Tribute to Eric

I remember it
Like it was yesterday
When I woke up
To the sound of footfall
They were coming to get him
Because he couldn't breathe
Why did it have to be
This cute baby

I remember
Sitting on the couch
With my mom and sisters
Bawling our eyes out
Tears streaming down our faces
As we prayed that God would
Let him stay with us
On this planet today

I can't believe he died
When he had just
Broken a month old
He hadn't seen so much
That would be seen in his life
But he went to a better place
With a holy God
Who would love him always

I couldn't believe my eyes
when I saw his face
full of makeup
ready for burial
Little fists clenched in balls
He vas so little and vulnerable
Still so cute
But so gray

I remember that was the last time I saw him
But even though he's dead on earth
He still lives forever in heaven
With Father God
And his son
Who will keep him safe
Until we come
And see him again

This year he would be eight years old
He would be in elmentary school
Looking up to his family
Who loves him
But we can't see him
Until we die
And go to heaven
But that won't be long from now

Because human life is so short
So watch out Eric
Here we come
In just a couple decades maybe more
But maybe less
Just wait for us
And we will come
I promise

So Eric we love you
Forever and ever and always
Written by strong_tower7613
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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