The Tories, Racists, Nazis and Fascists war on woke: a word they didn't create and whose meaning ignorantly eludes them!

By Stanley Collymore

Woke: a hypocritical attack
on an exaggerated enemy
that's largely perceived  
as Black and which is clearly
riddled with contradictions,
malevolent hypocrisy, and
"no platforming"' at all on
clearly, British university  
campus condescending
and wrongly derisively
raised again, coupled
with their derisively  
raised again linked  
with an assuredly  
solid promise of
freely, and also
their determined pledge
to these demonstrably,
pernicious outlandish,  
tangibly malevolent,  
Tory, right-wingers
collaboratively, as
it quite obviously  
is, in clear union  
with supportive
and, identically
inanely fixated
inuredly racist
sewer rats - to
totally ensure
crucially, and  
Free Speech,
platforms at
for all right
wing scum.

So how would these Tories
et al truthfully react were
a student union or even
a university department invited  
any IRA member, al-Qaeda, or
ISIS operative, to  give a talk
entitled - Why terrorism is
basically, fully justified to
totally eradicate, unjust
issues, like white, plus  
Indian aptly bleached
Coconut entrenched
and sickeningly too
Anti-Black- Racism;
Europe and North  
American, horrid
toxic antipodean  
and other, evilly
very unworried  
white - recurrently; fully  
delightedly engaged in
largely, barbaric; such
a purposely tiresome
racially and similarly
their premeditated  
indifferent, Global
South malevolent  
white purported  
master race and
solely justifiable
and exclusively
World Control!  

Properly and, quite morally
too, rigorously challenged  
by these said previously  
mentioned, in this candid poem,
protagonists in order to justify  
and, likewise, endeavour also
to suitably acquire their own  
charted goal, of a justifiably  
welcomingly permanently  
installed, and entrenched,
equitably just and a truly  
accountably, democratic  
plus a most discernibly,  
veritably suitable to be
blessedly residing - in
a Meritocratic World?

Instantaneously there'd be
quite virulently foaming,
mendacious outrage,
as Tories, and their numerous
sycophantic allies in the UK'S
media, wildly screamed that
this allegedly, but never the
less scandalous and clearly
offending woke university
should not only be swiftly  
closed down but equally  
irreversibly so, also. And  
with the Tories daringly
having already warned  
all nationally-run state  
schools solidly against  
them, ever objectively
familiarising those of
their students about
anti-capitalist views.

Therefore the very fortunate
few intelligent ones among  
you, now noticeably living  
in a markedly terminally  
seriously intellectually challenged  
and a majority sewer rat infested  
Britain will very astutely, I hope,
realize where I'm coming from.  
So much then for the constant  
vilely abused, and a blatantly
lying mantra, of supposedly
free speech readily coming
from their risibly believed  
social betters; these toxic
white privileged, equally  
wealthy elites: basically  
classed as monarchical  
or the  vilely nepotistic
avidly social-climbing
clones reinforced by
a likeminded keenly  
entrenched, rabidly racist and  
sycophantic, generally obese
numerically, all-biologically
bastard birth cretins! Very
ludicrously claiming to be
strongly for free speech.
Naturally! Theirs alone;
while 'altruistically' too
soundly proselytizing,
the free exchange of  
viable ideas! Really?  
So moral of them!  

(C) Stanley V.  Collymore  
17 February 2021.  

Author's Remarks:
The praiseworthily excellent and also thoroughly justifiably too, from every logical perspective and truly  mentally liberated Black minds, inspirationally constructive word "woke" is in every exact sense of the word, both literally  and as well figuratively, brilliantly formulated and unquestionably too, a skilled and positively utilized unique terminology.  As is as distinctively Black in all positive respects as jazz, soul music, fiat-bumping, high fives, rap music and a plethora of other things that whites have repetitively and grossly appropriated  and the deluded elements among this risible master race like to kid themselves they created.

Mentally and educationally liberated Blacks like myself don't really care in the least what these toxic, lowlife and verminous  specimens masquerading as human beings think. But for Blacks who are unaware of these things and the term woke in particular,  it's why I've written this poem..

Way back in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was running for the presidency of the United States,  he and the then Republican Party to which Abraham Lincoln belonged, borrowed this Black term from its associated Black movement  to campaign for the liberation of Blacks who were still  barbarically held by whites as slaves. Abraham Lincoln won his presidential bid and abolished slavery.

However,  the USA didn't become  the equitable  society  that Abraham Lincoln envisaged,  and today in 2021 still isn't where Blacks and other minorities are deeply concerned. So in the 1940s the terminology WOKE  was coined by mentally liberated Blacks to advance and put in the public spotlight and consciousness a number of social and racial issue. Among them feminism, LGBT rights, environmentalism and crucially RACISM against Blacks; as well as  Civil Rights of all kinds across  the board routinely denied to Blacks; and inclusive of law  and order issues,  police brutality  and the arbitrary violations of Black voting rights, which as happened quite recently Donald Drumpf and his likemindedly treasonous army of lawless insurrectionists, as the world vividly witnessed,  as it actually happened, on the 6 January 2021 by delusional white supremacists hellbent on bringing about a political coup to keep a Nazi-KKK racist in power, blatantly sought in their lying "stop the steal", was effectively all about.  

A criminal, Nazi, KKK, mafia don, Fascist and pathetically inured narcissist Donald J. Drumpf knew then and still does that he legitimately lost the 2020 election, and the entrenched racist that he and his sycophants in Britain are also calculated rightly that it was legitimate Black votes that catapulted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House. So what better way to rile up his illiterate and educationally challenged white scum sycophants in the USA and Britain  - even though Brits don't have a vote in any US elections - than that it were not for massive fraud by all these Niggers in predominantly Black areas - note no accusations by them of alleged voter fraud in any white areas either in individual states or at a national level -that he Donald  Drumpf  would still be the President of the United States.  

And not only the white scum across the USA but their likeminded lot in Britain, from Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor  downwards, the fucking delusional empire loyalist Tory mafia masquerading as politicians and white master race supremacists; the cunt Labtories lot in the supposedly Labour Party  under Yid Keir Starmer, and naturally the so-called British MSM, significantly nothing more than virulently mendacious and rightwing rag, all for similar racist reasons, willingly bought into Nazi Kraut, Donald Drumpf's narrative.

Easy to see why Liz Mountbatten-Windsor easily and readily bought into it, as she and Donald Drumpf have much in common with each other. Racist Scottish mothers and extended Kraut ancestry. And  from my trusted American sources  - I am a qualified journalist - Donald Drumpf had promised Liz to pardon her paedophile and paedophilia fascinated son who embarrassingly for Liz had been caught out in his activities and was wanted for questioning by the United States' FBI. And who in an incestuously inbred, adulterous and a massively dysfunctional family as Liz's it's widely believed to  be her illegitimate love child! But who with a functioning brain and knows how to properly use it really cares?

The quid pro situation was for Liz and her lot to throw Meghan who detests and publicly criticised Donald Drumpf long before she ever met Harry - and the world knows how this fucking and evil narcissist Donald Drumpf hates valid criticism, and his penchant for vindictiveness - and lesser so Harry as well to the wolves, in order to deflect attention away from the rampant and vile paedophilia within Liz's own family. And all the more so because of Meghan: a proud and mentally liberated Black woman's caustic and prescient minded condemnation of Donald Drumpf  for the racist and criminal jerk that he is! So how the fuck can anything that Meghan  has quite sensibly and morally done - in essence intelligentlly, logically and laudably walking away from this tiresome, mediocre and medieval  Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family that she married into, compare to Andrew's close and sickening association with a serial and imprisoned paedophile or, for that matter, his brother Charles' own very close longterm friendship and relationship with UK bishops of the Church of England  who were convicted of entrenched paedophilia carried out over a lengthy period, and who were subsequently charged and convicted in British courts but despite their overwhelming guilt only received a mere slap on the wrist for their sick and extensive depravity - a Church of England of which his own and extensively far from morally sound, mother Liz is fucking-well constitutionally the head of that same church - clearly bearing  in mind how it came into being in the first place, has largely and staunchly stayed the same; and he Charles, when his mother Liz finally croaks it, will himself become Head of the Church of England; never mind the Diana debacle and his own Henry VIII egregious to his wife Diana well documented affair with Camilla and that culminating in Diana's nefarious and untimely death!

And look how mute the well-heeled and political cunts across Britain are. Where are you? Cat got your tongues? Nigel Farage and Co and the the other effusive buddies of Donald Drumpf.

The stinking hypocrisy of QAnon trumpanzees, their likeminded British and utterly deluded monarchically fawning assholes delusional white master race supremacists  - never mind their well documented lowlife, deeply intellectually challenged, bastardized, significant numbers of them don't even know who their biological fathers are just as many of their biological mothers don't know either, is rampant and deeply entrenched. Toxic, lowlife vermin, highly gullible and, what's more, constantly accusing others of the very things they're repeatedly engaged in and consistently doing.

And to Liz Mountbatten-Windsor I say get a fucking real life. Since only braindead cunts give a fuck about you, the out of touch lifestyle  that you and your incestuously inbred, addictively adulterous and transparently hugely dysfunctional live, and in the most fawning manner give their constant and unquestioning approbation to.

You are nothing  Liz, either educationally, morally or even in physical terms. And had it not been for the contrived circumstances of your birth and the perverse  situation that catapulted you to where you are, you'd be like all the other fucking useless and as well nondescript, white old hags that infest the UK: having contributed little or next to nothing to humanity generally or even British  society in particular. In short a total waste of space, and someone who has never done a proper job  in your kiss me ass life!  

White privilege and nonsensical circumstances alone are what have catapulted you Liz Mountbatten-Windsor into their you've acquired. You are a narcissistic nerd of the Donald Drumpf variety, and precisely like him thinks that everything and everyone should revolve  exclusively around you. You were intensely jealous of your sister Margaret who I met socially in Barbados on her several and publicly unheralded visits to my ancestral homeland that she, never mind Mustique, that she often visited. You Liz were from the outset, and still are a fucking lousy mother: deflecting that maternal incapability and total disinterest of yours - once you'd robotically delivered the all important Firm's statutory sprogs as demanded and expected of you - as secondary to your disingenuous and deceitfully stated public and divine rights duty as the hereditary monarch of Britain.  A belief that's firmly transfixed in the heads, minds and fawning actions of your cynically conned and brainwashed plebeian sycophantic cunt followers.

And other than in sycophantically transfixe, class structured Britain any family that behaved like you and yours have repeatedly done compounded as well by the vast and ongoing numbers of divorces within them and the like, coupled with all the attendant adulterous behaviour, paedophilia and the rest of it across the board by most if not all of them, would long have been very thoroughly investigated by the social and other appropriate authorities and quite harshly sanctioned , criminalised and the offending white trash properly incarcerated in jail. Yet we even have in the UK'S staunch racist, empire loyalist and brown-nosing, monarchical rightwing rag mendaciously, very actively and rather spitefully encouraging its controlled and cynically exploited trolls to openly in their large and idiotic numbers have you Liz now also confidently do to Meghan just what they all truly believe you had done to Diana! So even among you most fervent plebeian toadies they all know what a nasty piece of work as well as a selfish, quite self-serving and a grizzly, old vindictive cow you are Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor.

Head of the Church of England, quite laughable ethically, when the morals of yourself and your family are akin to the non-existent ones of sewer rats. Living in a sick, outlandishly medieval and wholly inappropriately make believe world in the 21st Century. Totally obsessed  with your handing out of meaningless titles and medals to your immediate family members  and social climbing sycophants. I myself  voluntarily served in the RAF but NOT for so-called queen and country, nor because I desperately needed a job - I didn't.  But happy as I was to be in the RAF I purpisely don't wear any service ribbons or the like, and for any of you - mostly cowards who never join the armed forces but nevertheless as the bogus Patriots you are will defend Britain to the last drop of someone  else's blood  but never your own - who think that I should be pleased or feel obligingly privileged to do so, my curt response to that is, go fuck yourself! I have a mind of my own and can and do independently think for myself. The same goes for several of my Barbadian, other Caribbean and North American relatives who likewise altruistically served in both these two European internecine family wars closely connected in both instances to  the German and British monarichal branches of the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe family that they and all you white, deluded empire loyalist dregs gratuitously refer to as World Wars 1 and 2; when essentially they were nowt but familially inspired  wars and white Brits were  premeditatedly cynically used and completely dispensible sacrificial lambs.

So having your own immediate family members heavily weighted down with medals they didn't chivalrously earn and afterwards prancing about in stupid military uniforms as well, while publicly acquiescing to likeminded Fascists like yourself and serial adulterous husband, biological 2nd cousin and Kraut Philip Mountbatten  - his sisters were all married to very high ranking German Waffen SS killers and genociders during World War 2 -  rightwing British rags like the Daily Mail, what convenient memories, that supported not only Oswald Mosley's Nazi lot but the Third Reich as well, that Harry who actually served in a combat role in Afghanistan and was in the Army for several years, will none the less be barred by YOU LIZ from rightfully wearing his military uniforms if he chooses to , just goes to show what an ignorant, vindictive old cow you are Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor.

Anyway it beats me why anyone would want in peacetime and not in the military to wear a military uniform when they're no longer in the armed forces. Earlier in my life I trained as a psychiatric nurse at England's largest, quite renowned and oldest mental hospital, longed closed down and sold off with its massive grounds, expansive and beautiful orchards, so significant properties and other innovative industries like pig farming and the like makin the hospital very self-proficient in a multiplicity of hugely impressive ways, to her commercial friends and financial backhanders by a fucking short-sighted, monetarily obsessed and avariciously motivated Maggie Thatcher and her likeminded, evil, thoroughly grasping and bloody incompetent Tories, thankfully I had long moved on by that time in my most carefully planned career - even so my nursing job then in the NHS was one I immensely enjoyed but wouldn't be seen dead now in any NHS nursing uniform.  

And as for Liz removing Harry's Sussex title or whatever  or the crap and meaningless patronages she liberally  and uselessly does out, who sensibly dunking well cares? Other than white Brits with utterly meaningless lives, who're obsessed in class entrenched Britain with social climbing and as well living their pathetic lives through the supposed, but in actuality non achievements of their perceived social betters. And doing so with the unbridled and effusive support of their bleached skin, caste entrenched, mentally subjugated, marriage to whites to effectively breed their thoroughly despised but natural ethnicity out, COCONUT Indian, Useful Idiots nerd cunts; and their - in UK terms mainly, Nigerian ancestry - HOUSE NIGGER counterparts!

Finally, I seriously suggest Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor and the whole plethora of likeminded racist cunts like yourself across Britain and who toxically infest it with your presence that you Google and then read the genuinely brilliant Guardian Newspaper article, and indicative this article of what proper and erudite journalism is all about: "Why is the UK government suddenly targeting "critical race theory", written by Daniel Trilling and dated October 23, 2020.

And you don't need me to tell you Liz where, solely relevant to Meghan and Harry, you can rather forcefully and irremovably, shove your absolutely fucking useless, meaningless, totally medievally irrelevant and in the 21st Century  pointlessly awarded titles and the rest of it. And were you not 94,  uselessly white and British I would also have added get yourself a kiss me ass useful life - but alas being who and what you actually are it's far too late for a makeover, for a wizened old and racist, divine right to rule, medieval mindset prat like you Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor!

Written by Academic
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