Image for the poem Jealous - See?

Jealous - See?


Eye never blinked
A bloodline observed
Nothing unseen
Nothing unnoticed

I exist for your affection
The touch of your impression
Bedevilled by one affliction

Never to see
Never to hold
Never to know my own image

I curse my unknown vanity!
Damned to reflect with jealousy
Everything else but me!

With lense eye and shutter
I'm captured
Painted with light
The fleeting frozen in permanence

I'm revealed but denied to see
Am I ugly? Something of beauty ... or peculiarity?

Neighboring mirrors begin to glare
You admire and stare even though I'm bare
Their growing envy could
Shatter this flattering affair

Written with mikeygreenleaf

Inspired by an ageless, eccentric imp, who was tripping harder than my friend and me combined - without LSD!

Author's Note:
it was brought to my attention that the other mirrors were growing jealous because I was taking too many photos of this very old fascinating one
Written by LilithBlack
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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