You May Be On Acid; But Are You Aware Of The Following Facts? (Prose / Filler / Long!)
***WARNING/DISCLAIMER: Drug Use and Inference to Suicide, plus some Offensive Religious Content. Do not take the following literally. Do not commit suicide while on acid. Do not commit suicide period! Acid use does NOT cause AIDS.
And lastly,
Do not read this while high on acid!
You may be on acid; But are you aware of the following facts?
- Are you aware that the friends you are talking with, are actually in another room? They are not here; you are actually sitting in this room alone. Everybody left because half an hour ago you started mumbling out loud stuff about masturbation; you obviously weren't a good scene to be with. In order to remedy this situation you will have to leave the house and look for some new friends. You better act soon; the people out there are having a lot of fun but it won't last long. Since the people you are with now are only illusions of your mind, simply get up and quietly leave. If they stop talking and inquire about your actions, say something funny or ignore them altogether and continue on.
- Are you aware that LSD is the number one drug of choice among losers, geeks, and computer nerds? Nature gave you one life in one body and you've decided to misuse this gift by being a nerd. Cool people today do not drop acid. Cool people do ecstasy and cocaine. You're playing the wrong game honey; everyone else is getting a lot more fun than you are. Just think of all the movies you've seen. Do the happy, shiny people with big cars and big houses and good looks trip out? No way! It's clean, white lines all the way. To solve this horrible problem that you face, you must go home and flip through your catalogs for a whole new wardrobe and line of perfumes. You also will have to begin a strict exercise and dietary routine. As well, it will be a good idea, from now on, to hang out only with friends who have money. After all, the reason you were put into this dirty acid scene, was that you were not good looking enough: Appearance is everything! In this day of age, no one has the time and patience to look at others beyond the skin. The idea that people might actually look for character or emotion in others is merely an illusion conjured up by wishful poets and writers. Appearance is everything!
- Are you aware that the time you see on all the clocks is the wrong time? All night you've noticed something funny about the clocks; yes, there is something wrong with the clocks. You are not hallucinating. There is something wrong with the clocks! The problem here is that you “left the world” half an hour after you dropped. That is what the correct time is for everyone else. You will have proof of this tomorrow; the video camera that your friends are secretly taping you with was only turned on a couple minutes ago, when you started to act very weirdly so soon. The implications and consequences of the situation that you are in right now could prove disastrous. You see, all your life, you have been led by the belief that all events have a beginning and an end, occupying a period or space in between. A day has twenty four hours, an hour has sixty minutes, a sitcom lasts half an hour, school ends at three thirty, the bus comes at... and so on. You have been seduced under the illusion that a drug trip begins at a certain time after it's consumption, it's principal effects occupy a certain length, and then conveniently wear off, thus enabling you to return safely to your chores and habits. This is soooo wrong! In reality, the drug trip does not end until your mind is ready for it to end. Basically the mind will never accept the human condition of eternal nothingness which it faced before you were born; which it could face again after you die. The mind needs to distort the reality of the fleshes from time to time, in order to prove that eternity exists again. All humans must experience these notions, whether they do drugs or not. Acid is just another method the mind uses for this goal. Most people endure what you are currently experiencing on their first trip. But if this doesn't happen to you on your first trip, it's a billion times worse to handle on your later ones. In order to prove to your mind that it has dominion over nature, you will have to make a personal sacrifice; you may finally have to do something that you do not want to do. Some people perform outrageous acts in front of others gaining notoriety and it's fortunes. Others go on dangerous odysseys to strange far away lands. And some commit suicide. Suicide? Why yes, of all the things that you can do to end the acid trip, suicide is the most effective and guaranteed. Try it! Did you know that there are fucked up individuals among us who actually jump off tall buildings, cliffs, and bridges, more than once in a single trip?! People who commit suicide on acid usually wake up the next day in a hospital bed. The friend who called the ambulance or your parents will usually pick you up in the afternoon and you'll spend a quiet evening watching TV with some snacks. Now at this point you must be thinking that this is chaos; that you are in hell. Well, you are. And this is the very reason why hallucinogenic drugs are illegal. This is why adults are slow, stupid, and prudent; why they are offended by such an activity. Just imagine if everyone continuously forced these situations upon themselves; the world would be in absolute chaos.
So if you ever want time to resume again, you will have to do something that you do not want to do.
- Are you aware that LSD does not exist; that it is merely an invention of your best friend? The reason why she is your “best” friend is because she studied extensively the art of hypnotism. At a party years ago, she hypnotized you into this world she created. In order to prevent you from suspecting that something was drastically wrong, she needed certain gimmicks and toys to keep you in her company. LSD was one such gimmick, seeming totally reasonable to your rational mind. Beware! Your best friend is not who she seems to be. She is actually an ugly, lonely, stinky, oozing membranous monster who is using you to avoid the thought of her loathsome condition. Solution: Do not hang around with her ever again.
- Are you aware that acid does not disintegrate? Acid eats through everything never coming to a rest. Nothing can hold it. It eventually occupies all space. You may piss it out of your body, but it remains; it then continues on, infiltrating the external environment. The more acid that is made and the more that you consume only quickens it's pace. It will get into the soil, into the water, into the plants. Eventually everything will be contaminated. Your children will be permanently fucked. Geez, you really screwed it up, didn't you?
- Are you aware that all of your early childhood nightmares and sleepwalking episodes were caused by your present use of LSD tonight? Yes, after reading this paper, in about one hour, you will begin to ponder the idea of time travel for the very first time. This will eventually lead to severe abdominal pains. Thinking that your body is going to spontaneously implode, in one desperate impulse you actually destroy the barriers of time, diffusing the psychotic experience into brief segments throughout your life.
On this note, you are also aware that the angels, who visited you when the lights were turned off at bed time when you were young, were, in fact, actually angels? They were not simple “tracers” that lingered in your eye's open darkness. If you do not remember the lessons angels taught you, then you are in big trouble for the Life to come.
- Are you aware that old people and children are reflections of yourself on acid? I mean let's get serious here. You and your friends are the only ones who exist. You are among a pantheon of deity with each other. Everyone else, all those strangers out there on the morning streets with their seemingly equally complex existences; they are all fragments of your own self, strutting about, specifically taunting and punishing you for dropping acid. Solution: Love thy neighbor...
- Are you aware that the scary sensual distortions which you experience on LSD are actually the “sober” fears and woes your parents experienced years ago, when they too were your age? The fact is, you are not doing anything “new” when you are doing LSD; you're just reverberating the same stinky doubts that each ape faces, from generation to generation, since the beginning of time.
- Are you aware that LSD makes you stupid? Three things could happen. You will try to justify the existence of every little thing, thus losing your life to such means. Or, seeing that it is futile to do such, you decide to justify nothing and simply slob about, letting things just happen because you can't do anything about it. Or you will try to become a better person. In your quest to become cleaner, smarter, stronger, responsive you will eventually run out of time to explain your intentions and beliefs to others, (thinking that everyone understands everything about everyone else; which of course, they don't) thus you'll anger at the world when things start to miss-perform or the people around you misbehave, interfering with your “flow”. And thus you'll grow old, isolated, not knowing that people actually exist beyond your continent; you'll forget that there are other ways to Exist.
- Are you aware that LSD is the leading cause of AIDS? Your body is nothing more than a void of darkness filled with a colorful, intertwining system of tubes and valves. This composition is segregated into parts: your circulatory system, your digestive system, your nervous system, your immune system, and so on. All these systems are controlled by your mind, (which you always forget about having with your little daily social adventures) and in this darkness all your tubes and strings are attached and connected to everyone else's systems, to everything in the environment, to all the appliances that you think you need to use to solve your “problems” (like the toilet you will place your puke in, like the TV which you place your eyes in). This was the way it was before you were born. This is the way it was in the darkness of the womb. This is the way it was inside your first sleep. This is the way it is now. And this is the way it will be after you die. Your immune system is the set of doors between your system and everyone else's. But on acid, the doors were opened, remember? All the shit and grime which everyone flushed away with their soaps and ambitions; all this flows freely through every inch of your system. Since you messed with your mind, it couldn't perform it's task of controlling your systems. Your immune system got fucked up. And that is what AIDS is, an acquired immune deficiency. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The toilet isn't gonna take it away. A meal isn't gonna take it away. Sleep isn't gonna take it away. Crying for mom isn't gonna take it away. The further you fear and anger the further knotted all your strings will become. You'll get all clogged up.
Nasty, yucky things will happen inside you if you think the wrong things.
You are headed for a complete system failure. No more civilian benefits. Don't be afraid if you think that it might be an illusion that you are dying; You are dying! This is the end of mankind boy oh boy, you really screwed up.
- Are you aware that you are actually Jesus, the Christ, son of God? This would explain why you are only aware of what your senses perceive or what they remember perceiving. This would explain why you cannot walk in two directions at once. This would explain why you wake up to the same ceiling every morning. This would explain why you feel different pains and pleasures here and there, from time to time. This would explain why you get all confused when someone tells you that we are actually spiritual beings. This would explain everything else as well.
Be a Sun and the world will be a reflection.
And lastly,
Do not read this while high on acid!
You may be on acid; But are you aware of the following facts?
- Are you aware that the friends you are talking with, are actually in another room? They are not here; you are actually sitting in this room alone. Everybody left because half an hour ago you started mumbling out loud stuff about masturbation; you obviously weren't a good scene to be with. In order to remedy this situation you will have to leave the house and look for some new friends. You better act soon; the people out there are having a lot of fun but it won't last long. Since the people you are with now are only illusions of your mind, simply get up and quietly leave. If they stop talking and inquire about your actions, say something funny or ignore them altogether and continue on.
- Are you aware that LSD is the number one drug of choice among losers, geeks, and computer nerds? Nature gave you one life in one body and you've decided to misuse this gift by being a nerd. Cool people today do not drop acid. Cool people do ecstasy and cocaine. You're playing the wrong game honey; everyone else is getting a lot more fun than you are. Just think of all the movies you've seen. Do the happy, shiny people with big cars and big houses and good looks trip out? No way! It's clean, white lines all the way. To solve this horrible problem that you face, you must go home and flip through your catalogs for a whole new wardrobe and line of perfumes. You also will have to begin a strict exercise and dietary routine. As well, it will be a good idea, from now on, to hang out only with friends who have money. After all, the reason you were put into this dirty acid scene, was that you were not good looking enough: Appearance is everything! In this day of age, no one has the time and patience to look at others beyond the skin. The idea that people might actually look for character or emotion in others is merely an illusion conjured up by wishful poets and writers. Appearance is everything!
- Are you aware that the time you see on all the clocks is the wrong time? All night you've noticed something funny about the clocks; yes, there is something wrong with the clocks. You are not hallucinating. There is something wrong with the clocks! The problem here is that you “left the world” half an hour after you dropped. That is what the correct time is for everyone else. You will have proof of this tomorrow; the video camera that your friends are secretly taping you with was only turned on a couple minutes ago, when you started to act very weirdly so soon. The implications and consequences of the situation that you are in right now could prove disastrous. You see, all your life, you have been led by the belief that all events have a beginning and an end, occupying a period or space in between. A day has twenty four hours, an hour has sixty minutes, a sitcom lasts half an hour, school ends at three thirty, the bus comes at... and so on. You have been seduced under the illusion that a drug trip begins at a certain time after it's consumption, it's principal effects occupy a certain length, and then conveniently wear off, thus enabling you to return safely to your chores and habits. This is soooo wrong! In reality, the drug trip does not end until your mind is ready for it to end. Basically the mind will never accept the human condition of eternal nothingness which it faced before you were born; which it could face again after you die. The mind needs to distort the reality of the fleshes from time to time, in order to prove that eternity exists again. All humans must experience these notions, whether they do drugs or not. Acid is just another method the mind uses for this goal. Most people endure what you are currently experiencing on their first trip. But if this doesn't happen to you on your first trip, it's a billion times worse to handle on your later ones. In order to prove to your mind that it has dominion over nature, you will have to make a personal sacrifice; you may finally have to do something that you do not want to do. Some people perform outrageous acts in front of others gaining notoriety and it's fortunes. Others go on dangerous odysseys to strange far away lands. And some commit suicide. Suicide? Why yes, of all the things that you can do to end the acid trip, suicide is the most effective and guaranteed. Try it! Did you know that there are fucked up individuals among us who actually jump off tall buildings, cliffs, and bridges, more than once in a single trip?! People who commit suicide on acid usually wake up the next day in a hospital bed. The friend who called the ambulance or your parents will usually pick you up in the afternoon and you'll spend a quiet evening watching TV with some snacks. Now at this point you must be thinking that this is chaos; that you are in hell. Well, you are. And this is the very reason why hallucinogenic drugs are illegal. This is why adults are slow, stupid, and prudent; why they are offended by such an activity. Just imagine if everyone continuously forced these situations upon themselves; the world would be in absolute chaos.
So if you ever want time to resume again, you will have to do something that you do not want to do.
- Are you aware that LSD does not exist; that it is merely an invention of your best friend? The reason why she is your “best” friend is because she studied extensively the art of hypnotism. At a party years ago, she hypnotized you into this world she created. In order to prevent you from suspecting that something was drastically wrong, she needed certain gimmicks and toys to keep you in her company. LSD was one such gimmick, seeming totally reasonable to your rational mind. Beware! Your best friend is not who she seems to be. She is actually an ugly, lonely, stinky, oozing membranous monster who is using you to avoid the thought of her loathsome condition. Solution: Do not hang around with her ever again.
- Are you aware that acid does not disintegrate? Acid eats through everything never coming to a rest. Nothing can hold it. It eventually occupies all space. You may piss it out of your body, but it remains; it then continues on, infiltrating the external environment. The more acid that is made and the more that you consume only quickens it's pace. It will get into the soil, into the water, into the plants. Eventually everything will be contaminated. Your children will be permanently fucked. Geez, you really screwed it up, didn't you?
- Are you aware that all of your early childhood nightmares and sleepwalking episodes were caused by your present use of LSD tonight? Yes, after reading this paper, in about one hour, you will begin to ponder the idea of time travel for the very first time. This will eventually lead to severe abdominal pains. Thinking that your body is going to spontaneously implode, in one desperate impulse you actually destroy the barriers of time, diffusing the psychotic experience into brief segments throughout your life.
On this note, you are also aware that the angels, who visited you when the lights were turned off at bed time when you were young, were, in fact, actually angels? They were not simple “tracers” that lingered in your eye's open darkness. If you do not remember the lessons angels taught you, then you are in big trouble for the Life to come.
- Are you aware that old people and children are reflections of yourself on acid? I mean let's get serious here. You and your friends are the only ones who exist. You are among a pantheon of deity with each other. Everyone else, all those strangers out there on the morning streets with their seemingly equally complex existences; they are all fragments of your own self, strutting about, specifically taunting and punishing you for dropping acid. Solution: Love thy neighbor...
- Are you aware that the scary sensual distortions which you experience on LSD are actually the “sober” fears and woes your parents experienced years ago, when they too were your age? The fact is, you are not doing anything “new” when you are doing LSD; you're just reverberating the same stinky doubts that each ape faces, from generation to generation, since the beginning of time.
- Are you aware that LSD makes you stupid? Three things could happen. You will try to justify the existence of every little thing, thus losing your life to such means. Or, seeing that it is futile to do such, you decide to justify nothing and simply slob about, letting things just happen because you can't do anything about it. Or you will try to become a better person. In your quest to become cleaner, smarter, stronger, responsive you will eventually run out of time to explain your intentions and beliefs to others, (thinking that everyone understands everything about everyone else; which of course, they don't) thus you'll anger at the world when things start to miss-perform or the people around you misbehave, interfering with your “flow”. And thus you'll grow old, isolated, not knowing that people actually exist beyond your continent; you'll forget that there are other ways to Exist.
- Are you aware that LSD is the leading cause of AIDS? Your body is nothing more than a void of darkness filled with a colorful, intertwining system of tubes and valves. This composition is segregated into parts: your circulatory system, your digestive system, your nervous system, your immune system, and so on. All these systems are controlled by your mind, (which you always forget about having with your little daily social adventures) and in this darkness all your tubes and strings are attached and connected to everyone else's systems, to everything in the environment, to all the appliances that you think you need to use to solve your “problems” (like the toilet you will place your puke in, like the TV which you place your eyes in). This was the way it was before you were born. This is the way it was in the darkness of the womb. This is the way it was inside your first sleep. This is the way it is now. And this is the way it will be after you die. Your immune system is the set of doors between your system and everyone else's. But on acid, the doors were opened, remember? All the shit and grime which everyone flushed away with their soaps and ambitions; all this flows freely through every inch of your system. Since you messed with your mind, it couldn't perform it's task of controlling your systems. Your immune system got fucked up. And that is what AIDS is, an acquired immune deficiency. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The toilet isn't gonna take it away. A meal isn't gonna take it away. Sleep isn't gonna take it away. Crying for mom isn't gonna take it away. The further you fear and anger the further knotted all your strings will become. You'll get all clogged up.
Nasty, yucky things will happen inside you if you think the wrong things.
You are headed for a complete system failure. No more civilian benefits. Don't be afraid if you think that it might be an illusion that you are dying; You are dying! This is the end of mankind boy oh boy, you really screwed up.
- Are you aware that you are actually Jesus, the Christ, son of God? This would explain why you are only aware of what your senses perceive or what they remember perceiving. This would explain why you cannot walk in two directions at once. This would explain why you wake up to the same ceiling every morning. This would explain why you feel different pains and pleasures here and there, from time to time. This would explain why you get all confused when someone tells you that we are actually spiritual beings. This would explain everything else as well.
Be a Sun and the world will be a reflection.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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