The narrow French Quarter streets are packed with lost souls, people asleep though walking. I see their sodden faces, neon light reflected in glazed eyes. The neon signs beckon with promises of bliss in writhing girls on stages who give the illusion of satisfaction to hungry males.
I see one through the window, her legs wrapped around a pole, and her plastic face contorted in the image of passion. I know that deep in that body is the heart of a wounded bird who follows patterns ingrained from molestations, perhaps forgotten. The endless repetition of spirit violence tears at her being and leaves the husk of a once beautiful rose withered and dry.
I see the lines in her face which are dry riverbeds where tears once flowed. I know that the life renewing springs in her are all but dried up. Still in her eyes I see the spark of fire that will not die. I see reflected in her my own pain and feel her longing for sweet justice.
I step into the den of flesh and her eyes meet mine. I feel a spark fly between us with the speed of light. Recognition flashes in her eyes in this meeting, as intimate as two lovers embracing. I feel the loneliness emanate from her as I follow her movements, a sad mime of making love, to men whose bodies might as well be cold and stiff. The men stare like zombies at the swell of her breasts and taunt derriere. I feel volcanic forces move through my body. My eyes blaze with anger. I can no longer let this spiritual rape continue.
The music mercifully ends and she steps down from the stage like a fallen Goddess. I smile at her and she smiles back through a haze of tears. We share knowledge on a level which no one else there can see. I can see that she recognizes the depths of my compassion for her. She knows that I share her pain. I feel the bonds of sisterhood with this wounded bird. I can see she is willing to open the floodgates of her heart to me.
She pulls a white summer dress over her shaking body to cover her wounds in the purist lily-white symbol of a return to innocence. I take her hand and we emerge from the underworld into the intoxicating night air. The moon overhead is swollen and red. I feel its power over me summoning the beast. The ancient craving fills my body. With the swiftness of lightening my mind is illuminated by the knowledge of what we must do.
Our wandering ceases as our bodies settle into stillness. We stand face to face in the shadows of Pirate alley. I gently grasp her bird delicate shoulders and press her lithe body against the cold stone of St Louis Cathedral. I hear her whimper like a kitten as I press my taut body against her soft flesh. My hills fill her valleys as our bodies coincide meshing into each other curves. I feel her heartbeat against my chest like a faraway drumbeat, faint but sustaining.
My senses tell me that she is stronger than those leering men could ever know. I want so much to nourish her tired spirit with my love. I long to merge with her and for our paths to join in this strange journey called life.
However, I know that there is a task to be completed before we can be joined. Our lips meet in sugary bliss. Warmth spreads like an ocean current through my electrified body. I feel the sweetness of her touch flow like honey through my sex. We separate leaving me with such painful yearning.
A tall dark man in a business suit emerges from the shadows. He looks at us with intensity, as though trying to pierce us with his eyes. I feel his intrusion into our world stab at my heart. He has violated our most sacred moment with his leering hunger. His mouth opens and the words seem to boom from him, “You two look so sexy. Why don’t you two join me for dinner?”
I look into my sister’s eyes and whisper into her ears my secret plan. He waits patiently awaiting our reply. She nods smiling. We stand on either side of him, each taking an arm. We walk with him through the streets, grasping onto his arms with the firmness of a falcon grasping its prey with its talons.
We enter the restaurant and the waiter looks at us as we smile. As he leads us to our seat he says, “You’re one lucky man. What I wouldn’t give to be in your shoes right now!”
He grunts and I smile saying, “Yes, he doesn't even know what he’s in for. We have something really special planned for him tonight.”
Our man looks down at us while adjusting his tie. He says, “I like surprises!”
We each kiss him on the cheek. He grasps our waists as we stand by the table. He pulls us close to him as we caress his back together. I run my hand through his thick brown hair. The waiter stands with his mouth gaping and says, “Please be seated.”
I say, “I don’t think we need any dinner tonight. Why start with appetizers when you can go right to the main course?”
I grasp his arm and tell him, “I know the perfect place.” A naughty smile passes across his face. We lead him through the moonlit streets. I feel the moonlight fill me with warmth. I bathe in the purist moonglow; it fills the recesses of my body, making me feel feminine and powerful.
We arrive at my lair and we lead him up the steps into the darkness. He almost stumbles on the steps and we prop him up. I say, “Be careful. You wouldn’t want to break anything. After all you’ve got a big night ahead.”
At the top is my candle lit dungeon. I see fear in his eyes for the first time in the flickering candle-light. My special wine is in the corner. I pull out a bottle and caress its neck suggestively smiling, as he looks on hungrily. I pop the cork and pour him a glass. He looks at the glass apprehensively and offers me a glass.
I say, “You’re our honored guest. Please drink first.” He holds the glass close to his nose smelling its fragrance. I look at the dagger hanging on the wall. I know that I must work swiftly. I can never allow him to molest another woman.
I reach out feeling his stiff spear through his slacks. I know that his offending member will have to be severed. I think of all the women, I have known, who were forever damaged by men. I will do this dark deed for them.
His eyes close and a moan erupts from his lips. I deftly pull his zipper down and free his manhood. My fingers trace the tip in slow sensuous circles as he sinks to his knees.
As I stroke him, she grasps his hair and pulls his head back. She holds the wine glass above his open mouth and pours the sweet liquid into him. It spills across his cheeks and he gulps it.
We tug his pants off, revealing his toned body and muscular thighs. I gently unbutton his dress shirt. With soft spoken words I say, “That wine will help you obey. You will find it easier to submit to us.”
He looks up at me and pleads, “Please, let me go.”
I say, “Let you go? This night is just beginning. I promise you a night you will never forget.” I caress his scepter, gingerly circling the crown as his eyes fall shut, and his trance deepens.
With my other hand I roll his eggs like dice. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are closed as I caress his loins.
The Goddess ordains me to bestow one last sex act on him. I crouch down folding my legs under me and wrap my ruby lips around his throbbing scepter. I swirl my tongue around the shaft of his erect staff and occasionally probe the slit at the tip.
He succumbs to his need. My hand relentlessly strokes him like a virtuoso violinist with up and down movements. My hands explore his perineum as I lap his cock into obedience. He screams as I feel his egg sack shrink like a dried plum in my hand. He offers up his gametes to my hungry throat. He groans in climactic pleasure.
He collapses onto the cold stone tiled floor and lies there breathing heavily. We each grasp one of his arms and he complies with us rising to his feet. “Good little boy,” I tell him. His spear bobs up and down as we lead him to the tiny altar where the image of the Goddess looks down upon him.
I see how vulnerable and helpless he is. He is unanointed. He has never learned to see the beauty in woman. His mind is lost in a mire of stale attitudes and conditioning which we must wash away. Only then will his mind be the clear mirror which reflects the radiant beauty of the universe. Strangely my anger subsides.
I begin the ancient prayer, “Woman is the creator of all life. Out of the womb of the Goddess came the stars and planets. Only through woman is man redeemed. Woman is the salvation of all humankind.”
He begins to repeat my words. The syllables tumble from his mouth like a breath of fresh air. I look into the face of the Goddess’s image as she looks down upon us. I feel her energy fill my body. As we hold his arms I feel him shake. He looks like a mystic in the throes of spiritual ecstasy.
His eyes shine with a light like starlight. His face
looks younger than before. His trembling increases and he falls backward. I watch his eyes glaze over. He lies on the floor writhing with his scepter erect and purple.
I crouch like a tigeress between his legs. I blow his dandelion till his seeds explode only to fall like stars in myriad patterns of beauty. His trembling subsides and I get a blanket from the shelves. We wrap it around him and he rolls into a fetal position.
My sweet bird and I sleep in the bed upstairs. He sleeps at the foot of our bed on a down quilt. The satin sheets caress my skin as we lay in the spoon position with me behind her.
I gently massage her breasts as she grasps my hand sucking on my fingers. I run my hand down her scalp, through her silky mane of hair, and down her shoulders while gently squeezing them. My fingers stream down her spine as she arches her back. They rest on her sacrum kneading the knob of flesh.
Ever so slowly they slip down into the crevasse of her moons following the valley. My other hand follows its course into the portal to her womb. My fingers flutter like feathers in circular patterns across her petals. They flap delicate as butterfly wings against her tiny stamen and elicit coos of delight from my sweet bird.
I whisper into her ear like a summer breeze and my breath blows gently across her. “I will love you as only a woman can love another woman. Our flames will burn bright, as when two flames brought together burn brighter than the two separately.”
My fingers continue their ministration on her orchid while my words sink into her. Her back arches savagely. Her feline ferocity sends shivers through my body. My sweet bird has become a wild cat. A scream erupts from deep in her throat and rumbles like a lioness roar through me.
I see his body leap up. He looks down at us as my hands continue to bless her till her ragged breathing becomes sobs. I hold her there and he watches. I look up at him. I see the sorrow in his eyes. I see the remorse he feels having been one of the gender who used and abused this beautiful flower. I see tears form in his eyes.
I feel a great weight lifted from my soul as I see
the repentance in his face. I can see through his tears how he would give his life to change the past.
If only he could wash away his sins and find absolution from the women whose spirits he abused.
As I stroke her hair I say, “We spared you last
night. I had in mind something very different at first. With one stroke of my dagger I could have severed that scepter which you used as a club against woman.”
He looks down at us and his tears dry on his face. I see a glow on his face which wasn’t there in the alley. He says, “You were merciful to me.”
I wrap my arms tighter around my tiny sparrow and gently rock her. I look at him and say, “You must always remember this night. Always treat women with respect and dignity. The Goddess showed kindness to you last night. You must show your gratitude to her by seeking the feminine within your own heart. You must feel love when you make love. Surrender your whole body and soul to the woman who trusts you. Only then will you know
the ecstasy of true intimacy.”
He looks into my eyes with a softness that
makes me feel tender. He begs, “I must repay you. I will serve you as you slave. It is the only way I can redeem myself.”
I laugh, “No, your redemption will only come by accepting the feminine within you. You have your own path to follow and she and I have ours.”
He gets dressed and I hear the door close as he leaves us. My sweet bird rotates in my arms. She lays her head on my breasts and kisses my breastbone.
I know that with time her broken wings will heal. In the night when fear floods her trembling heart I will be there to hold her and comfort her. She will never be alone, she will always know my love, and there will be nothing but kindness between us.
The narrow French Quarter streets are packed with lost souls, people asleep though walking. I see their sodden faces, neon light reflected in glazed eyes. The neon signs beckon with promises of bliss in writhing girls on stages who give the illusion of satisfaction to hungry males.
I see one through the window, her legs wrapped around a pole, and her plastic face contorted in the image of passion. I know that deep in that body is the heart of a wounded bird who follows patterns ingrained from molestations, perhaps forgotten. The endless repetition of spirit violence tears at her being and leaves the husk of a once beautiful rose withered and dry.
I see the lines in her face which are dry riverbeds where tears once flowed. I know that the life renewing springs in her are all but dried up. Still in her eyes I see the spark of fire that will not die. I see reflected in her my own pain and feel her longing for sweet justice.
I step into the den of flesh and her eyes meet mine. I feel a spark fly between us with the speed of light. Recognition flashes in her eyes in this meeting, as intimate as two lovers embracing. I feel the loneliness emanate from her as I follow her movements, a sad mime of making love, to men whose bodies might as well be cold and stiff. The men stare like zombies at the swell of her breasts and taunt derriere. I feel volcanic forces move through my body. My eyes blaze with anger. I can no longer let this spiritual rape continue.
The music mercifully ends and she steps down from the stage like a fallen Goddess. I smile at her and she smiles back through a haze of tears. We share knowledge on a level which no one else there can see. I can see that she recognizes the depths of my compassion for her. She knows that I share her pain. I feel the bonds of sisterhood with this wounded bird. I can see she is willing to open the floodgates of her heart to me.
She pulls a white summer dress over her shaking body to cover her wounds in the purist lily-white symbol of a return to innocence. I take her hand and we emerge from the underworld into the intoxicating night air. The moon overhead is swollen and red. I feel its power over me summoning the beast. The ancient craving fills my body. With the swiftness of lightening my mind is illuminated by the knowledge of what we must do.
Our wandering ceases as our bodies settle into stillness. We stand face to face in the shadows of Pirate alley. I gently grasp her bird delicate shoulders and press her lithe body against the cold stone of St Louis Cathedral. I hear her whimper like a kitten as I press my taut body against her soft flesh. My hills fill her valleys as our bodies coincide meshing into each other curves. I feel her heartbeat against my chest like a faraway drumbeat, faint but sustaining.
My senses tell me that she is stronger than those leering men could ever know. I want so much to nourish her tired spirit with my love. I long to merge with her and for our paths to join in this strange journey called life.
However, I know that there is a task to be completed before we can be joined. Our lips meet in sugary bliss. Warmth spreads like an ocean current through my electrified body. I feel the sweetness of her touch flow like honey through my sex. We separate leaving me with such painful yearning.
A tall dark man in a business suit emerges from the shadows. He looks at us with intensity, as though trying to pierce us with his eyes. I feel his intrusion into our world stab at my heart. He has violated our most sacred moment with his leering hunger. His mouth opens and the words seem to boom from him, “You two look so sexy. Why don’t you two join me for dinner?”
I look into my sister’s eyes and whisper into her ears my secret plan. He waits patiently awaiting our reply. She nods smiling. We stand on either side of him, each taking an arm. We walk with him through the streets, grasping onto his arms with the firmness of a falcon grasping its prey with its talons.
We enter the restaurant and the waiter looks at us as we smile. As he leads us to our seat he says, “You’re one lucky man. What I wouldn’t give to be in your shoes right now!”
He grunts and I smile saying, “Yes, he doesn't even know what he’s in for. We have something really special planned for him tonight.”
Our man looks down at us while adjusting his tie. He says, “I like surprises!”
We each kiss him on the cheek. He grasps our waists as we stand by the table. He pulls us close to him as we caress his back together. I run my hand through his thick brown hair. The waiter stands with his mouth gaping and says, “Please be seated.”
I say, “I don’t think we need any dinner tonight. Why start with appetizers when you can go right to the main course?”
I grasp his arm and tell him, “I know the perfect place.” A naughty smile passes across his face. We lead him through the moonlit streets. I feel the moonlight fill me with warmth. I bathe in the purist moonglow; it fills the recesses of my body, making me feel feminine and powerful.
We arrive at my lair and we lead him up the steps into the darkness. He almost stumbles on the steps and we prop him up. I say, “Be careful. You wouldn’t want to break anything. After all you’ve got a big night ahead.”
At the top is my candle lit dungeon. I see fear in his eyes for the first time in the flickering candle-light. My special wine is in the corner. I pull out a bottle and caress its neck suggestively smiling, as he looks on hungrily. I pop the cork and pour him a glass. He looks at the glass apprehensively and offers me a glass.
I say, “You’re our honored guest. Please drink first.” He holds the glass close to his nose smelling its fragrance. I look at the dagger hanging on the wall. I know that I must work swiftly. I can never allow him to molest another woman.
I reach out feeling his stiff spear through his slacks. I know that his offending member will have to be severed. I think of all the women, I have known, who were forever damaged by men. I will do this dark deed for them.
His eyes close and a moan erupts from his lips. I deftly pull his zipper down and free his manhood. My fingers trace the tip in slow sensuous circles as he sinks to his knees.
As I stroke him, she grasps his hair and pulls his head back. She holds the wine glass above his open mouth and pours the sweet liquid into him. It spills across his cheeks and he gulps it.
We tug his pants off, revealing his toned body and muscular thighs. I gently unbutton his dress shirt. With soft spoken words I say, “That wine will help you obey. You will find it easier to submit to us.”
He looks up at me and pleads, “Please, let me go.”
I say, “Let you go? This night is just beginning. I promise you a night you will never forget.” I caress his scepter, gingerly circling the crown as his eyes fall shut, and his trance deepens.
With my other hand I roll his eggs like dice. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are closed as I caress his loins.
The Goddess ordains me to bestow one last sex act on him. I crouch down folding my legs under me and wrap my ruby lips around his throbbing scepter. I swirl my tongue around the shaft of his erect staff and occasionally probe the slit at the tip.
He succumbs to his need. My hand relentlessly strokes him like a virtuoso violinist with up and down movements. My hands explore his perineum as I lap his cock into obedience. He screams as I feel his egg sack shrink like a dried plum in my hand. He offers up his gametes to my hungry throat. He groans in climactic pleasure.
He collapses onto the cold stone tiled floor and lies there breathing heavily. We each grasp one of his arms and he complies with us rising to his feet. “Good little boy,” I tell him. His spear bobs up and down as we lead him to the tiny altar where the image of the Goddess looks down upon him.
I see how vulnerable and helpless he is. He is unanointed. He has never learned to see the beauty in woman. His mind is lost in a mire of stale attitudes and conditioning which we must wash away. Only then will his mind be the clear mirror which reflects the radiant beauty of the universe. Strangely my anger subsides.
I begin the ancient prayer, “Woman is the creator of all life. Out of the womb of the Goddess came the stars and planets. Only through woman is man redeemed. Woman is the salvation of all humankind.”
He begins to repeat my words. The syllables tumble from his mouth like a breath of fresh air. I look into the face of the Goddess’s image as she looks down upon us. I feel her energy fill my body. As we hold his arms I feel him shake. He looks like a mystic in the throes of spiritual ecstasy.
His eyes shine with a light like starlight. His face
looks younger than before. His trembling increases and he falls backward. I watch his eyes glaze over. He lies on the floor writhing with his scepter erect and purple.
I crouch like a tigeress between his legs. I blow his dandelion till his seeds explode only to fall like stars in myriad patterns of beauty. His trembling subsides and I get a blanket from the shelves. We wrap it around him and he rolls into a fetal position.
My sweet bird and I sleep in the bed upstairs. He sleeps at the foot of our bed on a down quilt. The satin sheets caress my skin as we lay in the spoon position with me behind her.
I gently massage her breasts as she grasps my hand sucking on my fingers. I run my hand down her scalp, through her silky mane of hair, and down her shoulders while gently squeezing them. My fingers stream down her spine as she arches her back. They rest on her sacrum kneading the knob of flesh.
Ever so slowly they slip down into the crevasse of her moons following the valley. My other hand follows its course into the portal to her womb. My fingers flutter like feathers in circular patterns across her petals. They flap delicate as butterfly wings against her tiny stamen and elicit coos of delight from my sweet bird.
I whisper into her ear like a summer breeze and my breath blows gently across her. “I will love you as only a woman can love another woman. Our flames will burn bright, as when two flames brought together burn brighter than the two separately.”
My fingers continue their ministration on her orchid while my words sink into her. Her back arches savagely. Her feline ferocity sends shivers through my body. My sweet bird has become a wild cat. A scream erupts from deep in her throat and rumbles like a lioness roar through me.
I see his body leap up. He looks down at us as my hands continue to bless her till her ragged breathing becomes sobs. I hold her there and he watches. I look up at him. I see the sorrow in his eyes. I see the remorse he feels having been one of the gender who used and abused this beautiful flower. I see tears form in his eyes.
I feel a great weight lifted from my soul as I see
the repentance in his face. I can see through his tears how he would give his life to change the past.
If only he could wash away his sins and find absolution from the women whose spirits he abused.
As I stroke her hair I say, “We spared you last
night. I had in mind something very different at first. With one stroke of my dagger I could have severed that scepter which you used as a club against woman.”
He looks down at us and his tears dry on his face. I see a glow on his face which wasn’t there in the alley. He says, “You were merciful to me.”
I wrap my arms tighter around my tiny sparrow and gently rock her. I look at him and say, “You must always remember this night. Always treat women with respect and dignity. The Goddess showed kindness to you last night. You must show your gratitude to her by seeking the feminine within your own heart. You must feel love when you make love. Surrender your whole body and soul to the woman who trusts you. Only then will you know
the ecstasy of true intimacy.”
He looks into my eyes with a softness that
makes me feel tender. He begs, “I must repay you. I will serve you as you slave. It is the only way I can redeem myself.”
I laugh, “No, your redemption will only come by accepting the feminine within you. You have your own path to follow and she and I have ours.”
He gets dressed and I hear the door close as he leaves us. My sweet bird rotates in my arms. She lays her head on my breasts and kisses my breastbone.
I know that with time her broken wings will heal. In the night when fear floods her trembling heart I will be there to hold her and comfort her. She will never be alone, she will always know my love, and there will be nothing but kindness between us.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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