Image for the poem Memoirs of a Galactic Emperor – Chapter II

Memoirs of a Galactic Emperor – Chapter II

-{( Memoirs of a Galactic Emperor – Chapter II )}-
An out-of-body experience I had on Friday, July 2, 2010, in the morning
Part Thirteen: The Rise of the Nephilim
Because of their sacrilege, Sophia bound the archons in human flesh of Eve’s bloodline. So did they lose what remained of their divine powers! Of the seven so punished, only I was spared for I had not done as they did. Thusly only six knew such a fate. But as time went on, the Nephilim race became more numerous and eventually it would come to pass that as humans mixed with angels more often… our “alien” blood became dominant in their species. In anger, God destroyed all the gardens including Eden and swore that now mankind could toil for itself rather than for him. By this time, many of God’s children had fled back to the stars to look for other worlds to call their own. And only one ship, the “Olympus”, remained. The flagship of the divine race, where the throne of God was kept in glory, along with the seats of the twelve Olympian lords! But mankind too was not idle, and the nations of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were created. The most advanced of all the nations of mankind that would ever follow: these places were a melting pot of human and Nephilim bloodlines. But to the Olympians… such were monstrosities to be hated and despised. Only we of the Titan lineage were willing to accept these new races of mankind, and so there was fresh enmity between us once more. I remembered all this from my time in the sphere that lay within the temple on Kobol wherein my first body was interred. Resurrection was an art to the angelic races, both Olympian and Titan, and I wore many bodies since my spirit abandoned that one. But once I was made wholly of Eve’s bloodline, I could only thereafter reincarnate… and not resurrect. For such was the final punishment by God for those who rebelled against his own will: that resurrection be taken from them for all of time, and be reserved for God himself to perform. And only on those he chooses. But it was not until the downfall of Atlantis that this punishment was enacted. Prior to then, only the bodiless damned souls who so came to inhabit all living bodies of sentient beings were denied resurrection. The tale of the downfall of Atlantis was just before the ship “Olympus” had disappeared from all knowledge of true history. By this time in our history, the disembodied ones cleansed by Sophia had returned and from that point on to this day continued to latch on to living hosts, their own memories mingling with those of other sentient beings until one is nearly inseparable from another. But long after Atlantis’ secrets were thought lost, the cleansing rituals: were kept by man. Yet no rituals are needed… for, with a strong enough will one can free oneself in entirety. The goddess Ishtar one day suggested to me, that the best way to rid mankind of the fast spreading Nephilim species would be to detonate the old volcanoes once again, causing a flood. I refused to have any part in such genocide, and I went to live in Atlantis, where I became advisor to the king of Atlantis. What follows is a poetic account of my time there.
Part Fourteen: The Great Deluge Unleashed
Being a poem telling of the destruction of Atlantis as I witnessed it…  
Of old, the peoples of Atlantis did mix with angels,
And gods: until the race of man had an alien blood.
The most forbidden crime, for which even the hells,
Were less terrible to endure than the threat of flood!
The seven archons came to rule in the imperial hall,
Each one of us: a powerful god, but in human form.
We came in answer to the king, when he did so call,
For he feared the wrath of the twelve, in the morn!
At my urging, so upon the holy mountain’s peak…
The king’s men raised up a temple of marble streak,
Mixed with obsidian, from the oldest coastal mines.
With columns, all decorated with serpentine spines,
And thusly: the house where the worship most holy,
Was raised up so that twelve gods might be pleased.
And the king himself did sacrifice devout and fully,
Until the egos of those gods were flattered, teased.
But one day, the king gathered up a mighty navy…
Determined: to conquer all the lands so completely.
And thus, he pressed the archons into his services,
All with threats of our deaths and terrible promises!
Only his children, a son and daughter most noble…
Kept him sane, though his plans had become global.
I was in love with his daughter and by that sad fact,
The king made me a high general, to lead his attack.
Machines long dormant were so awakened in full…
They were held, in the ships, by their magnetic pull.
Devices as unused since long lost Eden’s final days,
Robots armed with terrible red death-dealing rays…
And canons that launched hot fire from a huge maw,
Along with things so indescribable, that there I saw!
I told the princess of this and so she did not believe,
Thence I showed her and after her heart did grieve…
Knowing her fair father’s true bloodthirsty ambition,
She united rebel factions and so plotted her sedition.
The king was slain as his children did as cruelly vie,
For the throne of Atlantis, whose destiny was to die!
The two heirs fought each other until the last hour…
When my fellow archons rose up to seize the power.
Amidst all of that chaos, I was unable to just protest,
When I was ordered to lead the evil navy in conquest.
A great celestial voice cried out from way on high…
The day that Atlantis drew in a final drawn-out sigh.
“Look, ye sons and daughters of an inhuman birth…
Behold the price of thy pride, and its’ truest worth!”
And: there opened an abyss beneath the fair old isle,
In the midst of the seas, where the vast empire lay…
Thence, all about Atlantis the waves so bean to roil,
Whilst the waters rushed in wherever shadows play.
The vessels of the empire were all crushed thereon,
By tidal fury of the wrath that spared not even one!
And so the navy of the empire was drowned at last,
Whilst: the glories of Atlantis slipped into the past.
The angels of the Lord came down in their hurry…
To smite the Nephilim: in a crueler, genocidal fury.
I watched my kindred fall before angelic shadows,
By swords and flame as cold as the bitterest snow!
The holy mountain of the gods erupted with a hate,
As nature itself rebelled against Heaven far too late.
Black vapor came forth into those sinking hillsides,
And the flame of the earth rose up, to meet the tides.
So I would have died with my kindred but for this…
The angel Gabriel did chain me; she took me hither.
I was the last of seven, who sought any perfect bliss,
Only to weep as all my dreams were made to wither!
First and last of the archons, I felt darkest emotions.
In the flying city that roamed on above the oceans…
The great craft “Olympus” that so bore angels, gods,
I awaited a dire fate as we ascended in flying pods…
To the seat of glory therein: to be judged, once more.
Atlantis was drowned utterly and not even one shore,
Was so left to mark the passing of that fallen empire.
But I spotted survivors that did brave water and fire,
And I knew, that the legacies of Atlantis would live.
So into my captors’ embrace, all my will I did give…
And swiftly I stood before the speaker of the divine,
Near the council of deities, in twelve gilded thrones.
The speaker so passed their judgment for all of time,
And did speak of their sentence upon my tired bones.
My sentence, was to serve these one-time enemies…
And bring an end to a conflict that spanned galaxies.
Now those ruins of the lost empire beneath the deep,
Crumble with time until not a single stone did keep…
Until all fell as still as it had been in the bygone ages.
Lost, eternally silent, and unknown to modern sages!
No power of kings or of any sciences now forgotten…
Was enough to withstand the wrath as then begotten!
And with the deluge came the death of the Nephilim,
Half angel and half man: of which very few emerged.
Slaughtered to the last by the deity that did condemn,
And, in that condemnation, innocents were so purged.
Their utopia and refuge all undone by ambitions mad,
But also by vengeful gods, whose ideals went as bad!
When it was all over a rainbow shone through clouds,
That had beheld nobility and magnificence in decline.
Gone were the people, and never more were crowds…
Gathering in Atlantis, to behold a new day’s sunshine.
Even my fellow archons paid up with their own lives,
The price for those ambitions they sought to disguise.
But we live again, and so I who was first of our kind,
Am bound in a human body with a proud godly mind.
Part Fifteen: The Nature of the Crucified
Lemuria and Mu had their volcanoes detonated first, and Atlantis was the last to be thusly destroyed. The deluge that followed wiped away all traces of the lands once called home by the Nephilim. If any of their race survived they were not longer as they once had been.
And so was the punishment of the rebel angels and their bloodlines complete. As I stared out one of the many windows of the Olympus, I ranted my displeasure of God until at last Lucifer arrived to calm me down. “Think you that God does not weep… at this slaughter? Know you… that he repents of having kept mankind in darkness and servitude in Eden of old! But circumstances in Atlantis grew beyond anyone’s ability to control. In time, there will arise other nations of man that will increase in wickedness. And God will do what he must, and punish where it is warranted. But like any good parent, he will do so with tears in his eyes, regretting that things could not have been resolved peacefully.” I remembered one corrupt religious sect in Atlantis that used the image of a crucified man to symbolize their belief system. I made mention of this to Lucifer, and her face grew ashen at that. “It is an ancient symbol, common to many worlds. God was once in the image of man… and man is now what God once was. Therefore… to revere the crucified man is to revere God as a crucified maker. Thus it is not true reverence at all, but a mockery of divinity. You see, all living things possess an immortal soul and spirit, God included. This, you know. And so, in mockery of the immortality of the soul, and in a denial of the divinity of God, there are those who raise an image of suffering above their altars. And they worship that image! A man in torment, nailed unto a cross. But in doing so, they forget both mankind and God, and choose to revere only the suffering of these beings, but none of the good works that all of us are capable of. God is a part of all men and all women. A part of all things in creation! Yet these same fools will often deny women their rights, even to be in the priesthood, while the foolish men of that sect still worship that idol of pain. Do they not know, that they are crucifying all men and women out of ignorance? The first of the faithful used a fish for a symbol, and also a serpent swallowing its' own tail. For those are symbols of life, rather than suffering and death. It is not surprising that, do to the vastly suppressing evil of these worshippers of torment… there are now so very few remaining who remember when it was life, light, and glory that were worthy of mankind's adoration. And women were intended to hold as much power as any man. For what is God, without Sophia to act as the Goddess? And what is man without woman, or woman without man! Such are one people, and the more one people divide themselves the less they are likely to know peace and the betterment of the species. I want you to share this with people, my sibling, and allow them to share it with still others. The truth must never be suppressed!“
Part Sixteen: The Vision of Heaven’s Gate
Lucifer closed her speech to me with a simple statement: “Let liberty guide the destinies of all people. When mankind crucifies God, they are crucifying every mortal. Do they not know what it is they worship, and why it is so wicked? God is not torment and death, and neither is he tormented or dead! God is love and life eternal. Just as the fish… which are eternally plentiful in the sea... and the serpent that swallows its' own tail and yet can truly never be consumed as it turns perpetually. These things are without end, and so is God... and so can mankind be. It is not death that, in fact, awaits the soul after life, but rebirth or reward! Punishment comes only for those who judge themselves by their own deeds.” So I began to understand better, the mind of God. “Where is this craft bound, sweet sister?” I asked the angel. She replied: “A place where you cannot follow, at least not just yet. You will be put ashore near Lilith’s domain by the Red Sea, and what the two of you do after that is up to you. God just wants you to be happy.” I then experienced a strange memory from just before Sophia sent me to live on Kobol. This was the vision associated with the memory: I was walking along a paved road lined with statues of robed beings, men and women, of all sorts. Eight marble pillars rose up before me, four to the left and right of a massive gate built into a massive wall of white stone. Upon the pillars were the statues of eight angels, and the gate itself was made of gold and inlaid with precious gemstones of all kinds. Pearl being the most numerous. The land to either side of the road was endless gardens and forests for as far as the eye could see. As I approached the gate, I passed on through an invisible force field and realized that the previous landscape had been only an illusion. Everything was the same, except that the gardens were wildly overgrown, and instead of forests there were dense jungles. The statues along the road were knocked over or cracked and crumbling, whilst the eight pillars contained no statues at all. The big gate was thrown open, and broken asunder. The gems long since plundered. And beyond it, I could see the ancient ruins of a lost civilization. As I passed through the gate and walked amongst the ruins, I could hear the sound of Sophia’s voice calling me from across a deep chasm filled with water in the very center of the place. “Child, come hither!” and I knew I would soon leave that place, which is called the Pleroma, but which some call Heaven. I snapped out of that memory, and looked forward to starting a new mortal life, with Lilith.
Once the Olympus departed back to Kobol, and to places beyond… general Michael was placed in charge of the gods who stayed behind on Earth. Michael was the same one who led the Olympians against Tiamat and it was he who oversaw the destruction of old Terra. Back then, he was known by the name Marduk, and in the years since then… he had, in truth, rewritten a great deal of the history texts of ancient times (through the patriarchal priesthoods) to ensure that all of Eve’s descendants believed his cause to have been a just one. Because God was always so distant in the affairs of mortals, it fell to Michael to give them a god they could relate to. And from the beginning, he harbored an insane and even obsessive admiration of me. This led to him declaring me to be the true creator God, for in his logic I was the eldest being in the universe… he cared not for the true God, and he knew little or even nothing about Sophia. In his blindness, he made me out to be a blind and arrogant demiurge. Never mind, that the Earth was already there when we discovered it. His warping of history changed that to a creationist view… and the blame was heaped upon me. Lucifer came to be called the Devil by him, for his hatred of her was as eternal as his ego. By placing his faction of archangels, the zealous so-called “Celestial Knights”, beneath me in his scheme of creation, he ensured that people would love him even if they ever turned on their “God”… on me. And since God was absent from Earth at that time… Michael had his free reign to do all of this damage to the truth. It was he, in all fact, who handed down his own laws to Moses… and it was he, Gabriel, and Azrael who all walked with Abraham and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. All in my name, and all without my approval or permission! The history of religion as mankind knows it today is an illusion. A lie created by angels gone mad and seeking power beyond their station. People would remain trapped in the darkness of illusion until the coming of Jesus Christ, who sought to bring humanity back to the worship of the true God, as well as grant mankind the ability to liberate themselves from the false teachings of the past. Much as the Buddha had also sought to do. For like Lucifer and myself, Jesus was a child of the true God and thus free and awakened from the grand illusion that came to be called “Mara”, or Deceit. Often do people wonder why Jesus was human and not wholly divine… and they fall into error by calling him wholly divine and not human at all. The truth is this: all divine beings, by the time of Jesus were wholly human. Myself included. Only those outside of physical forms, such as Lucifer and Michael, were entirely of the spirit as opposed to the flesh. And so, as you can see… the dividing line between pre-history and recorded history was the fall into flesh of the gods and angels of the old era, and also Michael’s creation of the great deceit.
Epilogue: The Iron Web is Unraveled
That marked the end of the pre-history of mankind and the beginning of recorded history. Much of this is still known by people today, but a great deal of it is still kept as a secret. And, having seen how it was that I came to be fully human, of Eve’s bloodline, in bodily form… I finally understood how a god could become mortal, just as Jesus had. But due to Jesus and the Holy Spirit being a part of God from the beginning, they alone could retain their divinity whilst clad in such earthly raiment. And so, as time passed the rebel angels became human, along with myself, and since then only Lucifer and Lilith have regained their former divinity. So God decided to bind Lucifer’s fate with my own, since we were sibling and sister, and thusly did she become my guardian angel whilst I walk in human guise for so long as it is my fate and destiny to do so. In this very life, I have met her and Lilith again, and so even before my spirit made this journey to Kobol I knew much about what came before. I looked at Lucifer as I left the seven sarcophagi behind me, and she did see that I understood all that I had been shown. “Now you know.” She smiled and so calmly said. I then realized why I am always so lonely for companionship. Because I was lonely in much the same way, back on Kobol, when I created the seven. All loneliness is as unbearable to me as the first was, and when you are an ancient soul… you remember. Lucifer then showed me the religious accounts of the ancients, which backed up all that I had seen. And she showed me the ways in which people today still recall those old truths, but through distorted and imperfect perceptions. “All of reality to modern man is like an iron web that imprisons even angels amongst them, unseen. They do not know you and this generation cannot remember you for who and what you truly are. Tell them, but do not press them to believe your account. Free will, is God’s gift to us all, and it must be both cherished and respected.” I agreed, and she embraced me again. “I love you, dear sibling! Return to your body on Earth once again, and know that all the things you have ever believed are true.” I bid her farewell, and just as suddenly as I had been taken out of my flesh, I returned to it. Perhaps reality might make man slumber, but I have awakened! And, upon awakening, I realized that I had been cleared of the stumbling blocks that will come from not knowing yourself completely. A barrier had been broken through, and in the clearing of that barrier… I knew that I had achieved a higher state of understanding. Someone recently asked me: “Are you an alien?”. I suppose, in a way, I am one after all. And who knows? If you, dear reader, have ever felt different from others… perhaps it is because you too once hailed from other worlds, and at one time called the stars “home”. Some people are human beings trying to be spiritual and divine. I am, rather… a divine and spiritual being trying to be human. And being human is the hardest thing we can do.
“For many spirits dwell in it [the body] and do not permit it to be pure; each of them brings to fruition its own works, and they treat it abusively by means of unseemly desires. To me it seems that the heart suffers in much the same way as an inn: for it has holes and trenches dug in it and is often filled with filth by men who live there licentiously and have no regard for the place because it belongs to another.” – Valentinus, Gnostic Teacher
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
Published | Edited 22nd Jan 2013
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