The Sixth Floor
I see something move from the corner of my eye and look up. She's actually staring at a t.v. but not really seeing it. When i look back at her she's staring at me, blinking hard. "If you trying to run don't. Trust me I didn't get these bruises from just laying here." It's like she's looking right threw me.On the sixth floor there's six doors.Each of them locked. While I was growing up these doors were never closed more room to play hide and seek. But as the years passed they closed. One by one locked shut with beautiful girls behind them. The doors open of course but only people with keys can get in. Like the maids and servants even doctors. I know daddy goes from room to room because I caught him plenty of times, when I try to see what goes on behind the doors. Of course when I get caught up there, I get in big trouble because the day the first door closed, I was forbidden to go up to the sixth floor. But what else is there to do? I'm a seventeen year old girl whose home schooled and not allowed to leave.So I don't listen I ask all the help questions but none speak of what goes on in those rooms. The sixth door closed yesterday. I didn't even see anyone come home. Today dad's hiring new help. As summer time rolls around and the plants start to grow. He makes sure everything is kept nice in these three months of summer. We have about eight to ten parties. It's the only time I get to see my family except for the Christmas and New Years parties. When I say that I mean my blood family. Here in this house I have my own family. There's Chris who makes my clothes. I just tell her my idea's and she makes them like magic.There's Jose whose the chef, I always go to the kitchen to bother him. Beth cleans my room and she always brings me magazine's and we talk about the latest gossip even though most times it's me listening to her because I'm clueless. We have a movie theater but there's no cable, never was but Cathy always brings me movies dad says she was hired to clean too but I think she was hired to babysit me. She always asks me how my day was. As if it ever changes and she even helps me with homework or really when I pretend I need help because she just stands there with this hopeless look of wanting to help me. She even buys me my lady stuff. Closes thing to a mother I have. Then there’s Lisa my servant, we always talk about her family, her kids used to come and we would play together but they got older and stopped coming.
I never had real friends. I’m only allowed out with my dad when he wants to act like a father and take me to dinner. So the help is what I have which is pretty awesome. Most the garden help are guys my age almost every summer I have a new boyfriend but the summer ends and they lose their jobs and they don’t come back. I don’t care actually I never cared to just one of a few teenage things I could actually do. Sneak my boyfriend into the house make out that kind of stuff. So sitting here next to my dad I pick out the cutest one. I read off a list of what my dad wants to be done. “ Are you capable of doing all these things?” the pay is good so of course he says yes. “ Good you’re hired.”
The whole time my dad is on a business call. I can hear the person on the phone yelling about how he needs a new test subject and soon. My dad just says smoothly “ I’ll have one ready any day now” Dad never talks about his work with me. He says he doesn’t want to worry me with it. Once he gets off the phone it rings again. I decide its time to go, not like he’ll even notice. I go walk my dad’s office and head down the long hall all the way to the end I make a right turn and take the stairs to the sixth floor. As soon as I open the door I see a shaky looking nurse coming from the sixth door. As she gets closer I can see she’s as pale as a ghost and has tears streaming down her cheeks. She hands me the key saying, “ This house is full of darkness, the owner is the devil. I wish I could save these girls from this horrible life.” Just then a doctor comes out. His eyes widen when they see me. He grabs the nurse and takes her back into the room. With the key hidden in my back pocket. I rush down the stairs to the third floor. Into my room I hide the key in the slit of my mattress. I grab my book open my curtains and sit on the window seal for fear that the doctor tells my father or worse comes looking for the key. Nobody comes that day or night, not even the next two days. Which I stay hidden in my room thinking about what the nurse said. Even when Beth comes each day I barely notice. She leaves all the different magazines on my dresser knowing I like to cut out designs for Chris and hang my favorite actors and actress on the wall. Finally I decide it's time I find out what goes on behind the closed doors of the sixth floor. This time I don't want to be seen so I take the service elevator, nobody uses it anymore. My hands are shaking so bad it takes me a few try's to unlock the door. When I finally do I take a deep breath and push the door open. I take two steps in and I can hear a radio. I step further in and I see a girl staring at the wall. She looks blank almost dead inside. As I get closer to her I see dark circles under her eyes. Shes wearing a tank top and shorts. There's buries all over her body. I see something move from the corner of my eye and look up. She's actually staring at a t.v. but not really seeing it. When i look back at her she's staring at me, blinking hard. "If you trying to run don't. Trust me I didn't get these bruises from just laying here." It's like she's looking right threw me.
I can't speak at first. My voice wont come out and she just stares at me. After what feels like forever I finally ask " Who are you?"
" I'm Allie. How did you get here? How did you get the key? Are you a maid or servant?" She's looking at me like there's a thousand more question's she wants to ask. But I can't I think right, I can't even focus on how to answer.
"How did you get here?" My voice is shaky and barely above a whisper.
" I was kidnapped, taken from the street after a night of partying. I guess it's what I get for sneaking out." She says it like it's nothing like if she was talking about the weather. " How about you ? How did you get in here? How did you get the key? Your to young to be a nurse and your clothes are way to fancy for you to be a maid or servant. I heard the mothers around her get the best treatment. Well is they don't run. You are young and beautiful you must be a mother."
" A mother? What you do you mean by mother?" Before she can answer, I hear talking. I turn towards the door and shut it. The inside also is locked with the same key. Its a double lock so she won't get out. I start to panic and hyperventilate. The whole time she just watches me trying to figure out who exactly I am.
Finally she point's towards the closet and says " The person whose supposed to bring me my clothes isn't coming until Friday so nobod..." The door unlocks just as I close the door to the closet. I hold my breath. The same doctor from the other day walks in. Just my luck.
" Sorry about the other day she was new." Allie has gone back to staring at the t.v. "I can't seem to find where she put your paper. So I'm going to ask you the same questions again. Ready?" Allie doesn't move a muscle. "Okay I'll take that as a yes. Lets begin:
1) What's your full name?
Umm last name too
Allie Rodney
2) How old are you?
3) Have you ever been pregnant?
4) When was the last time you had sexual relations?
With a guy? Never
Umm Okay
5) Are you currently on any drugs?
6) Do you smoke?
7) Do you drink?
Well I can't anymore
Good point
8) Do you have any sicknesses?
9) At what age did you start menstruating?
10) What are your cycles typically like? How regular, long and heavy?
Pretty regular. About six days. Light
11) Do you exercise regularly? How much?
Yes. About two hours a day
" Well that's great. You seem perfect now all we need is your blood. How you feeling? Your looking much better."
My head is racing, much better? How bad did they beat her when she tried to escape? Finally he takes her blood and leaves. Once I'm sure its clear I come out and sit on the bed beside her. She stops staring at the t.v. and says "Please at least tell me your a friend. I won't ask any questions. Just tell me your not one of them. "
" I'm here for you. I'm a friend." I'm in total shock not really understanding what's going on. She climbs into my lap and starts to cry. From the clock on the t.v she cry's for two hours straight. Both of us not saying anything. When she stops, I get up and walk out locking the door behind me.I fall into this robotic trance not even realizing how I get back into my room. I strip down and climb into bed. Wishing this whole thing was a bad dream. A horrible nightmare. Cathy wakes me up to ask if I was sick or hungry, apparently I slept threw dinner. She worried I’m sick or something. I almost tell her what I saw what I heard but she has to know what’s been going on. She one of dads favorite employees I’m sure every body knows that everybody knew except me
I never had real friends. I’m only allowed out with my dad when he wants to act like a father and take me to dinner. So the help is what I have which is pretty awesome. Most the garden help are guys my age almost every summer I have a new boyfriend but the summer ends and they lose their jobs and they don’t come back. I don’t care actually I never cared to just one of a few teenage things I could actually do. Sneak my boyfriend into the house make out that kind of stuff. So sitting here next to my dad I pick out the cutest one. I read off a list of what my dad wants to be done. “ Are you capable of doing all these things?” the pay is good so of course he says yes. “ Good you’re hired.”
The whole time my dad is on a business call. I can hear the person on the phone yelling about how he needs a new test subject and soon. My dad just says smoothly “ I’ll have one ready any day now” Dad never talks about his work with me. He says he doesn’t want to worry me with it. Once he gets off the phone it rings again. I decide its time to go, not like he’ll even notice. I go walk my dad’s office and head down the long hall all the way to the end I make a right turn and take the stairs to the sixth floor. As soon as I open the door I see a shaky looking nurse coming from the sixth door. As she gets closer I can see she’s as pale as a ghost and has tears streaming down her cheeks. She hands me the key saying, “ This house is full of darkness, the owner is the devil. I wish I could save these girls from this horrible life.” Just then a doctor comes out. His eyes widen when they see me. He grabs the nurse and takes her back into the room. With the key hidden in my back pocket. I rush down the stairs to the third floor. Into my room I hide the key in the slit of my mattress. I grab my book open my curtains and sit on the window seal for fear that the doctor tells my father or worse comes looking for the key. Nobody comes that day or night, not even the next two days. Which I stay hidden in my room thinking about what the nurse said. Even when Beth comes each day I barely notice. She leaves all the different magazines on my dresser knowing I like to cut out designs for Chris and hang my favorite actors and actress on the wall. Finally I decide it's time I find out what goes on behind the closed doors of the sixth floor. This time I don't want to be seen so I take the service elevator, nobody uses it anymore. My hands are shaking so bad it takes me a few try's to unlock the door. When I finally do I take a deep breath and push the door open. I take two steps in and I can hear a radio. I step further in and I see a girl staring at the wall. She looks blank almost dead inside. As I get closer to her I see dark circles under her eyes. Shes wearing a tank top and shorts. There's buries all over her body. I see something move from the corner of my eye and look up. She's actually staring at a t.v. but not really seeing it. When i look back at her she's staring at me, blinking hard. "If you trying to run don't. Trust me I didn't get these bruises from just laying here." It's like she's looking right threw me.
I can't speak at first. My voice wont come out and she just stares at me. After what feels like forever I finally ask " Who are you?"
" I'm Allie. How did you get here? How did you get the key? Are you a maid or servant?" She's looking at me like there's a thousand more question's she wants to ask. But I can't I think right, I can't even focus on how to answer.
"How did you get here?" My voice is shaky and barely above a whisper.
" I was kidnapped, taken from the street after a night of partying. I guess it's what I get for sneaking out." She says it like it's nothing like if she was talking about the weather. " How about you ? How did you get in here? How did you get the key? Your to young to be a nurse and your clothes are way to fancy for you to be a maid or servant. I heard the mothers around her get the best treatment. Well is they don't run. You are young and beautiful you must be a mother."
" A mother? What you do you mean by mother?" Before she can answer, I hear talking. I turn towards the door and shut it. The inside also is locked with the same key. Its a double lock so she won't get out. I start to panic and hyperventilate. The whole time she just watches me trying to figure out who exactly I am.
Finally she point's towards the closet and says " The person whose supposed to bring me my clothes isn't coming until Friday so nobod..." The door unlocks just as I close the door to the closet. I hold my breath. The same doctor from the other day walks in. Just my luck.
" Sorry about the other day she was new." Allie has gone back to staring at the t.v. "I can't seem to find where she put your paper. So I'm going to ask you the same questions again. Ready?" Allie doesn't move a muscle. "Okay I'll take that as a yes. Lets begin:
1) What's your full name?
Umm last name too
Allie Rodney
2) How old are you?
3) Have you ever been pregnant?
4) When was the last time you had sexual relations?
With a guy? Never
Umm Okay
5) Are you currently on any drugs?
6) Do you smoke?
7) Do you drink?
Well I can't anymore
Good point
8) Do you have any sicknesses?
9) At what age did you start menstruating?
10) What are your cycles typically like? How regular, long and heavy?
Pretty regular. About six days. Light
11) Do you exercise regularly? How much?
Yes. About two hours a day
" Well that's great. You seem perfect now all we need is your blood. How you feeling? Your looking much better."
My head is racing, much better? How bad did they beat her when she tried to escape? Finally he takes her blood and leaves. Once I'm sure its clear I come out and sit on the bed beside her. She stops staring at the t.v. and says "Please at least tell me your a friend. I won't ask any questions. Just tell me your not one of them. "
" I'm here for you. I'm a friend." I'm in total shock not really understanding what's going on. She climbs into my lap and starts to cry. From the clock on the t.v she cry's for two hours straight. Both of us not saying anything. When she stops, I get up and walk out locking the door behind me.I fall into this robotic trance not even realizing how I get back into my room. I strip down and climb into bed. Wishing this whole thing was a bad dream. A horrible nightmare. Cathy wakes me up to ask if I was sick or hungry, apparently I slept threw dinner. She worried I’m sick or something. I almost tell her what I saw what I heard but she has to know what’s been going on. She one of dads favorite employees I’m sure every body knows that everybody knew except me
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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