, and that there was no immediate danger to be considered. The road to the town went on for a ways, but within a good twenty minutes she was there. The town was an open community with no outer walls encircling it, no gates to pass through, and surprisingly no guards. Just some local militiamen who were pretty much the police hereabouts. Ironically, they even looked a lot like policemen with their long dark blue tunics, baggy lighter blue trousers tucked into sturdy leather boots, and their conical metal helmets that almost looked like a bobby's hat only more medieval. For the most part, they carried sturdy looking clubs and gave stern glances to all whom they passed by. Some it seemed were polite, however, for at least one said to her: “Milady!” and tipped his helmet in the way as might a proper English gentleman tip his hat to a lady out of respect. She always nodded back and gave a pleasant smile, as was to be expected. There were fancy looking horse-drawn carriages clattering their way down some of the town's streets, although it appeared that most people walked here. There were no modern vehicles to watch out for, and everything felt slightly quaint in a charming sort of way. This all had a fairy tale feel to it, which disturbed Akora somewhat. It was always these idyllic looking places, that posed the most danger. Behind the smiles of seemingly contented people, there was sometimes the worst sorts of pains, artfully hidden in the name of keeping up appearances. She made her way, being of a careful mind to avoid any seedy looking alleys or troublesome looking streets, to the town center and that is where she realized... just how much this was not a fairy tale. The town center itself was a circular wide open area with cobbled paving stones. On one end of the center was the town's tallest cathedral, or temple, or whatever the structure was with its' high domed roof, countless tall spires, towers, minarets... and outbuildings. It may as well have been a palace, but the religious-looking statues that decorated a good many of the outside walls of the building told her by instinct that it was a place of worship. Upon the other end of the town center was a mighty looking castle-like structure that had to be the town hall. Nearby was a courthouse, and the headquarters for the town militiamen. Apparently, in this town all of the most important buildings were in the center. Not all that surprising... though hardly always the way. But none of that disturbed Akora. What truly did disturb her was the tree in the center of a small park in the precise center of the town center. Skeletons, decayed bodies, and skulls were hung from many of the tree's branches. Some of the bodies were more fresh, and there were pools of blood on the dirt and in the grass beneath the tree, along with bones and other body parts that had fallen from the dead forms of the hung bodies above. Crows picked at some of the hung bodies, and rats had at the parts they were lucky enough to get at upon the ground. So this was how they enacted justice here! It was always hard for Akora to believe just how uncivilized some of these more civilized worlds could sometimes be. “I was waiting for the big gotcha. Well? Gotcha!” she muttered to herself despairingly. She hated morbid, dark, depressing places like this. When she saw bodies being thrown down a pit, not far from the tree... she realized there was likely a mass grave for the condemned down there. There was always a dark side.
She made haste out of the town center as fast as she could, and barely was able to disguise the look of disgust that was playing about her face. She tried to remember and focus upon her mission! Now that it had been that she located the town center... they could have warned her about that in the manual... all as was needful for her to do was to locate a certain brothel. It was in a rather wealthy part of town, and had the look of being the type of place that catered only to rich clients. That usually meant that the types of kinky fantasies indulged in there, were probably some of the most depraved and forbidden. Say all that you could about most regular sorts of brothels, but if you went to them what you saw was what you got. There were no dark, twisted hidden “specialties” that perverted rich boys could partake of for an always unstated price. But at these “finer” establishments, you never knew what might be going on that no one talked about. Akora entered the building and felt as if she had entered an expensive restaurant. No sign was outside, but the symbol of a pink rose was etched upon a wooden sign hung above the door. Subtle. Very subtle, a vagina reference! May as well have been a beaver. Oh hell, this place actually was on the inside a functioning restaurant... that was apparently the brothel's legitimate business cover. This was so well thought out, that there had to be organized crime involved somehow. This kind of operation was a bit too neat for local criminals to be running on their own. “Madame! Can we help you? We have many dishes here, some rarer than others, and even certain things you will not find on the menu. So, if you're hungry or thirsty for something particular, you need only ask.” Akora turned to regard the man who so spoke to her, and saw a short fat balding older man standing behind a counter. Behind him... was a shelf lined with bottles of various beverages, and there were waitresses hurrying about taking orders between the kitchen around the corner from the counter and the various tables and booths at which people sat to dine. The man wore a long dark green robe, had jeweled rings on several of his fingers, and had overall the appearance and voice of a man who was trying to appear refined but who was really quite low class. He had dark eyes, a smile that showed he was more used to less pleasant expressions, and blotchy skin. Akora walked over to the counter, put her elbows on it, and leaned her head on her hands. Being as tall as she was, the gesture was more awkward looking than she had intended for it to come across as being. “Yes! Actually, good sir, I would like...” she began, but then she felt a hand grab her buttocks in a way that nearly ended with the hand feeling her up. “One moment!” she said, and then spun around with her face in a rage. It was a man about a head shorter than her with long black hair, well plucked eyebrows, an immaculately trimmed mustache, and a foppish demeanor. He wore a pair of loose baggy red pants that were tucked into ankle-length black boots... and he wore a silk gold blouse with billowing sleeves that was tucked into his pants. The blouse was low cut revealing the man's hairy chest. “Hold on, lady! I meant it only as a compliment... such a nice, big ass like that. How much do you go for? I can pay for a whole night, but I'd spring for a weekend with a hot bitch like you.” The sick part was, he likely thought he was being charming. Akora was not a weak woman, by any means. She wasn't strong either, but she was hardly incapable of defending herself... when push came to shove. It felt most, like he had grabbed her using his right hand... this wasn't the first time in her life a man had done that to her... so she seized his right wrist in her own hand and squeezed it extremely hard, digging her fingernails as deep into his skin as she possibly could. She was also right handed. The man cried out in pain, clearly unused to this sort of outcome to these sorts of situations. He screamed: “Oh fuck! Fuck, you're fucking really hurting me bitch! What the bloody hell is wrong with you? I want to see the damn madame! Somebody call the fucking madame. This crazy slut's trying to bleed me.” The man behind the counter so said: “Just take it outside, the two of you... okay?” and Akora yanked the man's arm and practically dragged him out the door of the brothel. She slammed him into a nearby wall, nearly knocking his breath out of him as she did so. “So, you like big women, little man?” she hissed in a mocking tone of voice, adding: “Tell me, did your hand like what it found when you grabbed me?” The man laughed through his pain and said in a slimy sort of tone: “Okay... I did, actually! I like me a bitch, with something extra between her legs.”
She had fully functioning male genitalia and no external female genitalia despite the fact that she was in every other visible way totally female in appearance. The man's hand had found her balls, when most clearly it had gone looking for some pussy to squeeze. Akora explained to him: “Guess what, scum... I don't work here! I am a noblewoman, actually. Same as you... you're too dainty not to be.” The man was still as rude as ever as he chuckled and retorted: “And you're not dainty enough, to be a woman! Look... I've changed my mind about you, okay? Sorry I grabbed you... I thought you were a woman! Turns out I was mistaken... you're a man with big tits and a nice ass that I'd still love to fuck the hell out of.” What made all of this even more vile is that this man was clearly, obviously, a member of this town's wealthy upper class. But he was the worst sort of nobleman! Rude, entitled, and under the horrid assumption his money could buy him anything... or anyone... he wanted. Akora spat in the man's face and said angrily: “Sorry little man, but I don't give my ass out for free! Maybe you'd like it if I fucked yours? You did say that you liked a woman with something extra! Hmm?” She wasn't actually going to do it, but he had no way of knowing that. The man grinned perversely and said: “Oh, baby! Do your worst... good to know I got you going so much. Not my first time taking it in the back door.” She spat in his face a second time, and yelled: “Sorry, you're not my type! Weasel.” He was laughing when she twisted his arm and turned him around, bending him over. He muttered: “Oh, hey, wait a moment here! You just said that I am not your type... what are you going to do to me if you aren't going to fuck me?” Then, she smashed his skull into the wall repeatedly, until he screamed and shrieked in pain. If she let him live, his family would be the type to seek revenge... if she killed him out in the open, she could end up arrested. She took him on down a dark alley that ran between the brothel and the streets that led back to the town center, keeping his head in a headlock and her hand around his mouth so it would muffle his screams. Luckily, none of the town militiamen spotted either of them. She spotted a nearly sewer grate... it would have to do. She went from holding him in a headlock to holding his right arm behind his back in a way that made it so she could easily break his arm if she wished to. His wrist was covered in blood from her nails, and his face was covered in blood from the way in which his head met that wall. Akora then forced the man to his stomach and with her free hand pushed his head down unto the sewer grate. She intended to kill him now. He was screaming, but in an alley like this one no one was going to be exactly rushing to check it out even in broad daylight... plus, by day, with all the noise of the town all around and about... it would serve to further drown out the man's cries. She broke his arm then, ensuring he would not be able to use his arms in an effort to get back unto his feet. Then... she let go of his arm and left him whimpering like the pathetic dog that he truly was. She had to finish him, this instant... before he could become too loud after all! So, she stood up, towering above him, and stomped down hard on the man's head again... and again... breaking his teeth, which clattered out of his mouth whilst Akora stomped the man's head until he was quite dead. She checked his pulse just to make certain. His screams had reached a fever pitch at the end, but by some miracle still no one noticed what was going on! They were near a brothel that was likely owned by organized crime... if anything the militiamen were paid to look the other way here and the locals would be too terrified to rat out any crime in the area. This was the perfect place for murder! By the smell, the man had clearly soiled himself, before dying... which made his next destination ideal. Akora kicked the body aside, threw open the sewer grate, and then kicked the body down it. She heard it splash into what was likely the filth below. Filth to filth then! And then, she closed the sewer grate. No more problems for anyone from that wretch. Akora's purse was nearby, where she had left it prior to committing the murder, and she withdrew from it a pocket mirror which she used to make sure that she had no blood from that man on herself. She was clean, the only blood was on the shoe she had used to smash the man's head into the metal grate. She took out a small cloth, and a bottle of cleaning fluid... and used that to easily get the blood off of the shoe. It took the whole bottle and the cloth was saturated in blood afterward, so she threw the bottle and the cloth down into the sewer. She put her mirror away.
Wearing her purse once more, she hurried on back to the brothel and so tried her best to put the whole disgusting incident out of her mind. She hated killing people, but sometimes, there really was not given any other choice. “I could have just ignored what he did and went back to my business... the man was a product of his times, of his failed upbringing. I judged him by standards that don't apply on this world. I killed him because of that judgment. That was wrong! That was impulsive. I have to focus, back on my mission again, try to forget how I let that man bring out the beast in me.” On her world, a man like that would have at worst been taken to court and tried as a felon. Groping a woman in an unwanted manner was never a death sentence! Why had she made it one? “Stupid! I'm so stupid sometimes.” she thought to herself as she approached the counter at the brothel, and once more regarded the man who had asked her what she would like. The man chuckled a bit and asked: “So, madame, it looks like you've lost that pest from before... again, how may we help you today?” Akora then said eagerly, placing her palms on the counter in a businesslike way: “Yes! I chased that idiot down a nearby alley but he ran into a gang... so I left him to his fate. Serves the bastard right! Know what I mean?” The man winked at her slyly, and she smiled before continuing: “I am in the mood for something rare... rare meat will do. Preferably light meat, not dark meat in this case. And, the animal the meat came from? Young would be best. That is, if young meat is on the menu of course. I don't wish to presume... I just think young meat tastes best is all. My own personal preference, there.” The proprietor then stroked his corpulent chin and thought for but a moment before saying: “Alright, we can satisfy your hunger here very well, madame! Young meat, is one of our house specialties, actually, though you won't find it on the menu exactly. I will send for one of the waitresses and she will take you to one of our private dining rooms. You pay in advance, and the cost will be rather expensive... but nothing a woman of your station could not afford I should think.” He told her how many coins, and it was a goodly sum but surprisingly not as costly as Akora imagined it was going to be. She had actually brought more money than she needed! She withdrew the coins from her purse and paid the man. Then, she inquired of him: “I know this is probably going to sound strange, but I wish to make a more specific request. There is one specific brand name of meat... that I am hoping is in stock.” the woman then licked her lips to emphasize her point before adding: “Do you by chance... happen to have any 'Stephanie Baker' meat in stock, at this time? I'd pay you a full hundred coins more, for the pleasure of tasting it!” and the man's eye went wide at hearing that name. He then said urgently: “Oh, Stephanie Baker is a good brand... very young meat, very delicious taste. I've tried it myself, many times since it first came in stock here! You can't go wrong with that. I'll arrange to have it served to you as quickly as possible. That will indeed be an extra one hundred coins of course... since requests are not something we normally do here... at least not officially.” Akora paid the extra coins and soon she was escorted by a waitress up several flights of stairs into a very fancy section of the brothel's upstairs areas. This was where the unusual requests were fulfilled, clearly. The waitress showed Akora to a door with no number on it...all the other doors, were numbered... at the far end of the last hallway on this topmost floor. Akora opened the door and entered a very opulent looking bedroom that put the one she had at the manor house to shame. Her bedchamber had been elegant, royal, noble... but this one was decadent, exotic, and fit for an empress. Sadly, it belonged to a prostitute instead. No one was there right now, so Akora sat herself down on the queen sized bed and waited for the arrival of Stephanie Baker. The girl she had come to rescue and take back with her to her own world in order to prevent a catastrophic sort of series of events from ever taking place. Soon, she heard the sound of very light footsteps gently and delicately padding along the carpeted floor outside. Why did places like this always have to have such nice carpeting? The outsider mused, before shaking the silly notion from her head. The footsteps got a lot closer, and finally... the door opened. Into the room walked a very exotically clothed little girl of no more than twelve years of age. Akora was certain that despite the girl's youth she was already skilled at her profession. Innocence died fast in places like this, and the girl's dead looking eyes said a great deal.
Stephanie wore a pair of pants similar to Akora's, but the young girl's were gauzy and transparent, of far thinner and less practical material, and they were white in color. Beneath those could be seen a pair of pink bloomer shorts that were knee-length and quite silky looking. The pants were paired with a tight fitting pink tube top with lacy trim that covered the girl's chest but left her midriff as well as the rest of her upper body totally bare. The girl wore a long necklace of white pearls, and had fancy looking silver bangle bracelets on her wrists. Pearl earrings were in the girl's ears, and she also wore a silver nose ring too. The girl was a big girl, well built, not a skinny little slip of a thing. She had meat on her bones, this child did! Stephanie had a round cherubic face with full pouting lips, big sparkling blue eyes, a nose of the sort one would consider cute on a little girl, and light blonde hair done up in twin ponytails that if anything made her cuteness and the illusion of innocence even more obvious. Her chest was still flat... but she had a nice shape to her buttocks that made Akora stare at her in the same way that the odious man she had killed earlier had stared at her. “Heavens! I'm such a hypocrite sometimes.” she mused to herself silently, realizing she was actually very sexually attracted to this little girl. Something that was not always legal back on the world Akora came from. Stephanie was wearing dark red lipstick, black eyeliner, black mascara, and black eye shadow. With some subtle blush on her cheeks. The style of the eye makeup was exotic, and the whole of this made Akora feel a bit bad over the fact that she herself had foregone wearing any makeup at all that day. “You look so beautiful!” the outsider said to the little girl, who replied in a soft and sweet tone: “Thank you! My name is Stephanie. Want to tell me yours?” Akora leaned back on the bed a the child approached. Stephanie had light, soft looking skin... almost like some sort of princess really. There were no scratches or scrapes or cuts from normal childhood sort of play activities. No... this child's idea of play activities would have to be very, very different from the normal sort. “My name is Akora. I am a noblewoman from just out of town actually. Is kissing allowed here? I mean, I've been to some brothels where the girls were not allowed to kiss the clients. They could do anything else... everything else... just not kiss.” Stephanie walked over to the bed, climbed up on it... and began immediately caressing Akora's legs, feeling the soft fabric of her pants beneath her youthful fingers. The little girl exclaimed cheerfully: “Akora... that is a very, very nice name! I like it. And sure, we can kiss if you want to. As long as you don't mind getting my lipstick on your mouth that is.” And to that Akora admitted eagerly: “I don't mind! Oh believe me, I don't mind at all.” after which, Stephanie crept forward and the two kissed. It was the most intense, passionate, lusty kiss Akora had never in all her life experienced. And she had seen a good forty eight years of life, too! After that, the little girl got back to rubbing Akora's legs, running her hands closer and closer to between those legs with each fast passing minute. Soon, the outsider woman could feel the child's hands caressing her between her legs... and immediately she started to get majorly aroused, which caused her manhood to become quite hard. It grew harder and harder at Stephanie's touch, at the moments of the girl's hands. Then, the girl stopped a bit and said: “Don't want you to cum too quickly! We've got all night together, after all. First... I need to know if you want me to call you a man or a woman. Your choice, of course.” Akora thought about it a moment and then confessed: “Down there, I am a man... everywhere else, I am a woman. But lately... if I have to be honest with myself, I have truly been acting more like a man than anything else. So call me a man! I think it suits me far better than being called a woman... sometimes. About the only thing I can't do like a man, is get a woman pregnant... thanks to how I was born.” Stephanie giggled a bit... then said in a resigned tone of voice: “Don't worry about it, silly. Lots of men can't make babies, but they can still do a whole lot of good, hard fucking. And, by the look of how hard I can make you, we'll be fucking as hard as we can pretty soon. Know what I mean, handsome?” Akora asked the little girl first before the two of them got started any further: “Just let me know first, if I need to go more gentle with you due to your age. I don't want to hurt you or anything.” to which the child confessed: “I've been having grown men inside me for a good year now, Akora. Believe me I can handle what you've got to stick me with!”
Then, Stephanie untied the drawstring of Akora's pants, and the outsider lifted her butt up so that the little girl could slide the pants down. The bloomer shorts came down next, and Staphanie licked her soft lips at the sight of Akora's penis which was not just hard but becoming a bit wet about the head too. It was making the young girl very excited... and she began to rub herself between the legs as she then slid her moist mouth down over the adult hermaphroditic woman's rock hard cock. She bobbed her head up and down over it... then used her hands to stroke it as she did so, making moaning sounds that were so erotically charged that Akora thought she was going to orgasm fairly soon if this kept up. After a bit of delivering this exceptional oral pleasure, the young girl straddled Akora and caressed her own body, all the while making those arousing moaning noises. Akora caressed Stephanie's legs, her thighs, savoring the feeling of the soft, gauzy, thin fabric of the girl's pants between her fingers. Then Akora felt the girl between her legs, moving her fingers into the girl's cleft a bit as she fingered her through her clothes. It made the child moan even more. Akora's member remained rock hard through all of this, as she ran her hands all up and down the young girl's body, across her chest. Stephanie felt Akora's cock pressing into her between her legs, through her clothes, and it made her long to feel that inside of her at last. “Oh my handsome, handsome Akora! You want to fuck me so bad, don't you. Come on then, baby! Do me hard. Hard and rough... punish me like the naughty little girl I am. I am so very, very bad you know! Far more bad than anybody even realizes. Give it to me rough baby! I like it rough.” The girl was rubbing her soft thighs upon the naked skin of Akora's legs and that too was turning the outsider on. Unable to contain it any longer, Akora sat up then got to her knees... seizing Stephanie in her hands and placing the child on the bed, on her back quite firmly. Then, in an unbridled, raw display of sheer animal-like lust that came out of nowhere... Akora tore the young girl's clothes off, roughly and savagely, as if intending to engage in rape rather than lovemaking. All the while, the young girl pleaded in a sexy, seductive tone of voice: “Oh yes, daddy! Yes... fuck me hard, punish me, I've been so bad. So bad!” In between giggling in that sort of mischievous way that kids do when they're up to no good. Akora forced the girl's legs open and then thrust into her hard. It was not tight at all, but perfect... moist and wet. Akora pushed in and out of the young girl, grabbing the child's arms but not too tightly, and pressing them down unto the bed in a show of holding Stephanie down to have her way with her. Stephanie obviously had some sort of rather perverse rape fantasy that got her going, and the young girl was into it massively... grinding her hips, as she made moans, sighs, and other sounds of pleasure whilst Akora fucked her vigorously. In, and out... harder, and faster... Akora went over and over again whilst the hermaphrodite's big breasts jiggled. The two's bodies were covered in sweat, and the scent of their lovemaking filled the air. Akora was in a mad rhythm as she neared the climax of her lovemaking... and the young girl was ready to reach hers. After a little bit more, Stephanie felt the wet warmth of the hermaphrodite's orgasmic load shooting into her. It was all it took to get her the rest of the way in the mood to finally orgasm fully herself. Both of them let out cries of pleasure, and sighed together in the ecstasy of the moment. The truth about Stephanie... was that she was an android who was designed to physically look like a twelve year old girl... but to be able to have sex comfortably like a grown woman. She was programmed to exceed the sexual abilities of not just regular young girls, but of most adult woman as well. She could do many positions, perform quite a great many different erotic and even depraved acts if desired... plus, she had some wicked desires of her own. This all stemmed from the fact that on Kora's world androids like Stephanie were created to allow pedophiles to be able to satisfy their desires legally. Since the androids were not human children... men and women with a preference for young girls or boys were encouraged to ask their therapists for what in psychotherapy terms was called a “Comfort Android” which would be provided for them free of charge in order to keep them from ever wanting to have sex with a human child again. After all, if you have an android partner who exceeds at doing literally anything that a human partner could ever imagine doing, then you would actually find the android preferable and far more desirable. The whole idea worked too.
The androids were programmed to bond emotionally with their partner, so that if real love was shown to them then they would show real love in return. In every case, where an adult was partnered with one of these child androids... the couple stayed together for the rest of the human's life, and sometimes out of despair at losing their mate the android would shut itself down permanently... to join their partner in the hereafter. This led to an endless debate over whether or not the androids possessed souls as humans do. Since they were manufactured, the official and legal stance was no they did not have souls. But if it was that you asked their human partners... they would tell you otherwise. There had already been adult android men and women built to relieve the loneliness of men and women, who could just not seem to find a human partner. Most dating services online and offline alike, offered Comfort Androids of their own in order to meet the needs of lonely people. Thanks to Comfort Androids, not one person back on Akora's world had been arrested for pedophilia-related crimes in hundreds of years. This removed a lot of the stigma surrounding pedophilia in general... and after a while, people associated pedophilia with a love for android children only. Once it became the norm rather than the exception for pedophiles to not just seek out child android partners, but to prefer them over even the thought of human ones, it was at last possible to remove pedophilia from the books as a crime. That had been a controversial move, and the year it happened there were riots on the part of right-wing conservatives especially, as well as a lot of religious types who saw the whole thing as a sin. But the doubters were silenced in the end, and all turned out for the better. Over time, a lot of adults who were not pedophiles sometimes sought out the occasional child Comfort Android in order to see if they might prefer the child model to the adult one. This made for a more peaceful, and tolerant society when it came to things that at one time might have been otherwise considered sexually “deviant”. Instead, since androids were involved, it became a form of sexual expression, with the androids being seen as tools of expression. The whole reason why it was needful to bring Stephanie Baker back... is that if it got revealed on THIS world, this primitive one that Akora was on right now, that the child was an android, then that could cause this ridiculously high level technology to be introduced to a world that was totally not ready to understand it. If these primitives did find a way to comprehend it and replicate it, it would disrupt the natural flow their history. Worse! This could lead to them creating battle androids, something that was unknown back on Akora's world since a long time ago war had ceased to be a thing there. How Stephanie had ended up here was actually rather the fault of Akora's employers anyway... Stephanie was her own personal Comfort Android as had been appointed to her by her therapist. As such, she lived with Akora back at headquarters. Some genius left a wormhole open and Stephanie wandered through it... no one had any idea where. Akora thought for a long time about getting a replacement for Stephanie, but the two had already begun to bond big time... and there was genuine love growing between the couple. Thus, Akora decided to wait a bit and see if it might be possible for her employers to locate the girl and send her to fetch her. They did not tell her the next mission was going to be to rescue Stephanie Baker... but Akora was happy to learn that it was. As a consequence of passing through the wormhole, Stephanie did not at the moment remember Akora. It was common for that to happen randomly when one was sent to this world or that. Akora had suffered the temporary amnesia several times during the course of her duties, but it was always temporary and it always passed. The problem was... Stephanie had reverted to old school sex android programming after losing her memory and decided to work at a brothel doing what sex androids did best. Her memory of all that happened during her time on this primitive planet would need to be erased once they got back... it would traumatize her, otherwise, to think she had betrayed Akora with other partners after the pair's bonding had begun in earnest. At present... Akora simply made the young girl believe that she had met her only just now for the first time. The two lay in each other's arms for a while... they had all night to spend together, after all, by the brothel's rules. All Akora was waiting for, was for Stephanie to finally fall asleep. These androids could sleep, and they could dream too. They were just that greatly realistic.
The only things they did not need to do was eat or excrete, since they got their energy in other ways... and that energy left no waste to be expelled. Once Stephanie was asleep, Akora kissed her on the head, got to her feet, and searched her purse for the portable teleportation device that she had squirreled away in one of the compartments thereof. It had been left for her, that device, back at the manor house so that the outsider would have a means of returning home once the mission was completed. She wisely took it with her knowing full well she would be needing to use it soon. She glanced over at the door, just to be certain that no one was outside of it at the time, and then looked back at Stephanie. “Time to go, honey. Let's get home, it has been one insane trip!” Akora said out loud to the girl, who woke up asking: “Uh... what do you mean home? I don't remember where my home is! I...” and Akora punched in the code for two passengers before pressing the send button on the metal wand-shaped device. The indicator light in turn flashed green, meaning the return request was sent. Akora then hurried over, grabbed a hold of the young android girl, and pulled her over to her. “Close your eyes.” The outsider said to the girl, who did as was asked. Within minutes after that... a bright beam of light appeared all around them, and then they were gone from that world entirely, called back to Akora's world once again. The mission... succeeded.
One month later... Akora and the android known as Stephanie Baker were both sitting beside the pool at their own private section of the headquarters for those who worked for the ones who employed such as Akora to be their agents. Stephanie was wearing a sexy pink one-piece bathing suit, and Akora wore a pair of baggy purple swimming trunks paired with a tight purple crop top. It was summertime, and a most beautiful day to be outside. The palm trees were swaying gently in the warm summer breeze that blew through occasionally, and the water felt nice as the couple dipped their fit into it whilst sitting at the pool's edge. They watched the water rippling and it reminded them of how a single action can cause a great change, which was something everyone in Akora's line of work knew about intimately. Over the course of time on Akora's world... societies changed, laws changed, and people changed. Mostly, it was hoped, for the better. But that trip to that particularly brutal and primitive world had taught Akora that just because a civilization believes itself to be the height of civilized behavior... that does not mean that there can be no room for further improvement. There would always be room to grow, to evolve, and to change as time went on. It was the human... and android... capacity to learn and evolve over time that in truth made sentient beings such as them so special. Stephanie's memory of the incident, was removed... and her normal memories returned... and all was restored to normal. Or at the very least what passed for normalcy for this very unusual couple. Akora put her arm around Stephanie's shoulder and held her... it was good to just relax for a change and to have nothing pressing to worry about. As an agent, of certain employers, there was no telling when duty might call... and some world or another might need fixing or guidance. But at least, at the end of a hard mission, Stephanie would always be there waiting for Akora to return, faithful and loving. Marrying her was the best decision Akora had ever made. Stephanie's fair sparkling eyes were practically aglow with delight as she looked into Akora's face and said sweetly and playfully: “So babe! Isn't it awesome? We've got a whole second month for summer vacation... it's just like school in that way kinda. Makes me wish we could keep September a long ways off for as much as possible.” She was back to her original bubbly, silly self that delighted Akora beyond words to express. Akora laughed happily and replied: “Yeah, it's great to be able to spend so much time with you finally... and not to have to talk all serious and worry about using words or phrases that fit in with whatever era a certain world or another is stuck in. I can just be me with you, and it's fantastic sweetie pie!” They spent time joking, laughing, being silly... and being intimate with each other too. The canopy that covered the whole pool area provided not just shade and protection from the sun, but privacy aplenty as well. Every summer vacation, this place was their personal retreat from the whole multiverse, and to them it was as close to a true heaven as anyone could wish for. It was romantic, perfect, and for them... truly civilized.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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