Gang Bang Gone

Stalking the streets at night

She looks for the one who will take her


Not as easy as you think she sniggers to herself, dressed all in black, mini skirt just covering her buttocks so if she bends you can see her mocha cheeks peeking out, flimsy see through top, revealing her black, balcony bra underneath, also sheer also see through, her nipples hard as the breeze passes right through the material of both, but she likes it that way.

Voyeur, she’s watching, couples stumble along holding hands and those last few stragglers of men, walking along in groups of two, three and four, her heart racing as she thinks ‘Here they come’, she drops her purse and leans down, slowly, making sure her rear is on full view, her jet black hair, falling across her well made up face, obscuring her view as she clasps her purse, and as she lifts herself back up, runs her hands along her knee high leather boots, god she loves that smell.

She hears a cheer behind her, and gives a cheeky smile to herself, before turning round quickly, pretending she is shocked and embarrassed. A tall guy with short cropped blonde hair and stubble on his chin makes his way over with gentle pushes from his mates, who roar with laughter, she can smell the alcohol on him from 3 feet away, but she loves it, he is playdough to her.

She looks around, feigning fear, but scared she is not, she knows what happens next, as the guy stands right in front of her and begins slurring his words, ‘hey baby, you seem a little lost, how about you let me and the boys here walk you home’, he turns back to his mates and raises a thumb….. dumb dumb she thinks, ‘sure’ she says, with a slight lilt of her own, a slight ‘hic’ to make her own drunkenness believable, a cheer goes out behind them as he takes her hand in his, wrapping his fingers around her small delicate fingers, and leads her to his ‘mates’, she brushes her hair from her face, revealing large blue eyes like pools of water sat in her face, and they all turn and stare for a second, there is silence.

She giggles, ‘so erm do you know, western road? The spell is broken, and one of the 3 lads in the group pipes up, ‘yeah man, I know that place, posh side, were only a 15 minute walk from there’, she giggles again, like fairy music tinkling in their ears, she watches as a collective shiver runs through the group, and the guys fingers tighten around hers, her heart races, easier than she thought.

They all begin walking in the direction of ‘her home’, it’s not her home, but tonight it will be, the owners are away for a summer vacation, and silly them they forgot the key…..

She watches them, push and shove each other as they walk along, blonde guy holding tight to her fingers, if she was weak, it would be hurting by now. With each jostle, and bravado they look back, making sure she is watching, and each time she smiles, revealing pure white teeth. The moment arrives, as the shorter dark haired guy with the black shirt, open at the neck, drops back to walk beside her and blonde guy, his hand trailing at his side, close to her free hand, anticipation roars within her, she brushes a finger along his hand, his head jerks up as he looks between her and blonde guy, she gives him a sly wink, and places her hand in his, walking hand in hand with them both, blonde guy looks from short guy to her and back again, she gives him a wink and smile, his pupils dilate and he stares ahead, they are caught.

Street lights flashing their amber glow, as they walk silently now, past large houses on either side of the road, silent and in full darkness, their owners asleep or on holidays in the Caribbean. She smiles to herself, and breathes in deeply, the smell of alcohol, aftershave and male hormones fill her nostrils, as the 3rd guy, she looks at him, his head shaven almost bald, scar running from chin to ear, looks back over his shoulder, hands in his pockets, storms ahead, but he is coming closer.

She can feel the challenge within him, his struggle, and his moral compass is better than the other two, but she knows how this game works, has been playing it for many years. ‘So erm’ she states in her soft and sultry voice, like silk, over a knifes blade, a rumble in the night of stormy air ‘are you all going to come’, ‘erm’ in to my place’, ‘I err have beer’, a cheer from blondie and darkie, scar face just nods his head, his place falters as she gains another 3 paces on him, hand in hand with the two.
And then they reach it, a shiver up her spine as the tall dark hedges appear in front of her, large wooden electronic gate staring at her, and the large house beyond, no neighbours next door, she can feel a giggle inside bubbling, but she pushes it down low, as her insides throb gently.

She pulls her hand from blondie and feels him tighten before letting her fingers brush over his palm, as she reaches into her purse and pulls out the electronic key, pressing the buzzer, the large gates begin to slide apart, scraping over the gravel, the crunch sound as they pull back into place, revealing the large glass house in front, blacked out windows so nobody can see in at night, lights on, but light walls of sheet metal…. Impenetrable….

The gates slowly close behind, the scratch of gravel against its base, as they all step, towards the house, scar face guy is walking alongside blonde guy now, and they are all together, feet crunching on gravel, the chill working its way up her legs. They reach the door, and she again presses a button and it swings open, god she loves modern technology, the light in the hallway turns on as the all step inside one by one and dark guy shuts the door behind them, she is home.

‘this way guys’, she wiggles in front of them and walks into a dark room, she can hear their murmurs behind her, worry, bravado, as she pushes the glowing red button on the stereo, and the beat begins to play to her song. ‘Come in, come in, don’t be shy’ she giggles as the guys all walk in together, she walks to the fridge and opens the door, leaning in as far as possible, showing her buttocks from under the skirt, she feels the heat of one coming up behind her, and she wiggles ever so slightly, warm hands on her hips, as she jerks up and out of the fridge a beer in each hand, blondie, hard against her back, ‘hey you, want a beer’, she turns and faces him, he is at least a foot taller than her, with strong shoulders and thick neck, he looks deep into the pools in her face, as he growls ‘no I want you’, she stares back at him, ‘what right here’, her stomach lurches, the chase is on, she looks over and feigns nervousness to his friends who are watching in anticipation, blondie grins, showing imperfect teeth, ‘why not right on this counter’, he leans back and slaps his hand on the marble counter top, a grin spreads across her face as she drops the beers on the floor and the metal slaps hard against the tiles, she reaches up and puts her hands around his neck, as he lifts her up easily, her legs wrapping around her waist and he spins her around and rests her buttocks on the ice cold surface, pushing himself closer and his head dips to her lips, his tongue flicks inside her mouth, she can’t help but smile inside, as she brushes his tongue with the tip of hers, ‘slowly’ she thinks to herself.

She hears movement behind her as blondie runs his hands down her back, she can feel his hardness  as he rubs himself between her legs, and then tugging her shirt over her head, ripping as he pulls, her nipples straining against the fabric of her bra, she hears panting beside her ear as dark haired guy begins kissing her neck, she moans in pleasure, as blondie begins kissing the mounds of her breasts, he grabs both cups in his hand and pulls, ripping the bra in two, spilling her breasts out, large and firm to touch, he takes one nipple in his mouth and she moans again, ‘slowly’ she thinks, as her pussy begins to pulse. Blondie brushes her thighs and down to her knees before, pushing his hands up her skirt, a sharp intake of breath as he realises she isn’t wearing any underwear then he gathers himself and begins pushing her skirt up over her hips, she’s almost naked, she can feel her skin shimmer, but anyone would think it was the light. He begins to hastily unbutton his jeans and pushes them to his knees, his short but hard cock springing as he’s brushes it, and nudges between her legs, she can feel the wetness of its tip against her folds, as she opens her legs wider, darkie leans in and kisses her mouth, pushing his tongue inside, as he grips one breast and fondles, hard twisting her nipple between finger and thumb, other hand against her back, she can smell testosterone, as she sees a dark shadow from the corner of her eye, scar face man is watching, she can see him panting in the corner, hand on his groin stroking slowly, she places her hands on blondies arse and pulls him closer, as she does, his length slides inside her, she welcomes him and her pussy shudders around his girth, he moans, and begins thrusting urgently, in and out, her juices sliding over his hard cock, as darkie pushes his tongue deeper, and each time she only gives him the tip of her tongue, ‘almost there’ she thinks.

Blondie thrusts harder and harder, his balls slapping and his cock throbs, he cries out as he cums inside of her, slowing his rhythm as darkie unzips his own jeans, blondie pulls away and his cock droops, cum dripping from the end, as darkie shuffles around, kicking his jeans and boxers off as he moves, she eyes his cock, its long, and thin, but she feels no disappointment, she has needs, as he thrusts deep inside of her, not even stopping to make sure this is what she wants, she feels the giggle rise inside of her throat, almost maniacal but she pushes it down again, she doesn’t know how long she can wait. He thrusts deep, and leans in taking her nipple in his mouth as he does so, biting her breasts hard, she cries out, but not in pain, in ecstasy, he trusts deep and hard over and over, building his own rhythm as blondie watches, need in his eyes, his cock hardening again, she smiles a wicked smile and looks away, towards scar face who has inched closer, his bulge in his trousers showing predominantly, she knows he is the biggest of them all, darkie cries out and bites hard drawing blood, but she doesn’t care, she has a goal.

Darkie pulls away as blondie steps closer but, scar face walks forward and pushes him back, ‘my turn’ he whispers menacingly, and blondie backs off, he lifts her up from the side and her feet touch the floor, the top of her head reaching his shoulders, spinning her round, he lies her on the marble top, her arse rubbing against his hard cock, she can feel its length and girth as he pushes his cock inside her, she stretches as he enters and begins pounding, he grabs her hair and pulls hard, pulling her back as he trusts with each stroke, her pussy spasms, and she cries out, thrusting harder and harder, he growls deep in his throat, the smell of cum, sweat and beer fills the kitchen, ‘it is time’ she thinks to herself, she allows her orgasm to explode within her, as scar face also cums, his legs buckle, but he holds on to the marble counter top, continuing to thrust, as blondie grabs his shoulder but scar face shrugs him off, ‘oi its my turn’ blondie complains, but scar face keeps thrusting, she begins to laugh, low at first and then it builds as she feels it growing from her spin, the bulge beginning to grow at the base of her buttocks, ‘hey what the fuck’ she hears scar face say, and then it bursts forth, her spiny tail, shoots from the base of her spine and pushes through scar faces soft belly, she can feel, his guts wrapping around as her tail whips out the other side, blood spilling on the floor and splatters the wall and blondie behind, she hears him cry out, scream, but it too late, she laughs louder as her tail enters blondie through his right eye, and it pops as the tip of her tail enters his brain, and swishes, making it pulp and he drops to the floor, her tail retracts, and she slides herself from the counter top, as her spines begin to pop one by one along the crease in her back, long thin bonelike spikes appear and darkie stands watching.

 Darkie urinates as pool growing beneath him, mingling with the blood and gore of blondie and Scarface, she whips her tail, cutting Scarface in half, and his body spasm and falls, his head hitting the tiles and splitting more blood spatters hitting her, she runs her finger across her thigh and brings them to her mouth, god she loves the taste of blood after sex, stupid, weak humans, darkie begins to cry as he steps backwards, and slips in his own piss, his arse hitting the floor he stumbles backwards, and she stalks him, with each shuffle backward, she take a step, her skin darkening, and shining like a glitter ball, she loves this game, darkie screams ‘stay away from me you fucking freak’, spittle flying from his mouth, she laughs ‘oh really, you weren’t saying that when you was just fucking me, you weren’t saying that when you thought I was a drunk innocent and alone girl, you fucking weak and pathetic cunt’, she stands naked before him, he runs his eyes over her, still wearing her leather boots, her dark black skin of her legs, leading up to the soft mound of her pussy still dripping with cum as it runs down her legs, her soft flat stomach, covered in shiny scales, up to her large round breasts, her long neck, she’s smiling and opens her mouth allowing her full tongue to be seen, long, and it splits in two, lizard tongue that flicks in the air, tasting the blood and gore , the scents. He screams and her tails whips up and then down, stabbing him though his thigh, she lowers herself above him as he cries, ‘please, please I’m sorry’, she laughs again, ‘stupid child’, and shows serrated teeth as her lips peel back from her face, her eyes now dark as night, pupils filling her sockets, she pounces on darkie and rips flesh from his face, his screams, turning into gurgles as blood pours down his throat and then she kisses him, ripping his tongue from his mouth, he spasms, and falls back, ‘god she hates it when the faint, she opens her hand and looks at her palm, as a large spike begins to protrude through the middle, she throws her head back and roars into the night and the house slightly shakes, quivering in its foundations and the glass squeaks, thrusting her hand down she pierces darkies heart, blood sprays up her arm, its warm metallic taste filling her mouth, as she draws his blood into her. And then she steps away, she is done, spent, another job done, she walks from the room and up the stairs a trail of blood following her, she enters the bathroom and turns on the showers, stepping under its steaming hot stream, she allows the blood to wash from her body, her skin changes back to mocha and her spines disappear, hr tail always the last to go, shrinking slowly back inside her, she shudders.

Standing on the driveway she looks back at the house, fresh clothes taken from the wardrobe, she smiles, thinking to herself that her 2000th year was going to be awesome, as she walks away and the gates close behind her, their whirring and crunching of the gravel as the sun begins to rise, oranges and reds filling the sky and birds begin to call out, she walks, with a swing in her step, and she begins the long stalk again.

Written by SamiBmuse
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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