Submissions by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
Poet Introduction
My goal: be worthy of the attentive ear and open mind
the truth about addiction
the truth about addiction is that it is gentle. an addiction is a difficult thing to separate from oneself because it seems natural. addiction is a comfort and support. from an outsiders perspective gentle, natural, comfort and support are the opposite of what they see. they see anguish and pain and destruction. and these are addictions faces too. but we must expand our compassion in understanding. addiction comes from chaos and offers structure and repetition in a world which seems far removed from order. we must try to understand what reality must exist for one whose solace is starting a...
1249 reads
The Journey to Our Becoming
That I may play a small part
in your unfolding
maybe we only meet eyes and smile
as you drive past
but it matters.
Strangers kaleidoscoping out of view
at light speed,
you must take
a careful look
or the splendor of
two strange jewels
rubbed together
is no more
than a clandestine affair
between a few hues
and the true picture
never comes into focus.
Permanence breeds
or at least it used to.
Waking up to the day
we all notice
this was never
really ...
in your unfolding
maybe we only meet eyes and smile
as you drive past
but it matters.
Strangers kaleidoscoping out of view
at light speed,
you must take
a careful look
or the splendor of
two strange jewels
rubbed together
is no more
than a clandestine affair
between a few hues
and the true picture
never comes into focus.
Permanence breeds
or at least it used to.
Waking up to the day
we all notice
this was never
really ...
748 reads
Soul Food
I’s can see separation of colour and light
shapes which articulate
encapsulated personas
jam jars of Life force
with lids screwed on
too tight.
It takes some effort
to wiggle them loose.
A worthy aspiration
as the sweet tang of disclosure
wets my appetite for
exotic other.
You pass me a tattered book
filled with your favourite recipes
for our palettes may differ,
but I am eager for our I’s
to read between the lines
and stir up some toothsome Truths
we may have forgotten we need...
shapes which articulate
encapsulated personas
jam jars of Life force
with lids screwed on
too tight.
It takes some effort
to wiggle them loose.
A worthy aspiration
as the sweet tang of disclosure
wets my appetite for
exotic other.
You pass me a tattered book
filled with your favourite recipes
for our palettes may differ,
but I am eager for our I’s
to read between the lines
and stir up some toothsome Truths
we may have forgotten we need...
827 reads
Lucid Living
The wide arabesque of wakefulness
with bird chirps
and the unconscious reside
of sleep.
The world behind lax eyelids offers
musing theories
of what is possible
when gravity
no longer
Before being bolted back
into time and space
one last weightless wonder is given
momentary wing.
Rationality and logic:
the enemy of deep seeded
dream world desire
to abandon
all laws of physics
and assimilate into
every particle of air
a tree breathes. ...
with bird chirps
and the unconscious reside
of sleep.
The world behind lax eyelids offers
musing theories
of what is possible
when gravity
no longer
Before being bolted back
into time and space
one last weightless wonder is given
momentary wing.
Rationality and logic:
the enemy of deep seeded
dream world desire
to abandon
all laws of physics
and assimilate into
every particle of air
a tree breathes. ...
755 reads
On Your Side
I forever dig deep and take a leap of faith to keep shallow living at bay I constantly contemplate what I say and if I don't mean it can't feel it can't put my money where my mouth is then it won't roll of these lips for hearts worn on sleeves are a beautiful thing and a delicate matter bring your bare bones to me and lets shatter the shield to reveil what is true- the deep multi-faceted fluctuations
of you.
And in the process I will do my best to protect what our connection reflects because our depths are intertwined and the shadows in my own eyes may be the...
of you.
And in the process I will do my best to protect what our connection reflects because our depths are intertwined and the shadows in my own eyes may be the...
742 reads
Am I the Heaviness Within or am I the Witness?
I am safe in my body
What’s the difference between a belief and knowing?
It’s a different feeling the moment you are open to it
It won’t be this bad all the time
Witnessing becomes healing
That’s what I did when she was gone
It’s all so surreal
Scaring myself
Nothing is guaranteed
Life is a fatal disease
Thanks for seeing me in my dreams last night
Sometimes I feel guilty...
I am safe in my body
What’s the difference between a belief and knowing?
It’s a different feeling the moment you are open to it
It won’t be this bad all the time
Witnessing becomes healing
That’s what I did when she was gone
It’s all so surreal
Scaring myself
Nothing is guaranteed
Life is a fatal disease
Thanks for seeing me in my dreams last night
Sometimes I feel guilty...
835 reads
My Spiritual Belief is Caring
To care is the most racial act of our age. It will fill you with grief and despair like you never thought possible. But it also entices you sweetly with the unknowable reality of Freedom. This chance at true choice keeps you seeking an ever higher expression of Love until every resource and every breathe has been taken.
To care is to fight the glorious Sisyphean battle. Each time you cultivate enough motivation to roll your rock to the top of the hill another earth shattering boulder will present itself.
The weight of caring is enormous.
In a world filled with...
To care is to fight the glorious Sisyphean battle. Each time you cultivate enough motivation to roll your rock to the top of the hill another earth shattering boulder will present itself.
The weight of caring is enormous.
In a world filled with...
768 reads
1 Comment
Give and Take
The economy is shit. The arts are under attack. What is the value of an artist? How is my gift being received? What motivates me to move forward in confidence? All these questions swirled through my head as I sat down yesterday to enact my first performance of the semester. As an artist I wanted to come to terms with the freedom of interpretation presented in each art work. I wanted to present myself as a neutral body making an offering. And I wanted to show that even if the worst of times generosity is an important value to embody. So for two hours during the lunch hour, I sat in my...
843 reads
ENFP- Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceptive
i took a Myers Briggs personality test today. it confirmed all my greatest hopes and fears. as an ENFP i am a sensitive idealistic spazz ball of energy and there is really nothing I should or could ever do about it. my friend was also this type and had an entire book with extensive knowledge and resources for me to discover. reading even the first few chapters instantly quelled any hesitations i had about this being my true personality type.
my habits of wavering between introverted and extroverted tendencies, my childhood struggles as an intuitive in a world full of sensors, and my...
my habits of wavering between introverted and extroverted tendencies, my childhood struggles as an intuitive in a world full of sensors, and my...
1297 reads
someday I will go Home
We keep looking to the stars for proof of bigger better evolution. We keep wondering who we are and if we are alone. We question if we are doomed and whether that matters. Maybe if our planet disappeared beyond event horizon the Universe would know greater Peace. There is a paradox I see in all the world around me. Ours is a planet of stellar beauty and abundance, diversity and evolution. Yet the most "intelligent" (?) species here despise and fear their existence.
No one teaches us the real things. No one teaches us how to wake up and stay awake. No one teaches us how to...
No one teaches us the real things. No one teaches us how to wake up and stay awake. No one teaches us how to...
867 reads
in absense of doing
i was sitting in an empty lot. astonished. allowing for this awful moment to consume me. allowing for the word to reclaim its proper use as the silence made me awe-full. the grass grew tall and offered no complaints as i leant my full body weight directly in its center. i spent an entire morning thinking of what to do in the afternoon and i caught myself in the act of desiring instead of appreciating what was. suddenly the empty lot i walked passed twice a day and never noticed was the perfect answer. all the days with mile long to do lists were not today. today i could sit in the grass and...
712 reads
i dream of waking Life
being around people, to a certain degree, makes you feel not alone. you can share pipes, pages, hugs, words, night's, drugs, curb sides, benches, classrooms, clothes, opinions, apartments, and sometimes (if you're lucky) groceries, without much animosity, and sometimes, to varying degrees of delight. but what i really wanted to share made me feel greedy. i was unsure if my standards were too high. i wanted to share transformation and magic and tiny bits of my soul in exchange for theirs. but it was this unsettling feeling that i was asking for too much which made me too afraid to even try and...
727 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)