Οh, A Text Message, part the second.
Text Message
Yey!!! We are gonna be so stylin when we swim in the oool
Οh, A Text Message, part the second.
Hand here's book. Table of
The East Face Of Helicon
Book is almost 666 numbered pages long! Plus the roman-numeral pages, the preface, index, ancillary matter, etcetera.
Wegean and Orient
as more
Culture, lit by light, begins up to spread out where is dansest
into adjacent area whit is less d'ensor some thousand ears of corn
from the
mC to the rst, stely session o arts,
craftsd coorts for
of th
evoluticosouth-eas robe and that arled
that werence: the cultion,
thee, irstan-made anter wed-mad
opper, then on; the proction
of s or ol'ed sals; the wating cla tablets,
axed ooder par ap rund skin; walling tons, the
uc of harp, adole ob-thes are on some more
mptomtems a spring
Mt of thos mul
rview of presework,
Specifically Semitic Anatoli-Greek podry and as
w know them od 750-50 BC Of course we cannfestrict
since the literare of that may
well contain estein lemts tl at 1flect ealie contac Wes
back at least to the Mycenaea But we need not to rack before
the one when there rather, at Indo-Eur can dialec
which due cours: develope teorical rek, became esshed
in Greece. As when hatte w the majority or last
Twenty or thirtys has be hath arri the proo-Gr
speakers gameschoole
wo ways of destructorc
took place at various sites cen
and southern cece at inne
and end of the Earl Hell dic I
wes seem no to e
flattening of under ritie
even if it is ess
supposed, for the arrival
population ent in the part of the third remmo and this
se the mos plable t To the coming o proto-Greek and
who spoke it.
cante Forstwilight of the rly Helladies sered 1992
ord Renfrew, ho identifies the peead of griculture with that of
Indo-Eur thus ames the Gee language to be the prode of indigenous develoment
in Greengout 0 BC (Colin Renfrew, Archaeogy a Language, Lond 1987)
ignoresence oft groupings in Indo-Europeas and chronological rameter
by historical da and it found fes if any trenchanticis J. P.
Page 1
in thanksgiving, in fulfilment of a vow, to lend weight to a prayer, or in expiation of some wrong. It is done for preference at a special holy place, at an altar or shrine The basic types of Gecek offering are perfectly matched by
places or shrine
Tbas types of Greek sacral offering are perly matched by
thos Sc, more especially peoples
Bess food offering winek, o, u, honey,
cakes vegetables, etc. fummaticular cat
theyalled beginnings,kadian Hew
The offerings te on or laida
specable (Akkph, Greek Cawth
there consume in the city with the discrise of
Speciales of and meal were new
is wind techy ofs, and in Phoenicia
s seen bleat Grock term for
the Semitic root mitation the
drops allowed to sin
with in view, 1
et deliverance from
illness danger,
distan (6) offering to the
uning of
Akkas type of stice s
and the ven
od is conneon with
as a chew and co
has been suged that
Cecek kan deriv
Semitic root,
percat with corn The
se burner deveped on
Mesopotaan mode and th
mples are of Phoenician
cie burned it as in the
East codes my frank
kedros, paps took
med Aha are both coily
aryences in smoke the altar,
parta proposed frankin and all
cityces, apt over two
sane that wedd
the bodice of the common
agree further in a series o
feasts and details
p were the preferred to b
A typical icon for a hester is that its never bee
perphemselves by bathing a wore clean of
spel clothes
The ceremony began thedon in wh
led the altar accompanied by double music and ging
A sacred circle was marked out the, in Babylon
ris by sprinkling flour, in reek by cam roda basket of t
and vessel of lustral water.
Water was poured over the participants and sprink ever
the whole area
On Offerings to the Gods
1. Aegean and Orient
the Near East. In Babylonia we hear of wrestling in honour of the
god Ninurta and honor of Gilgamesh. The was also racing at
certain festivals. There w wrestling gain, among entertainments sch
as juggling and acrobatic the Ishta ceremonies Mari in Syria.
The Hittites had resting an foot-racing as part of tain bi-annua
rites performed at a sacredston At another of their feals there was
both fot- and horse-raci At another, honour of the ar-god, there
were whirling dancers. King David of Israel personal leapt and
whirled before the Lord folowing animal sacrifices on the ccasion of
the tranport of the ark, ad elsewhere we hear of group singing and
Various techniques of divination came to Greece from the Near Eat at different pods In Homer the gods will r the hidden outcome of events is often seen or suspected a tream, the flight of a bird, a roll of thunder, or some other sudden and toward occurrence. does no necessarily take seer to ducidates ch portents. Ordinary people ard often capable recognizing a favourable omen or interpreting the symbolism of dream. Bu if a seer ach as Cachas or Theocl menus is present, he is naturally the one who reads the sign. Calchas is called not only a mantis also an donopolos specialist in bird omens Homer knows designations for to other kids of specialist diviner too, the interpreter of Arms, one ropolos, ad the scrutineer of incense smoke, thyoskoos From before the time the Persian Wars we find seers taking omers from the flames of the actificial altar, from the manner in which the arts of are borne, and from the conformation of its internal ogans, especially the liver Prometheus in pseudo-Acchylus" play, clming to ave ught manande ars of divination.pecifies five sources of mantic knowledge: dream kledones and nodioi symboi, that is, omens from things said or encountered by chance; the fight of birds, the apec of entrails the flames of the burnt sacrifice
19 BWL 120.6.1. S is H. A. Hes (ond Occident Essay
to Cyrus, Nel, Tigay, I CAD B. is ab lim. The god Nabu, who the Greeks identided with Her, had a title Nabiami, of
race, which we may comith Hermes' tenag
A. Goette Kleine 2nd ed. Mouse andin ANET 358 1 Sasso opot
Exod The Hebelak, danc, may have the rooaning play
(ibid), in which the case may compare the arly Greek use of pain play dance
Theskoos does nook Eke a neolog, and the sky in it should be taken in its late
for inspection (copy) there is artistidence from the last
C Diviniation
ve a fuser account at the appropriate placin chap 8.) Certain
Uritic texts indicate that the kings there culvated eir ancestors and
d upon them at times, and one text appears to escribe how Ditanu.
the firm of Ugarit, was approached for a remedy for a sick prince,
and how he pronouneed ritual measures to taken. The existence of
necromanyn Canaan is cowed by the everal condemnations of it in
the Old Tement, as well as by the sode in which the ghost of
Samuel is cald up by the witch of Edor. Herein we note that it is a
prophet whose hade is consulted
Purification ritu
Divination might close the presence of an unsuspected evil, or the
reat of an impendingne. Cathartic of apotropaic rituals might then be
ced for. They er generally performed by priests, sometimes
nalists in purificaton. In Greek tradition purifications are very much
De price of one paticul god. Apollo, especially under his name of
Phboth Pure ree and Semitic urificatory practices coincide at several joints. There thing remarkale me fact that both make use of water, the monaural and obvious cleans agents, symbolically sprinkled, or fumigation with censers torch I rather more noteworthy that both emplox pocedures of purification by means of messy substances that are rubbed over the body of the person to cleansed and then wiped off. Ince we hear of mud, an mash, and an cakes being so used, in Mestamia of fur paste or dough bread, and stewed tamarisk. In bothtures it is the wiping off (aspárrev, uppuru) that is emphasized; the contexts equivalent to purify No oubt the idea was that the staff absorbed the pollution and that both were en wiped off together; but is not a non that very people arrives at Even more striking the ideaf cleansing with the blood of a sacrificed animal.
And you shall not slaughter de ram, nor d take of its blood and apply it to the tip of
Aaron's right car nor the tips of his rit cars, nor to their right thumbs
nor their right big toes, nor throw the ood ag the tar all round. And you
wledge-spiriter of the dead. Lev
1 Sam 2 below, pp.
30: CAD apiru D. Laal 1 23-8, IKA The Ladal passage does to refer to with a branch as implied by the
On Purification
Text Message
Text Message
Yey!!! We are gonna be so stylin when we swim in the oool
Οh, A Text Message, part the second.
Hand here's book. Table of
The East Face Of Helicon
Book is almost 666 numbered pages long! Plus the roman-numeral pages, the preface, index, ancillary matter, etcetera.
Wegean and Orient
as more
Culture, lit by light, begins up to spread out where is dansest
into adjacent area whit is less d'ensor some thousand ears of corn
from the
mC to the rst, stely session o arts,
craftsd coorts for
of th
evoluticosouth-eas robe and that arled
that werence: the cultion,
thee, irstan-made anter wed-mad
opper, then on; the proction
of s or ol'ed sals; the wating cla tablets,
axed ooder par ap rund skin; walling tons, the
uc of harp, adole ob-thes are on some more
mptomtems a spring
Mt of thos mul
rview of presework,
Specifically Semitic Anatoli-Greek podry and as
w know them od 750-50 BC Of course we cannfestrict
since the literare of that may
well contain estein lemts tl at 1flect ealie contac Wes
back at least to the Mycenaea But we need not to rack before
the one when there rather, at Indo-Eur can dialec
which due cours: develope teorical rek, became esshed
in Greece. As when hatte w the majority or last
Twenty or thirtys has be hath arri the proo-Gr
speakers gameschoole
wo ways of destructorc
took place at various sites cen
and southern cece at inne
and end of the Earl Hell dic I
wes seem no to e
flattening of under ritie
even if it is ess
supposed, for the arrival
population ent in the part of the third remmo and this
se the mos plable t To the coming o proto-Greek and
who spoke it.
cante Forstwilight of the rly Helladies sered 1992
ord Renfrew, ho identifies the peead of griculture with that of
Indo-Eur thus ames the Gee language to be the prode of indigenous develoment
in Greengout 0 BC (Colin Renfrew, Archaeogy a Language, Lond 1987)
ignoresence oft groupings in Indo-Europeas and chronological rameter
by historical da and it found fes if any trenchanticis J. P.
Page 1
in thanksgiving, in fulfilment of a vow, to lend weight to a prayer, or in expiation of some wrong. It is done for preference at a special holy place, at an altar or shrine The basic types of Gecek offering are perfectly matched by
places or shrine
Tbas types of Greek sacral offering are perly matched by
thos Sc, more especially peoples
Bess food offering winek, o, u, honey,
cakes vegetables, etc. fummaticular cat
theyalled beginnings,kadian Hew
The offerings te on or laida
specable (Akkph, Greek Cawth
there consume in the city with the discrise of
Speciales of and meal were new
is wind techy ofs, and in Phoenicia
s seen bleat Grock term for
the Semitic root mitation the
drops allowed to sin
with in view, 1
et deliverance from
illness danger,
distan (6) offering to the
uning of
Akkas type of stice s
and the ven
od is conneon with
as a chew and co
has been suged that
Cecek kan deriv
Semitic root,
percat with corn The
se burner deveped on
Mesopotaan mode and th
mples are of Phoenician
cie burned it as in the
East codes my frank
kedros, paps took
med Aha are both coily
aryences in smoke the altar,
parta proposed frankin and all
cityces, apt over two
sane that wedd
the bodice of the common
agree further in a series o
feasts and details
p were the preferred to b
A typical icon for a hester is that its never bee
perphemselves by bathing a wore clean of
spel clothes
The ceremony began thedon in wh
led the altar accompanied by double music and ging
A sacred circle was marked out the, in Babylon
ris by sprinkling flour, in reek by cam roda basket of t
and vessel of lustral water.
Water was poured over the participants and sprink ever
the whole area
On Offerings to the Gods
1. Aegean and Orient
the Near East. In Babylonia we hear of wrestling in honour of the
god Ninurta and honor of Gilgamesh. The was also racing at
certain festivals. There w wrestling gain, among entertainments sch
as juggling and acrobatic the Ishta ceremonies Mari in Syria.
The Hittites had resting an foot-racing as part of tain bi-annua
rites performed at a sacredston At another of their feals there was
both fot- and horse-raci At another, honour of the ar-god, there
were whirling dancers. King David of Israel personal leapt and
whirled before the Lord folowing animal sacrifices on the ccasion of
the tranport of the ark, ad elsewhere we hear of group singing and
Various techniques of divination came to Greece from the Near Eat at different pods In Homer the gods will r the hidden outcome of events is often seen or suspected a tream, the flight of a bird, a roll of thunder, or some other sudden and toward occurrence. does no necessarily take seer to ducidates ch portents. Ordinary people ard often capable recognizing a favourable omen or interpreting the symbolism of dream. Bu if a seer ach as Cachas or Theocl menus is present, he is naturally the one who reads the sign. Calchas is called not only a mantis also an donopolos specialist in bird omens Homer knows designations for to other kids of specialist diviner too, the interpreter of Arms, one ropolos, ad the scrutineer of incense smoke, thyoskoos From before the time the Persian Wars we find seers taking omers from the flames of the actificial altar, from the manner in which the arts of are borne, and from the conformation of its internal ogans, especially the liver Prometheus in pseudo-Acchylus" play, clming to ave ught manande ars of divination.pecifies five sources of mantic knowledge: dream kledones and nodioi symboi, that is, omens from things said or encountered by chance; the fight of birds, the apec of entrails the flames of the burnt sacrifice
19 BWL 120.6.1. S is H. A. Hes (ond Occident Essay
to Cyrus, Nel, Tigay, I CAD B. is ab lim. The god Nabu, who the Greeks identided with Her, had a title Nabiami, of
race, which we may comith Hermes' tenag
A. Goette Kleine 2nd ed. Mouse andin ANET 358 1 Sasso opot
Exod The Hebelak, danc, may have the rooaning play
(ibid), in which the case may compare the arly Greek use of pain play dance
Theskoos does nook Eke a neolog, and the sky in it should be taken in its late
for inspection (copy) there is artistidence from the last
C Diviniation
ve a fuser account at the appropriate placin chap 8.) Certain
Uritic texts indicate that the kings there culvated eir ancestors and
d upon them at times, and one text appears to escribe how Ditanu.
the firm of Ugarit, was approached for a remedy for a sick prince,
and how he pronouneed ritual measures to taken. The existence of
necromanyn Canaan is cowed by the everal condemnations of it in
the Old Tement, as well as by the sode in which the ghost of
Samuel is cald up by the witch of Edor. Herein we note that it is a
prophet whose hade is consulted
Purification ritu
Divination might close the presence of an unsuspected evil, or the
reat of an impendingne. Cathartic of apotropaic rituals might then be
ced for. They er generally performed by priests, sometimes
nalists in purificaton. In Greek tradition purifications are very much
De price of one paticul god. Apollo, especially under his name of
Phboth Pure ree and Semitic urificatory practices coincide at several joints. There thing remarkale me fact that both make use of water, the monaural and obvious cleans agents, symbolically sprinkled, or fumigation with censers torch I rather more noteworthy that both emplox pocedures of purification by means of messy substances that are rubbed over the body of the person to cleansed and then wiped off. Ince we hear of mud, an mash, and an cakes being so used, in Mestamia of fur paste or dough bread, and stewed tamarisk. In bothtures it is the wiping off (aspárrev, uppuru) that is emphasized; the contexts equivalent to purify No oubt the idea was that the staff absorbed the pollution and that both were en wiped off together; but is not a non that very people arrives at Even more striking the ideaf cleansing with the blood of a sacrificed animal.
And you shall not slaughter de ram, nor d take of its blood and apply it to the tip of
Aaron's right car nor the tips of his rit cars, nor to their right thumbs
nor their right big toes, nor throw the ood ag the tar all round. And you
wledge-spiriter of the dead. Lev
1 Sam 2 below, pp.
30: CAD apiru D. Laal 1 23-8, IKA The Ladal passage does to refer to with a branch as implied by the
On Purification
Text Message
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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