In the bible, Jesus says, My father's house has many mansions. That always confused me, How does a house hold mansions? That's like putting the big red hotels in Monopoly inside the little green houses. lol Anyways, I came to understand the metaphor. The heart is a house that holds many mansions. When we truly love someone, some part of that love will always remain, haunting the mansions within that house.
thank you for your inspiring comments I really appreciate them :-)))
The problem I have with heaven is that it is described as a capitalistic system - It seems the more holy you are in life the bigger your mansion, it seems to lack equality - sounds like man made it up. Just a thought!
Oh I concur, the larger part of religions are mythology. I don't believe in a heaven or hell, they are metaphors of what we make our own lives into, by choice, because we always have choice, even when the choice is how to feel about circumstances beyond our control.