Submissions by REMARKABLE_8 (RichyRich)
Poet Introduction
I am Remarkable_8 the name speaks for itself thank you for your time 🙏 and appreciation God bless you!!!
Submit to my desires #2

390 reads
Submit to my desires

410 reads
Wicked wett games

537 reads
Mother of kings who only have love for queens
Sinisterly, wicked it would seem far from average, as we begin to indulge in this 😉 scheme,
Overtaken by desires of lust, as we rush into forbidden rituals, old traditions giving birth to new cultures other creations and such,
Refusing to surrender 🙏 or give in, an catering from a man's touch, only to be submissive in bed 🛏 other than that like 👍 a race track all bets 😉 are off!
Resisting all urges and engagements and arrangements, canceling all advances pursuing any further, for future entertainments,
Disciplined being in total...
Overtaken by desires of lust, as we rush into forbidden rituals, old traditions giving birth to new cultures other creations and such,
Refusing to surrender 🙏 or give in, an catering from a man's touch, only to be submissive in bed 🛏 other than that like 👍 a race track all bets 😉 are off!
Resisting all urges and engagements and arrangements, canceling all advances pursuing any further, for future entertainments,
Disciplined being in total...
505 reads
The exquisite eight!
Eight is for the weight, or the patience of wait, and understanding that, I have for you as a friend,
Such an inspiring, an motivational thing to comprehend, is why true bonds with trust keep us, a eternally well true 👍 friend until the end.
Seven, heaven is what I wish for you eternally, an forever may you find rest an all the best, with peace ✌ and love to always being blessed.
Six for all the trials an tribulations, burnt bridges, an broken relationships around us, between us, or even amongst us, we helped fix.
Five cheers, to all the good 👍...
Such an inspiring, an motivational thing to comprehend, is why true bonds with trust keep us, a eternally well true 👍 friend until the end.
Seven, heaven is what I wish for you eternally, an forever may you find rest an all the best, with peace ✌ and love to always being blessed.
Six for all the trials an tribulations, burnt bridges, an broken relationships around us, between us, or even amongst us, we helped fix.
Five cheers, to all the good 👍...
495 reads
Memories of good friend
I hate you, I hate you too, is how are conversation began,
Only to remember the first time we had our first fight,
Verbal argument, a slur of words in the form of fist,
What a strange bliss, as we spew words back and forth in midst,
To offend we both playing offense, so much in defense,
You could say we both were sitting on the fence, watching, waiting for the opportunity to deliver with conviction that final assaulting verbal blow,
Like 👍 martial arts, ninjitsu, jujitsu, and tae Kwon do, causing your opponent to lose balance, and bodily control,...
Only to remember the first time we had our first fight,
Verbal argument, a slur of words in the form of fist,
What a strange bliss, as we spew words back and forth in midst,
To offend we both playing offense, so much in defense,
You could say we both were sitting on the fence, watching, waiting for the opportunity to deliver with conviction that final assaulting verbal blow,
Like 👍 martial arts, ninjitsu, jujitsu, and tae Kwon do, causing your opponent to lose balance, and bodily control,...
423 reads
The art of the craft
In the quest to unraveling, an revealing the understanding of the unknown, venturing into the realms of the forgotten knowledge and ancient wisdom of old, heading down paths so cold in different directions, with no warmth or any heat to help comfort the soul, yet we persevere forward in pursuit of power and control, some sort of reassurance or even a strong hold, over the art of the craft, performances, pictures, artwork, books, films, even stories have been told, yet even within science and math all done seeking to acquire to master the art of the craft.
420 reads
Light and the beauty of it's ray's!!
In the darkness of the night,the moonlight illuminates the night skies, along with the stars 🌟, sparkling bright adding an exquisite shine, to such beautiful ray's of light, yet as the night fades away, and the moonlights, overwhelmed by the glory of the sun 🌞 light, which lead the path in our different perceptions , to which we perceive a beautiful day, even when 🤔 it rains, without a cloud in the sky, with reflections of glistening light, which forms liquid sunshine 🌞 , is one of the many ways we admire the light 😀 and the beauty of it's ray's!!! ...
439 reads
Motionless, and without form,without color,and yet so clear,always around me but yet before my eyes it refuses to appear, Like the mysteries of the night skies, I look up and stare wondering how we can feel,smell and yet cannot touch, or so do we dare, to know the true meaning of what it is like to be Air!!!
506 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by REMARKABLE_8 (RichyRich)