God's Lunatic
"If two stones were placed in any part of the world near each other, and beyond the sphere of influence of a third cognate body, these stones, like two magnetic needles, would come together in the intermediate point, each approaching the other by a space proportional to the comparative mass of the other. If the moon and earth were not retained in their orbits by their animal force or some other equivalent, the earth would mount to the moon by a fifty-fourth part of their distance, and the moon fall towards the earth through the other fifty-three parts, and they would there meet, assuming, however, that the substance of both is of the same density."
From Johannes Kepler's, "Astronomia Nova," 1609
Back when people did epic stuff for no discernible reason..
Around 9pm could be counted amongst the number
To be up for any indiscretion,
In a hot minute
They failed me before I failed them,
Should not have spit venom, for venom,
We have seasons of affection
And teach one another,
It all ends,
It doesn't matter
I walk in the night,
Sleep in the day,
Mutter to myself,
As madmen do.
Hours rise and fall like breaths in dust ashes,
Their motion visible in the downpour,
Can only see you in the ember flares,
Brief images betwixt the here and there
Tread in perfect circles,
Each a godlike Giotto
In his or her own recollection
I am overcome,
Am sick certain days,
Am felled, rise
And not killed by
The same mean twice
Release control,
Increase capacity,
I study and learn to perceive
The design
Of the device
Mind the lunar lady, burning white,
Her subtle fingers sweep the seas
And will surely seize and move thee,
To distraction
You laugh at my texts or rank on me,
It's fun, either way
She is lovely to look upon,
Isn't she.
Mind the wind,
As you walk into the open forum,
I am overawed by the brilliance
Of the cognate beings,
They are evolving separately,
Tired of hating them for hating me,
I find greater challenge in capacity,
Than control,
ln calm acceptance of ever shifting tongues
Of the rogues galleries
Lick wounds, inflict wounds, clash
Or vibrate cleanly,
Moloko with knives,
Tongues that reach out,
Touch to heart,
With sometimes crude,
Sometimes subtle fingers,
Tongues that batter you down.
Space collides with time,
Their steps miss or press us flat,
We stand in the aftermath,
In the heel impressions,
Measuring against one another,
Plotting fixed points,
In the vast unknowing
Draw lines in the sand with toes,
Laugh with distant memory
That haunts my lower register,
I'm often told
That these passages speak to you,
So here I am,
Counting stars on fingers
The Hatter, Hare,
You and I are there,
Deep in our cups,
Eyes focused upon tip of nose,
Our certainties,
Runneth our cups over,
We do not know each other.
Wildly debating or sipping peaceably,
Staring into space,
Sighing with exaggerated despondence,
Cursing, spitting or discussing the inadequacies
Of mathematics,
I offer you greetings
Comment on the weather,
Just glad to be here,
Be together.
The titans we face are insurmountably strong,
Immeasurable in the unknowing
That we cannot even lay name to that
Which consumes us in passing,
It's fury sweeping us up in hoary passage
To do battle with something great as itself.
There is much sound in the agora
Or much silence,
The roar of each weights upon me
As I step to the center,
Under scrutiny,
Cyclopic glare
Of the klieg light,
In a group, a gathering
Or just two,
I perceive you in many ways,
Just you and I and this moment
We share,
A moment to speak
And then be consumed
I listen,
Sometimes speaking.
The low and round of it growls,
Something as simple
As circular impressions of earth,
The coliseum barks in the madness tongue
That eats the calm like fire,
In the crater where god force
Would occasionally poke a finger
To wedge about with irrevocable destruction
And some dull curiosity.
Pass high or low, but avoid the center,
That path is sure to be where wrath will come,
At the center of its orbit
These are first to be crushed by it,
Those who walk into the center of the flame,
Just to defy it
It comes first for them,
Lunatics untrammeled by doubt,
Reason, or fear hesitation,
Unconcerned for the odds or the outcomes
Or how others might receive
Their odd behavior and mutterings,
As madmen do.
Lovers pass us notes
With ghost subtle fingers,
Scenting doorways where she lingered,
For a gorgeous, agonizing moment
I take in your movement
And the shape of the room
We are gnawed upon of time that eats laterally,
Piecemeal, then whole.
We share scars, beauty of their revelations
And our unique story,
I love to read yours, also.
Eyes trace lines, fingers on palms,
Listening, reading,
Saying how we grew
And how we held against circumstance,
We are fortunate to forge a path to each other.
I stand naked where others are clothed,
You perceive me in many ways,
We instruct each other,
This is what I know of love.
Great lengths of roads in debtors darkness,
In doubt of the simplest truths,
Unwilling to allow them to alter
The decor of the room
Your invisible mind cage dwells within
Mine as well, at present,
This keeps us parted.
We are the incarcerants of the oubliette,
This earth,
The known universe,
Our individual selves,
Planets that crash together in orbits
That intersect and propel into the Us-God
We raise like a pyre,
Consuming death with fire.
A deluge of emotion
Precedes the event horizon,
A tendency to increase entropy,
As we near,
There is acceleration
As gravity wells collide
And ignite,
Thermodynamic juggernauts
Burning with relativistic gravity,
Grappling with unknown,
Dark energy
We come together, come apart,
Flow into the next incarnation,
You're a living hothouse to me,
A tantric yoga that feeds me
Lust, philosophy and physics,
Energetic bodies alive with exchanges
Of heat thunder,
Our nothing cravings
Killing some viral air between us
With animal power.
Musings of the composite energy
Currently ensconced in this chair,
There is an edge of the world
We thought to cross over, before now,
Hammering at each other
For sake of pleasure
Or congregating
Where the earth is flat
And lay at the center of the universe,
For sake of argument.
Refracted images are drawn
In angular parody upon the surfaces
Of each depiction presented here,
Knowing little,
But the approximation of senses.
You are like shutters falling
Between images over there,
In your particular mood prison,
Is one notion I've held of others,
That is how we thinks,
Me and whomever is speaking.
Some join and leave the party,
Some return, others do not,
None return unchanged,
Whether they be of like or opposed alignment,
If they stood with us,
A bond was forged,
Whether they be foe, fum or friend.
Sitting in my cloud castle, I
Reminisce of them and
When the hour is aligned,
Watch light reflect
From the polished flanks
Of the ivory tower
Blue lips smile,
White eyes glitter,
Glance down nose,
Skiers on a frozen mountain slope, where
Silence is composed of
Deafening notes,
All is still, except for two points
Knuckles bulge,
Fingers tucked, folded
Into palms
I feel,
Layer the telling laterally,
And then whole.
I am chopping out the images, here
On the walls between us,
Empty space in a universe comprised,
Almost entirely,
Of unknown, dark energy,
It does not absorb or react to light,
Eyes flare when methinks about it,
Shining briefly somewhere in the dark,
I have gathered about me like
Swaddling cloth
I cannot see it, but it is there,
Before my waking eyes.
I draw down smoke,
Make crude images
With fist upon the air,
Take someone in,
Length and breadth,
Lips meet and press,
Cruise your surfaces,
Sound your depth, if
You'll let me in
Brows knit, lips part,
Laugh with maniacal fervor
Whatever this partition,
Whatever it's purpose,
Here we are, beside ourselves,
In awe of each other,
Here, in the madness tongue, where
I listen, sometimes speak and
None particularly look or pay attention
To the everything that is lost
In translation.
Drink in the reverberations
Of the words,
Against the impregnable walls
Of my personal mind prison,
Continue to reach for you,
With a touch that is sometimes subtle,
Sometimes crude
Catch your breath,
These are my fathoms.
Fingers that grasp at nothing,
Fingers that batter you down.
In those long days, unaware
That I was cleansing,
When I did not eat, eyes
Unblinking, thoughts burning
Ceaselessly, within the ever fueled
Of spirit,
I was learning,
I could live on nothing, but
And being.
In my first sleep
After twelve days, almost
Two long weeks,
I dream.
Ionized gases erupt, there is scattering of light
And electromagnetic radiation, dust, ashes
And particulate matter, trailing,
Ice crystals amass, along with
Spherical molecules, these exert influence
Upon each other, hand in hand,
As they turn
There is music breathing
Through celestial lungs that
Burn as orbits form in
Intricate dances
Come awake with violence
After only 30 minutes,
Moments in a dream are like hours
Of instances
It comes together,
I am wracked with calculations.
I live each recollection again
In consensus awareness with everything
Around me, for a moment, it seemed
That we truly knew each other.
These stones, like two magnetic needles,
Have come together in the intermediate point,
Each approaching the other by a space
Proportional to the comparative mass
Of the other
It is lovely to look upon,
Isn't it.
Fission, precision,
Dimensions, intentions,
Thoughts, cells and wheels
Turn with their purposes
Or share in languages only they
Understand, in the high
Abode, where they tread
The bifrost,
Titans that carry the living and dead, aloft
In their hands,
There is harmony in their movement,
In discovery
Of the next incarnation
I listen to the echo,
Sometimes speaking.
So here we come together
And part,
Sky full of lonely stars and
My aching heart,
Is indistinguishable from those that
Perhaps the cognate beings also.
Muttering as madmen do that this is what I know of love.
from the book of daniel kjv,
"I Daniel am overcome,
Am sick certain days.
Afterward I rose up
And did the king’s business.
I was astonished at the vision,
but none understood it."
God’s Lunatic
Me and whomever is speaking
Daniel Christensen
Writing as
The Fire Elemental
From Johannes Kepler's, "Astronomia Nova," 1609
Back when people did epic stuff for no discernible reason..
Around 9pm could be counted amongst the number
To be up for any indiscretion,
In a hot minute
They failed me before I failed them,
Should not have spit venom, for venom,
We have seasons of affection
And teach one another,
It all ends,
It doesn't matter
I walk in the night,
Sleep in the day,
Mutter to myself,
As madmen do.
Hours rise and fall like breaths in dust ashes,
Their motion visible in the downpour,
Can only see you in the ember flares,
Brief images betwixt the here and there
Tread in perfect circles,
Each a godlike Giotto
In his or her own recollection
I am overcome,
Am sick certain days,
Am felled, rise
And not killed by
The same mean twice
Release control,
Increase capacity,
I study and learn to perceive
The design
Of the device
Mind the lunar lady, burning white,
Her subtle fingers sweep the seas
And will surely seize and move thee,
To distraction
You laugh at my texts or rank on me,
It's fun, either way
She is lovely to look upon,
Isn't she.
Mind the wind,
As you walk into the open forum,
I am overawed by the brilliance
Of the cognate beings,
They are evolving separately,
Tired of hating them for hating me,
I find greater challenge in capacity,
Than control,
ln calm acceptance of ever shifting tongues
Of the rogues galleries
Lick wounds, inflict wounds, clash
Or vibrate cleanly,
Moloko with knives,
Tongues that reach out,
Touch to heart,
With sometimes crude,
Sometimes subtle fingers,
Tongues that batter you down.
Space collides with time,
Their steps miss or press us flat,
We stand in the aftermath,
In the heel impressions,
Measuring against one another,
Plotting fixed points,
In the vast unknowing
Draw lines in the sand with toes,
Laugh with distant memory
That haunts my lower register,
I'm often told
That these passages speak to you,
So here I am,
Counting stars on fingers
The Hatter, Hare,
You and I are there,
Deep in our cups,
Eyes focused upon tip of nose,
Our certainties,
Runneth our cups over,
We do not know each other.
Wildly debating or sipping peaceably,
Staring into space,
Sighing with exaggerated despondence,
Cursing, spitting or discussing the inadequacies
Of mathematics,
I offer you greetings
Comment on the weather,
Just glad to be here,
Be together.
The titans we face are insurmountably strong,
Immeasurable in the unknowing
That we cannot even lay name to that
Which consumes us in passing,
It's fury sweeping us up in hoary passage
To do battle with something great as itself.
There is much sound in the agora
Or much silence,
The roar of each weights upon me
As I step to the center,
Under scrutiny,
Cyclopic glare
Of the klieg light,
In a group, a gathering
Or just two,
I perceive you in many ways,
Just you and I and this moment
We share,
A moment to speak
And then be consumed
I listen,
Sometimes speaking.
The low and round of it growls,
Something as simple
As circular impressions of earth,
The coliseum barks in the madness tongue
That eats the calm like fire,
In the crater where god force
Would occasionally poke a finger
To wedge about with irrevocable destruction
And some dull curiosity.
Pass high or low, but avoid the center,
That path is sure to be where wrath will come,
At the center of its orbit
These are first to be crushed by it,
Those who walk into the center of the flame,
Just to defy it
It comes first for them,
Lunatics untrammeled by doubt,
Reason, or fear hesitation,
Unconcerned for the odds or the outcomes
Or how others might receive
Their odd behavior and mutterings,
As madmen do.
Lovers pass us notes
With ghost subtle fingers,
Scenting doorways where she lingered,
For a gorgeous, agonizing moment
I take in your movement
And the shape of the room
We are gnawed upon of time that eats laterally,
Piecemeal, then whole.
We share scars, beauty of their revelations
And our unique story,
I love to read yours, also.
Eyes trace lines, fingers on palms,
Listening, reading,
Saying how we grew
And how we held against circumstance,
We are fortunate to forge a path to each other.
I stand naked where others are clothed,
You perceive me in many ways,
We instruct each other,
This is what I know of love.
Great lengths of roads in debtors darkness,
In doubt of the simplest truths,
Unwilling to allow them to alter
The decor of the room
Your invisible mind cage dwells within
Mine as well, at present,
This keeps us parted.
We are the incarcerants of the oubliette,
This earth,
The known universe,
Our individual selves,
Planets that crash together in orbits
That intersect and propel into the Us-God
We raise like a pyre,
Consuming death with fire.
A deluge of emotion
Precedes the event horizon,
A tendency to increase entropy,
As we near,
There is acceleration
As gravity wells collide
And ignite,
Thermodynamic juggernauts
Burning with relativistic gravity,
Grappling with unknown,
Dark energy
We come together, come apart,
Flow into the next incarnation,
You're a living hothouse to me,
A tantric yoga that feeds me
Lust, philosophy and physics,
Energetic bodies alive with exchanges
Of heat thunder,
Our nothing cravings
Killing some viral air between us
With animal power.
Musings of the composite energy
Currently ensconced in this chair,
There is an edge of the world
We thought to cross over, before now,
Hammering at each other
For sake of pleasure
Or congregating
Where the earth is flat
And lay at the center of the universe,
For sake of argument.
Refracted images are drawn
In angular parody upon the surfaces
Of each depiction presented here,
Knowing little,
But the approximation of senses.
You are like shutters falling
Between images over there,
In your particular mood prison,
Is one notion I've held of others,
That is how we thinks,
Me and whomever is speaking.
Some join and leave the party,
Some return, others do not,
None return unchanged,
Whether they be of like or opposed alignment,
If they stood with us,
A bond was forged,
Whether they be foe, fum or friend.
Sitting in my cloud castle, I
Reminisce of them and
When the hour is aligned,
Watch light reflect
From the polished flanks
Of the ivory tower
Blue lips smile,
White eyes glitter,
Glance down nose,
Skiers on a frozen mountain slope, where
Silence is composed of
Deafening notes,
All is still, except for two points
Knuckles bulge,
Fingers tucked, folded
Into palms
I feel,
Layer the telling laterally,
And then whole.
I am chopping out the images, here
On the walls between us,
Empty space in a universe comprised,
Almost entirely,
Of unknown, dark energy,
It does not absorb or react to light,
Eyes flare when methinks about it,
Shining briefly somewhere in the dark,
I have gathered about me like
Swaddling cloth
I cannot see it, but it is there,
Before my waking eyes.
I draw down smoke,
Make crude images
With fist upon the air,
Take someone in,
Length and breadth,
Lips meet and press,
Cruise your surfaces,
Sound your depth, if
You'll let me in
Brows knit, lips part,
Laugh with maniacal fervor
Whatever this partition,
Whatever it's purpose,
Here we are, beside ourselves,
In awe of each other,
Here, in the madness tongue, where
I listen, sometimes speak and
None particularly look or pay attention
To the everything that is lost
In translation.
Drink in the reverberations
Of the words,
Against the impregnable walls
Of my personal mind prison,
Continue to reach for you,
With a touch that is sometimes subtle,
Sometimes crude
Catch your breath,
These are my fathoms.
Fingers that grasp at nothing,
Fingers that batter you down.
In those long days, unaware
That I was cleansing,
When I did not eat, eyes
Unblinking, thoughts burning
Ceaselessly, within the ever fueled
Of spirit,
I was learning,
I could live on nothing, but
And being.
In my first sleep
After twelve days, almost
Two long weeks,
I dream.
Ionized gases erupt, there is scattering of light
And electromagnetic radiation, dust, ashes
And particulate matter, trailing,
Ice crystals amass, along with
Spherical molecules, these exert influence
Upon each other, hand in hand,
As they turn
There is music breathing
Through celestial lungs that
Burn as orbits form in
Intricate dances
Come awake with violence
After only 30 minutes,
Moments in a dream are like hours
Of instances
It comes together,
I am wracked with calculations.
I live each recollection again
In consensus awareness with everything
Around me, for a moment, it seemed
That we truly knew each other.
These stones, like two magnetic needles,
Have come together in the intermediate point,
Each approaching the other by a space
Proportional to the comparative mass
Of the other
It is lovely to look upon,
Isn't it.
Fission, precision,
Dimensions, intentions,
Thoughts, cells and wheels
Turn with their purposes
Or share in languages only they
Understand, in the high
Abode, where they tread
The bifrost,
Titans that carry the living and dead, aloft
In their hands,
There is harmony in their movement,
In discovery
Of the next incarnation
I listen to the echo,
Sometimes speaking.
So here we come together
And part,
Sky full of lonely stars and
My aching heart,
Is indistinguishable from those that
Perhaps the cognate beings also.
Muttering as madmen do that this is what I know of love.
from the book of daniel kjv,
"I Daniel am overcome,
Am sick certain days.
Afterward I rose up
And did the king’s business.
I was astonished at the vision,
but none understood it."
God’s Lunatic
Me and whomever is speaking
Daniel Christensen
Writing as
The Fire Elemental
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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The author encourages honest critique.