Content Warning : Do you want to continue?
This poem contains content which some readers may find disturbing.
It is unsuitable for children or anyone who is easily offended.
I am over 18 years old, I have been warned and I still want to read this poem.
I am over 18 years old, I have been warned and I still want to read this poem.
I don't want to read this type of content, take me back to the previous page.
I don't want to read this type of content, take me back to the previous page.
Playing with Fire
I woke to my phone vibrating loudly. It was nearly ten am. I can't believe I have slept so late. I got up and put on a pot of coffee. I received a message from someone I have been talking to on a date site. ' Can I come over later?' I contemplated it, but decided against the idea. I dont let just anyone over. I am particular about who comes into my home. 'No, but I can meet you someplace.' I reply. He tells me that he is passing through my town on his way to a business trip. 'I will be staying at the sleep Inn.'
The day goes on uneventfully and I get a phone call from him. " So do you want to go for some drinks? Theres this bar down here a friend told me about." "Sure. That sounds fine." I tell him after getting the name of the place. It is just up the road from my place. I shower and get ready. Nothing special really. Jeans and a sweater and light makeup. I walk in and he is sitting amongst a few other men. I casually sit on the side of him. He hadn't seen me enter and take a seat next to him.
"What can I get you beautiful?" the bartender asks. " Gentleman Jack, on the rocks please." The guys next to me stopped talking and gawked momentarily. I felt awkward. "Hi" I said to my date. "A whiskey girl huh? That's hot." he informs me. My drink is placed before me and I take a sip. I love the sweet burn of whiskey rolling down my throat.
My date seems rather impressed that I can keep up with the boys and thier 'guy talk'. He orders me another drink. I walk over to the juke box and put a few dollars in. I select a variety of up beat music. I finished my drink and set it on the bar. I excused myself to the ladies room. When I came back out there was not only another drink waiting for me, but several shots as well. As a general rule, I will not touch a drink unless it was poured right in front of me.
" Has anyone been near these drinks since you poured them?" I ask the bartender. "I dont think so." he shrugs. I slide a twenty and a five toward him. " Can you dump those and pour me new ones please?" I ask him. " Sure thing purdy girl." he replys in a hick like accent. I walk to the guys who have moved to a table in the center of the room. I pass out the shots. " Those are all for you sweetheart." one of the guys tells me. " I just did the shots you left me. These are on me." I wink at him and they take the shots. I smile and think to myself, ' yeah take those shots jack ass. Im not that dumb.'
This group of guys remind me of a bunch of meat head jocks. I was honored that my date wanted to 'show me off' as he looked at me so admirably. As time went on I managed to use my reverse psychology on every one of them to drink the drinks that had been bought for me. Then a very beautiful woman walks into the bar. She has long black hair, she is a little on the thick side with a booty I had the urge to sink my teeth into. I couldn't help but stare. She ordered a drink and went to the laies room. I excused myself and followed.
"I take it this is a guys bar." she says to me as we check ourselves in the mirror. "Are you on a date?" I ask her. " No, I'm at a company Christmas party across the street, but needed a drink." she chuckles. " Please come join us. It will be nice to not be the only lady here." I tell her. " Sounds good to me." she says. We walk out and I introduce her to the table. We sat and talked. I was having a much better time. I felt a lot more comfortable. We talked about work and life. She was so easy going. The guys continued to flirt with us both. We reciprocated the flirts and decided to play darts. She and I grabbed our drinks and headed toward the dart boards across the room. " Damn, look at those asses." I can hear one guy say. " Are you gonna hit that?" another asked my date. " Damn right I am." I hear him say. In that moment I felt rage come across me. "How dare he assume I will fuck him. I don't feel like I come off as the type to fuck someone I just met." I tell her. She heard him too and had raised her brows at the comment.
She leans into me, "Oh we have to do something good. That was so rude." she whispers. " I'm not fucking him. I dont care what he thinks." I gather my darts and start to aim. As I throw my dart I miss horribly as I feel her hand grab my asscheek and give it a squeeze. I turn and blush. She smiles and gives a wink. "My turn." she giggles. Oh she wants to play like that huh? Ok. As she starts her aim I reach over and grab her tit giving her nipple a pinch. "Ugh!" she exclaims and her dart hit the wrong board entirely. We both laughed. We continue doing this to eachother through the whole game.
Theres some yelling from behind us. The guys have been trying to order drinks but apparently we had the bartender destracted. We had been getting great service all night from the bartender so we had no complaints. After hearing the guys talk so much shit about taking us home and having their way with us, we decided to leave. We said goodnight to them as politely as possible. My date looked mad. " Why don't we take this back to my hotel and have an after party?" he suggests." I don't think thats a good idea." I tell him.
One guy from the group grabbed my new friend by her arm. I grasped his wrist and pressed the pressure point between the bones. He let go quickly. " Have a good night." I said firmly. We started to walk out the back door when I someone grabbed my head by my hair and pinned me to the wall face first. " You are coming back to the hotel with us bitch. And we will all get a turn fucking you!" he growled into my ear. Panick rushed over me and I reacted with a heel to the nuts. A fellow patron of the bar rushed to our rescue. We quickly ran to my car. "Get in!" I yelled to her.
"Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened!" she yelled. " I know, me either." I said angrily. "We can go to my place if you want then you can take me to my car later." she suggested. " Okay." I agree. I live too close and was afraid of being follwed. We arrive at her house. We are both still a bit shaken. I feel so angery at the moment. "Want a drink?" she asks. "Yes, please. I think I was scared sober. "I laugh." I have Gin, Hypnotic, Jeger, and Rum." she says. " Jeger, please." I say. She sets the bottle in front of me. "Have at it." she smiles. Its the big bottle and I break the seal. We drink and talk about what went down. She leans in and kisses me. "Your lips are so soft." she giggles. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" she asks me. "Yes. Plenty of times." I smile. "I never have gone all the way." she tells me. I take another shot. "Would you like to?" I ask. She tells me that she loves pain and punishment. Then tells me of her fetishes and expeience being a slave. We talk more sharing our fantasies and fetishes. I confide in her about my sadist side and explain my need to be a sub to control it. It's not a matter of want, it is the only thing that keeps that part of me in check. When I find a man I trust completely he will be the only one I obey. He will be able to make me want to submit myself to him. She asks me to try. " Try what?" I ask." try to control your sadist. "It can't be that hard. You sound so dangerous its turning me on." she begs.
She stands before me and takes off her dress. She is a thick girl, beautiful. Large breasts and a big ass. The bubble looking type. I stand up and take off her bra. I fondle her breasts and suck on her nipples. She lets out a moan. She quickly moves to take off my shirt. I jump back a bit. "Slowly." I warn her. The events of the night had started to trigger my PTSD a little. She smiles wickedly and giggles. I feel my expressions go blank.
She slowly lifts my shirt off. I take off my shoes. She gets on her knees and removes my pants. I feel her hot breath between my legs. She presses her lips to mine through my panties. I grab her hair gently and gring into her face a bit. She removes my panties and bra. I put one foot up on the coffee table. She crawls toward me seductively with a smile. I spread my lips wide. Her warm tongue searches my every crevice. She sucks on my clit hard. I squirt immidiately. She looks shocked as the clear thickness rolls down my inner thigh. "Lick it up." I demand of her. She does as I tell her. I sat on the couch, legs spread wide. She seems to enjoy licking my pussy.
She slides a couple fingers inside me. I reach down and smack her ass. I hit it so hard my hand stings. I do it again and again. Until she starts to scream. I grind my pussy harder into her face to muffle the screams. Her ass is blazing red and so beautiful. "Give me something to bind you." I tell her. I can feel sadist is trying to break out. I try to stiffel it down, promising I will be gentle. "Will this work?" she hands me a bundle of 5-50 cord and I feel the inner burn of my taboo desires. "Get on your knees and turn around." I order her. Theres a burning inside. A stiffeling, quiet rage. My mind and hands work quicly together to rig her to the coffee table. I was impressed with my work. She was on her back on the coffee table. Her ass at the edge with legs spread wide. Her head was hanging backward off the edge of the other side. I had tied her hands and legs in a hog tie fashion under the table except her legs were splayed on either side. Still bound in a hog fashion.
My mind was twisting. Oh the things I could do to this attractive woman. I slow my breathing. I can see her cunt wet and glistening. She seems so eager for punishment. "what is your pain tolerance?" I ask her. I feel my body tingle and my face flush. "Oh, I can take some pain bitch try me." she chuckles in a daring tone. "I am going to do my best to take it easy on you. I like to give pain, especially to cute little women like you. So, please don't antagonize me. It will be in your best interest." I warn. " We will use colors. If it is getting painful and you are close to your limit say yellow and if it gets too painful say red." I clairify. "Do not beg, dont cry, and DO NOT EGG ME ON." I reiterated. I know I am testing the waters here. The last time my Sadist came out I was barly able to control it.
I started by kneeling in front of her wet cunt. I spread her lips and gave ger clit a nice hard flick. She moaned. I repeated this until she edged close to climax. I straddled her and grabbed her left breast and licked and spit on my other hand till it was nice and wet. Swap! I slapped it as hard as I could. She smiled. "You like that?" I asked. She smiles and I do it to the other one. She laughed. Then her eyes got big. I realized my fists were clenched. I felt enraged. I took the belt from my pants. "Lets see if this makes you laugh." I tell her. I slap the belt on her pussy as hard as I could. I know that hurt. "Yyyellow!" she screams. I felt a little better. I took the belt by the end so the metal buckle was dangling. I took a step back and slapped the buckle across her abdomin. I did this again until she screamed, "Red!" at the top of her lungs. Her abs were crimson red. Blood trickled down her sides. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was like a release. I looked down at her face. Her mascara ran down into her hair. "Don't you fucking cry. I told you not to!" I yell. Seeing her cry put me into a frenzy. I untied her from the table.
She knelt before me. I placed my tip toes of one foot on her forehead. Then I lost it. She looked up at me, "More!" she grinned while crying. I kicked her in the face splaying her onto her back. I pulled her up by the hair back to a kneeling position. I pushed her to her hands and knees. "Stay right there.." I said slowly. I walked to the kitchen and found a marble rolling pin and set it on the table. "Do you have toys?" I asked. " Yes ma'am." she quickly replied. "Go get them." I ordered. She came back down with a couple large dildos. One was a strap on. The other was a rather abnormaly large glass dildo. It had to be at least nine inches long with a three inch circumference. To my dismay, she mistakenly brought down a stun gun in the same box. I tried to look for mersey in her eyes. She smiled her wicked smile and clicked it on. She set it on the table and knelt before me once again. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes again. But this time I could feel a tear roll down my cheek.
I opened my eyes and felt rage again. With a downward angle, I punched her across the temple. She passed out instantaneously. I checked her pulse. She was ok. While she was out I retied her. This time I rigged a neck tie with a slip knot. I put her hair up in a bun. Then I sat there looking at her. I grew worried when I thought to myself how wonderful she would look with a Columbian neck tie. I grab the tazer and press it into her thigh. Her eyes shot open and she looks momentarily confused. "Is this what you wanted? You like this?" I ask confused. Her eyes begin to close again. I slap her face and deliver another jolt. She is awake now.
"Now that the foreplay is out of the way, you ready for some pain hunny?" I have gone cold and sinister. Her eyes widen and she nods her head. I grab her by her hair and lift her head up. " Do you see why I gave rules? This is why I said not to taunt me!" I whisper through my teeth. I have her ankles and wrists bound with a cord running between the two bindings behind her and around her neck so if she struggled it would choke her. I place the rolling pin on the floor. "Kneel!" I shout. She lowers herself down placing her knees on the rolling pin. I put on the strap on. "Now your going to suck this as if I could feel it." I inform her. She opens her mouth wide. I place the tip on her tongue and slide it to the back of her throat. She gags violently. "Dont tell me you don't know how to suck a dick!" I say teasingly. "Take a breath first. You wont be able to breath and suck a cock at the same time. Well not if your doing it right." I explain.
I teach her how to suck a dick. I unfasten it from the holster and show by example. I take in a deep breath and take it into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the head and take it back down my throat. I slowly pull it out letting the saliva strings stretch between the dildo and my lips. I place it in her mouth with my hand and she tries to mimic. I place it back on the holster. "Now I am going to skull fuck you. You will throw up. But I will keep going." I warn. I grab the Jager and swallow down a few shots worth. I pour some rum down her throat. "This will help your gag reflex a little." I explain. I grab the sides of her head and guide it in slowly at first. I grab her bun and begin forcefully fucking her throat with the strap on. I hear her gags get more intense. I hold her nose. Her face is bright red and tears are streaming from her face. I let go of her nose and she spews forth her drinks of the night. But that doesnt stop me. I continue until she only dry heaves.
"That was it so bad now was it?" I ask. She shakes her head while gasping for air. "No ma'am!" she gets out. I grab a towel and wipe the bit of rum off my foot. I help her to her feet. Ther knees are red and aleady bruising from the rolling pin. "Good girl." I say while wiping her face. Her belly begins to bleed again from the violence of her skull fucking. I run my finger through it and put it into her mouth. She bites down on my finger hard. I press my finger nail into the pallet of her mouth forcing a release. I kick the back of her knees forcing her down. I kick her ass forcing her forward. She is on her stmach now. I grab the huge glass dildo and spread her cheeks. Without lube I force it in as she screams. "Red!Red!!!" she cries. I grab my panties and shove them into her mouth. I no longer care about rules. I twist and push until it is all the way in. I roll her over and grab the dildo she sucked off the straps. Her pussy is dripping wet from her multiple orgasms. I slide it inside with force. She is so full of fake dick there is barely any skin between her ass and cunt. I push them both continually into her harder and harder. While she is stuffed full I sit her up so her weight keeps them secure. She is biting down hard on the panties. I pull them out of her mouth and make her lick my pussy some more. I turn around and spread my cheeks. "Now eat my ass." I tell her. She does as she is told and I cum hard. I feel it run down my leg.
"Have you learned?" I ask her In a calm voice. "Not to egg me on or ask for this side of me again?" She nods her head in defeat. "If you ever do again when we play, I will have to show you breath play and waterboarding." I tell her holding her chin. I untie her. " These hurt!" she says pointing to her ass. "Lets shower." I suggest. "Okay, let me take these out." she says. "No, leave the one in your ass." I bark. She waddles to the restroom. "Put the toilet lid down and sit on it. You can take the dildo out of your cooch." I tell her I start the shower. "Bounce on it." I tell her. As she does the starts to cum a lot. There is a litte blood from the force I used but it's so hott. I bend her over and removed it for her. The size of the glass dildo in her ass left her asshole gaping. I replaced it with a plug. "Don't swallow that with that asshole." we both giggled and enjoyed a sensual shower. I drove her to her car and she thanked me. "We need to play again. I liked it. Is that weird?" she asks. "No, not weird. Your a masochist hun. Its normal for you." I assure her. "Hey, we should invite those douche bags over so you can do it to them too." She suggested. We laughed and agreed to meet again soon.
The day goes on uneventfully and I get a phone call from him. " So do you want to go for some drinks? Theres this bar down here a friend told me about." "Sure. That sounds fine." I tell him after getting the name of the place. It is just up the road from my place. I shower and get ready. Nothing special really. Jeans and a sweater and light makeup. I walk in and he is sitting amongst a few other men. I casually sit on the side of him. He hadn't seen me enter and take a seat next to him.
"What can I get you beautiful?" the bartender asks. " Gentleman Jack, on the rocks please." The guys next to me stopped talking and gawked momentarily. I felt awkward. "Hi" I said to my date. "A whiskey girl huh? That's hot." he informs me. My drink is placed before me and I take a sip. I love the sweet burn of whiskey rolling down my throat.
My date seems rather impressed that I can keep up with the boys and thier 'guy talk'. He orders me another drink. I walk over to the juke box and put a few dollars in. I select a variety of up beat music. I finished my drink and set it on the bar. I excused myself to the ladies room. When I came back out there was not only another drink waiting for me, but several shots as well. As a general rule, I will not touch a drink unless it was poured right in front of me.
" Has anyone been near these drinks since you poured them?" I ask the bartender. "I dont think so." he shrugs. I slide a twenty and a five toward him. " Can you dump those and pour me new ones please?" I ask him. " Sure thing purdy girl." he replys in a hick like accent. I walk to the guys who have moved to a table in the center of the room. I pass out the shots. " Those are all for you sweetheart." one of the guys tells me. " I just did the shots you left me. These are on me." I wink at him and they take the shots. I smile and think to myself, ' yeah take those shots jack ass. Im not that dumb.'
This group of guys remind me of a bunch of meat head jocks. I was honored that my date wanted to 'show me off' as he looked at me so admirably. As time went on I managed to use my reverse psychology on every one of them to drink the drinks that had been bought for me. Then a very beautiful woman walks into the bar. She has long black hair, she is a little on the thick side with a booty I had the urge to sink my teeth into. I couldn't help but stare. She ordered a drink and went to the laies room. I excused myself and followed.
"I take it this is a guys bar." she says to me as we check ourselves in the mirror. "Are you on a date?" I ask her. " No, I'm at a company Christmas party across the street, but needed a drink." she chuckles. " Please come join us. It will be nice to not be the only lady here." I tell her. " Sounds good to me." she says. We walk out and I introduce her to the table. We sat and talked. I was having a much better time. I felt a lot more comfortable. We talked about work and life. She was so easy going. The guys continued to flirt with us both. We reciprocated the flirts and decided to play darts. She and I grabbed our drinks and headed toward the dart boards across the room. " Damn, look at those asses." I can hear one guy say. " Are you gonna hit that?" another asked my date. " Damn right I am." I hear him say. In that moment I felt rage come across me. "How dare he assume I will fuck him. I don't feel like I come off as the type to fuck someone I just met." I tell her. She heard him too and had raised her brows at the comment.
She leans into me, "Oh we have to do something good. That was so rude." she whispers. " I'm not fucking him. I dont care what he thinks." I gather my darts and start to aim. As I throw my dart I miss horribly as I feel her hand grab my asscheek and give it a squeeze. I turn and blush. She smiles and gives a wink. "My turn." she giggles. Oh she wants to play like that huh? Ok. As she starts her aim I reach over and grab her tit giving her nipple a pinch. "Ugh!" she exclaims and her dart hit the wrong board entirely. We both laughed. We continue doing this to eachother through the whole game.
Theres some yelling from behind us. The guys have been trying to order drinks but apparently we had the bartender destracted. We had been getting great service all night from the bartender so we had no complaints. After hearing the guys talk so much shit about taking us home and having their way with us, we decided to leave. We said goodnight to them as politely as possible. My date looked mad. " Why don't we take this back to my hotel and have an after party?" he suggests." I don't think thats a good idea." I tell him.
One guy from the group grabbed my new friend by her arm. I grasped his wrist and pressed the pressure point between the bones. He let go quickly. " Have a good night." I said firmly. We started to walk out the back door when I someone grabbed my head by my hair and pinned me to the wall face first. " You are coming back to the hotel with us bitch. And we will all get a turn fucking you!" he growled into my ear. Panick rushed over me and I reacted with a heel to the nuts. A fellow patron of the bar rushed to our rescue. We quickly ran to my car. "Get in!" I yelled to her.
"Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened!" she yelled. " I know, me either." I said angrily. "We can go to my place if you want then you can take me to my car later." she suggested. " Okay." I agree. I live too close and was afraid of being follwed. We arrive at her house. We are both still a bit shaken. I feel so angery at the moment. "Want a drink?" she asks. "Yes, please. I think I was scared sober. "I laugh." I have Gin, Hypnotic, Jeger, and Rum." she says. " Jeger, please." I say. She sets the bottle in front of me. "Have at it." she smiles. Its the big bottle and I break the seal. We drink and talk about what went down. She leans in and kisses me. "Your lips are so soft." she giggles. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" she asks me. "Yes. Plenty of times." I smile. "I never have gone all the way." she tells me. I take another shot. "Would you like to?" I ask. She tells me that she loves pain and punishment. Then tells me of her fetishes and expeience being a slave. We talk more sharing our fantasies and fetishes. I confide in her about my sadist side and explain my need to be a sub to control it. It's not a matter of want, it is the only thing that keeps that part of me in check. When I find a man I trust completely he will be the only one I obey. He will be able to make me want to submit myself to him. She asks me to try. " Try what?" I ask." try to control your sadist. "It can't be that hard. You sound so dangerous its turning me on." she begs.
She stands before me and takes off her dress. She is a thick girl, beautiful. Large breasts and a big ass. The bubble looking type. I stand up and take off her bra. I fondle her breasts and suck on her nipples. She lets out a moan. She quickly moves to take off my shirt. I jump back a bit. "Slowly." I warn her. The events of the night had started to trigger my PTSD a little. She smiles wickedly and giggles. I feel my expressions go blank.
She slowly lifts my shirt off. I take off my shoes. She gets on her knees and removes my pants. I feel her hot breath between my legs. She presses her lips to mine through my panties. I grab her hair gently and gring into her face a bit. She removes my panties and bra. I put one foot up on the coffee table. She crawls toward me seductively with a smile. I spread my lips wide. Her warm tongue searches my every crevice. She sucks on my clit hard. I squirt immidiately. She looks shocked as the clear thickness rolls down my inner thigh. "Lick it up." I demand of her. She does as I tell her. I sat on the couch, legs spread wide. She seems to enjoy licking my pussy.
She slides a couple fingers inside me. I reach down and smack her ass. I hit it so hard my hand stings. I do it again and again. Until she starts to scream. I grind my pussy harder into her face to muffle the screams. Her ass is blazing red and so beautiful. "Give me something to bind you." I tell her. I can feel sadist is trying to break out. I try to stiffel it down, promising I will be gentle. "Will this work?" she hands me a bundle of 5-50 cord and I feel the inner burn of my taboo desires. "Get on your knees and turn around." I order her. Theres a burning inside. A stiffeling, quiet rage. My mind and hands work quicly together to rig her to the coffee table. I was impressed with my work. She was on her back on the coffee table. Her ass at the edge with legs spread wide. Her head was hanging backward off the edge of the other side. I had tied her hands and legs in a hog tie fashion under the table except her legs were splayed on either side. Still bound in a hog fashion.
My mind was twisting. Oh the things I could do to this attractive woman. I slow my breathing. I can see her cunt wet and glistening. She seems so eager for punishment. "what is your pain tolerance?" I ask her. I feel my body tingle and my face flush. "Oh, I can take some pain bitch try me." she chuckles in a daring tone. "I am going to do my best to take it easy on you. I like to give pain, especially to cute little women like you. So, please don't antagonize me. It will be in your best interest." I warn. " We will use colors. If it is getting painful and you are close to your limit say yellow and if it gets too painful say red." I clairify. "Do not beg, dont cry, and DO NOT EGG ME ON." I reiterated. I know I am testing the waters here. The last time my Sadist came out I was barly able to control it.
I started by kneeling in front of her wet cunt. I spread her lips and gave ger clit a nice hard flick. She moaned. I repeated this until she edged close to climax. I straddled her and grabbed her left breast and licked and spit on my other hand till it was nice and wet. Swap! I slapped it as hard as I could. She smiled. "You like that?" I asked. She smiles and I do it to the other one. She laughed. Then her eyes got big. I realized my fists were clenched. I felt enraged. I took the belt from my pants. "Lets see if this makes you laugh." I tell her. I slap the belt on her pussy as hard as I could. I know that hurt. "Yyyellow!" she screams. I felt a little better. I took the belt by the end so the metal buckle was dangling. I took a step back and slapped the buckle across her abdomin. I did this again until she screamed, "Red!" at the top of her lungs. Her abs were crimson red. Blood trickled down her sides. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was like a release. I looked down at her face. Her mascara ran down into her hair. "Don't you fucking cry. I told you not to!" I yell. Seeing her cry put me into a frenzy. I untied her from the table.
She knelt before me. I placed my tip toes of one foot on her forehead. Then I lost it. She looked up at me, "More!" she grinned while crying. I kicked her in the face splaying her onto her back. I pulled her up by the hair back to a kneeling position. I pushed her to her hands and knees. "Stay right there.." I said slowly. I walked to the kitchen and found a marble rolling pin and set it on the table. "Do you have toys?" I asked. " Yes ma'am." she quickly replied. "Go get them." I ordered. She came back down with a couple large dildos. One was a strap on. The other was a rather abnormaly large glass dildo. It had to be at least nine inches long with a three inch circumference. To my dismay, she mistakenly brought down a stun gun in the same box. I tried to look for mersey in her eyes. She smiled her wicked smile and clicked it on. She set it on the table and knelt before me once again. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes again. But this time I could feel a tear roll down my cheek.
I opened my eyes and felt rage again. With a downward angle, I punched her across the temple. She passed out instantaneously. I checked her pulse. She was ok. While she was out I retied her. This time I rigged a neck tie with a slip knot. I put her hair up in a bun. Then I sat there looking at her. I grew worried when I thought to myself how wonderful she would look with a Columbian neck tie. I grab the tazer and press it into her thigh. Her eyes shot open and she looks momentarily confused. "Is this what you wanted? You like this?" I ask confused. Her eyes begin to close again. I slap her face and deliver another jolt. She is awake now.
"Now that the foreplay is out of the way, you ready for some pain hunny?" I have gone cold and sinister. Her eyes widen and she nods her head. I grab her by her hair and lift her head up. " Do you see why I gave rules? This is why I said not to taunt me!" I whisper through my teeth. I have her ankles and wrists bound with a cord running between the two bindings behind her and around her neck so if she struggled it would choke her. I place the rolling pin on the floor. "Kneel!" I shout. She lowers herself down placing her knees on the rolling pin. I put on the strap on. "Now your going to suck this as if I could feel it." I inform her. She opens her mouth wide. I place the tip on her tongue and slide it to the back of her throat. She gags violently. "Dont tell me you don't know how to suck a dick!" I say teasingly. "Take a breath first. You wont be able to breath and suck a cock at the same time. Well not if your doing it right." I explain.
I teach her how to suck a dick. I unfasten it from the holster and show by example. I take in a deep breath and take it into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the head and take it back down my throat. I slowly pull it out letting the saliva strings stretch between the dildo and my lips. I place it in her mouth with my hand and she tries to mimic. I place it back on the holster. "Now I am going to skull fuck you. You will throw up. But I will keep going." I warn. I grab the Jager and swallow down a few shots worth. I pour some rum down her throat. "This will help your gag reflex a little." I explain. I grab the sides of her head and guide it in slowly at first. I grab her bun and begin forcefully fucking her throat with the strap on. I hear her gags get more intense. I hold her nose. Her face is bright red and tears are streaming from her face. I let go of her nose and she spews forth her drinks of the night. But that doesnt stop me. I continue until she only dry heaves.
"That was it so bad now was it?" I ask. She shakes her head while gasping for air. "No ma'am!" she gets out. I grab a towel and wipe the bit of rum off my foot. I help her to her feet. Ther knees are red and aleady bruising from the rolling pin. "Good girl." I say while wiping her face. Her belly begins to bleed again from the violence of her skull fucking. I run my finger through it and put it into her mouth. She bites down on my finger hard. I press my finger nail into the pallet of her mouth forcing a release. I kick the back of her knees forcing her down. I kick her ass forcing her forward. She is on her stmach now. I grab the huge glass dildo and spread her cheeks. Without lube I force it in as she screams. "Red!Red!!!" she cries. I grab my panties and shove them into her mouth. I no longer care about rules. I twist and push until it is all the way in. I roll her over and grab the dildo she sucked off the straps. Her pussy is dripping wet from her multiple orgasms. I slide it inside with force. She is so full of fake dick there is barely any skin between her ass and cunt. I push them both continually into her harder and harder. While she is stuffed full I sit her up so her weight keeps them secure. She is biting down hard on the panties. I pull them out of her mouth and make her lick my pussy some more. I turn around and spread my cheeks. "Now eat my ass." I tell her. She does as she is told and I cum hard. I feel it run down my leg.
"Have you learned?" I ask her In a calm voice. "Not to egg me on or ask for this side of me again?" She nods her head in defeat. "If you ever do again when we play, I will have to show you breath play and waterboarding." I tell her holding her chin. I untie her. " These hurt!" she says pointing to her ass. "Lets shower." I suggest. "Okay, let me take these out." she says. "No, leave the one in your ass." I bark. She waddles to the restroom. "Put the toilet lid down and sit on it. You can take the dildo out of your cooch." I tell her I start the shower. "Bounce on it." I tell her. As she does the starts to cum a lot. There is a litte blood from the force I used but it's so hott. I bend her over and removed it for her. The size of the glass dildo in her ass left her asshole gaping. I replaced it with a plug. "Don't swallow that with that asshole." we both giggled and enjoyed a sensual shower. I drove her to her car and she thanked me. "We need to play again. I liked it. Is that weird?" she asks. "No, not weird. Your a masochist hun. Its normal for you." I assure her. "Hey, we should invite those douche bags over so you can do it to them too." She suggested. We laughed and agreed to meet again soon.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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