Submissions by robert43041 (Viking)
Poet Introduction
Published in small mags in US and England years ago.
Clues (X22)
I would like to be able to scribble something in rhymes
But a minefield, would have to do with crimes
Possibly involve the blue-eyed blonde
Of whom the eventual killer was entirely fond
But the cold shoulder irked
Nothing ever worked
So possibly knifed her
Shot her
Slashed through the heart
From which she wntirely bled
Shot her through the head
Then from his ghastly work he did depart
Unknowlingly leaving clues behind
Which the cops would be pleased to find.
But a minefield, would have to do with crimes
Possibly involve the blue-eyed blonde
Of whom the eventual killer was entirely fond
But the cold shoulder irked
Nothing ever worked
So possibly knifed her
Shot her
Slashed through the heart
From which she wntirely bled
Shot her through the head
Then from his ghastly work he did depart
Unknowlingly leaving clues behind
Which the cops would be pleased to find.
143 reads
Time flies.....or not
It,s a matter of time
Different if you're lounging by the sea
Relaxing, enjoying the sites, the sights
And the beauties of life
Than if you're sweating it out in your three-piece suit
Stuck in your car in heavy traffic
Under scorching heat
Ready to take your gun and go run amok
Yes, best to take a deep breath
Enjoy the time left
Before it,s too late.
Different if you're lounging by the sea
Relaxing, enjoying the sites, the sights
And the beauties of life
Than if you're sweating it out in your three-piece suit
Stuck in your car in heavy traffic
Under scorching heat
Ready to take your gun and go run amok
Yes, best to take a deep breath
Enjoy the time left
Before it,s too late.
138 reads
1 Comment
It's time
Scientists are working on making the second
More precise
Something to do with the caesium spin flip resonance
Which has, we are told, a frequency corresponding
To microwaves
I'll set my clock the next time change coming up
Meanwhile I'll sleep on it.
More precise
Something to do with the caesium spin flip resonance
Which has, we are told, a frequency corresponding
To microwaves
I'll set my clock the next time change coming up
Meanwhile I'll sleep on it.
116 reads
Vers la fin
Sombre et morne
Journée d'automne
Le ciel qui pleure la perte
Des jolies journées d'été
Les fleurs qui nous quittent
Les feuilles qui tombent
Le cimetière énorme de sa présence
Celui qui a le dernier mot.
Journée d'automne
Le ciel qui pleure la perte
Des jolies journées d'été
Les fleurs qui nous quittent
Les feuilles qui tombent
Le cimetière énorme de sa présence
Celui qui a le dernier mot.
150 reads
Calling for help
Calling Agatha Christie
Calling Hercule Poirot
A gruesome murder in Montréal
Near le Musée des Beaux-Arts
Very posh area
Very wealthy
Very high class where criminality
Might mean a trash can out on the wrong day
But now an elderly man quite fashionably dressed
Stabbed to death
Found sprawled over the now totally ruined
Queen Anne chair.
Calling Hercule Poirot
A gruesome murder in Montréal
Near le Musée des Beaux-Arts
Very posh area
Very wealthy
Very high class where criminality
Might mean a trash can out on the wrong day
But now an elderly man quite fashionably dressed
Stabbed to death
Found sprawled over the now totally ruined
Queen Anne chair.
144 reads
Very secure
He drove his Ferrari to his multi-million dollars home
Up on the highest hill
Pressed the code to open the garage door
Out of the car
Pressed the code to give access to the elevator
Accessed the second floor
Pressed the code to open the glass doors
Giving access to the long corridor at the end of which
He pressed the code giving access to the spacious living-room
On a CCTV screen, saw movement outside.
Shadows lurking by. Not to his liking
Pressed the code to his safe room, much alike a bank vault
Also pressed the emergency button ...
Up on the highest hill
Pressed the code to open the garage door
Out of the car
Pressed the code to give access to the elevator
Accessed the second floor
Pressed the code to open the glass doors
Giving access to the long corridor at the end of which
He pressed the code giving access to the spacious living-room
On a CCTV screen, saw movement outside.
Shadows lurking by. Not to his liking
Pressed the code to his safe room, much alike a bank vault
Also pressed the emergency button ...
160 reads
Fashion's sillyness
There he was, wearing amost expensive suit jacket
By the looks of it costing a mint
Yet also wearing three-hundred dollars jeans
Already slashed through the knees....
Seen similar jeans on models in shop windows
Offered as the most fashionable of the latest style.
Yet I wouldn't even dare give my quite used
And sometimes torn jeans
To Goodwill
I would be embarrassed to do so
Some of this High Fashion nonsense
Is way beyond my comprehension.
By the looks of it costing a mint
Yet also wearing three-hundred dollars jeans
Already slashed through the knees....
Seen similar jeans on models in shop windows
Offered as the most fashionable of the latest style.
Yet I wouldn't even dare give my quite used
And sometimes torn jeans
To Goodwill
I would be embarrassed to do so
Some of this High Fashion nonsense
Is way beyond my comprehension.
152 reads
Ode to Belzébuth
On the altar as a sacrifice
To Belzébuth
Lays the young victim
Drugged to sleep
A vein opened
The blood flow controlled
By the High Priest,
The blood served in chalices
In a perfect mix of
Half blood, half wine of the highest quality
And served on silver plates
Along with honeyed waffles.
To Belzébuth
Lays the young victim
Drugged to sleep
A vein opened
The blood flow controlled
By the High Priest,
The blood served in chalices
In a perfect mix of
Half blood, half wine of the highest quality
And served on silver plates
Along with honeyed waffles.
167 reads
I love my Ruger
True, I love my Ruger
More than I love her
Yes, she is my wife
At times she irks me
But I wouldn't take her life
So do look elsewhere
Find the monster
Who put all these 9mm slugs
Into her.
More than I love her
Yes, she is my wife
At times she irks me
But I wouldn't take her life
So do look elsewhere
Find the monster
Who put all these 9mm slugs
Into her.
148 reads
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Hollow wiener
He was truly a walking dead
For there he was at the Mansion's door
Greeting witches, zombies and all
Smiling with rotten teeth
And blood oozing
From the left temple of his head.
For there he was at the Mansion's door
Greeting witches, zombies and all
Smiling with rotten teeth
And blood oozing
From the left temple of his head.
176 reads
Way, way up
Orange cones here
Orange cones there
Orange cones everywhere
All sorts of roads blocked
But she did find the exit leading to
The Highway to Heaven.
Orange cones there
Orange cones everywhere
All sorts of roads blocked
But she did find the exit leading to
The Highway to Heaven.
181 reads
Pushing his bad luck
There he was. Mad as hell,
Six feet under and going to bones.
Not finding it funny.
He'd been promised seven lives.
There he was, eating dirt after death number six.
Not funny.
True, he wasted life number six
With lots of wine women and songs
Not a care in the world,
Forgetting about the mission given to him
He was a hitman, after all.
So he ate dirt but made it above ground
Not a ptetty sight
Stood in the road. totally scaring the uncoming driver
Got him out of the car, killed him, took clothes ...
Six feet under and going to bones.
Not finding it funny.
He'd been promised seven lives.
There he was, eating dirt after death number six.
Not funny.
True, he wasted life number six
With lots of wine women and songs
Not a care in the world,
Forgetting about the mission given to him
He was a hitman, after all.
So he ate dirt but made it above ground
Not a ptetty sight
Stood in the road. totally scaring the uncoming driver
Got him out of the car, killed him, took clothes ...
196 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by robert43041 (Viking)