Submissions by Baredsoul
She’s an elusive mistress
You can never find her
She runs away from you so very fast
leaving you looking ahead only to find you wish you could go back
Pain and joy intertwined like silk threads
Flittering and flashing randomly
You’re left wanting more
She’ll never give it to you
Your dance with her is brief
Savour it.
You can never find her
She runs away from you so very fast
leaving you looking ahead only to find you wish you could go back
Pain and joy intertwined like silk threads
Flittering and flashing randomly
You’re left wanting more
She’ll never give it to you
Your dance with her is brief
Savour it.
62 reads
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I hate myself for missing you
I hate myself for missing you
I gave you infinite love and support
You gave me excuses
You had an endless supply
You had all the control and made all the rules
I had no say at all
I hate myself for being the fool, believing the lies, following your rules
When I tried to express a need more excuses are all you gave
Constantly pushing me further away
I hate myself for feeling so much for someone who felt so little for me
You walked away and caste me aside so effortlessly
And yet, knowing all this I think of you often And fight the...
I gave you infinite love and support
You gave me excuses
You had an endless supply
You had all the control and made all the rules
I had no say at all
I hate myself for being the fool, believing the lies, following your rules
When I tried to express a need more excuses are all you gave
Constantly pushing me further away
I hate myself for feeling so much for someone who felt so little for me
You walked away and caste me aside so effortlessly
And yet, knowing all this I think of you often And fight the...
#heartbroken #IMissYou
#heartbroken #IMissYou
521 reads
The game
A light in the dark
Leading me through the mire
You found me alone in the shadows
I thought you saw the truth
And greeted me with love and acceptance
A prayer answered
But it was all a lie
You showed me the future
Then took it all away
I refused to see what was so clear
I was just a game you wanted to play
But the game got old
So you returned me to my box
No light this time
It’s so much darkest than I remember
Leading me through the mire
You found me alone in the shadows
I thought you saw the truth
And greeted me with love and acceptance
A prayer answered
But it was all a lie
You showed me the future
Then took it all away
I refused to see what was so clear
I was just a game you wanted to play
But the game got old
So you returned me to my box
No light this time
It’s so much darkest than I remember
365 reads
The Meaning
This life is crazy and I don’t understand
Where I’m going or exactly who I am
Not knowing if I’m coming or going
Like there’s some kind of cosmic debt I didn’t know was owing
What’s the point; why am I here
I keep hoping someday it will all become clear
The struggles and pain
The loneliness and shame
Why I’m alone and why it’s so hard
Constantly overwhelmed-never the one holding the cards
Thinking I’m making progress
Then realizing I’ve taken 5 steps back
Will the answers ever be known
It’s not looking good
So here...
Where I’m going or exactly who I am
Not knowing if I’m coming or going
Like there’s some kind of cosmic debt I didn’t know was owing
What’s the point; why am I here
I keep hoping someday it will all become clear
The struggles and pain
The loneliness and shame
Why I’m alone and why it’s so hard
Constantly overwhelmed-never the one holding the cards
Thinking I’m making progress
Then realizing I’ve taken 5 steps back
Will the answers ever be known
It’s not looking good
So here...
415 reads
The journey
I took a walk amongst the gloom
It closed me in just like a tomb
Memories of a love that once consumed
Reminding me of a pain
The bitterness of love’s first stain
My tears fell just like hot, summer rain
Calculated betrayal left me not the same
And yet somehow you feel no shame
A wretched heart that is not tame
Now it’s myself I do not trust
This tender heart all covered in rust
A love so pure now turned to dust
But I know the past is dead and gone
And I really must try to move on
Anger lifts and...
It closed me in just like a tomb
Memories of a love that once consumed
Reminding me of a pain
The bitterness of love’s first stain
My tears fell just like hot, summer rain
Calculated betrayal left me not the same
And yet somehow you feel no shame
A wretched heart that is not tame
Now it’s myself I do not trust
This tender heart all covered in rust
A love so pure now turned to dust
But I know the past is dead and gone
And I really must try to move on
Anger lifts and...
522 reads
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In the twilight as I lay thinking
Darkness falls and I am sinking
Into thoughts of life and love
And how silly it is when seen from above
The worry and fear over insignificant matters
That leave the heart and soul in tatters
I search for answers and deeper meaning
Only to find none
I feel a shift in my mind
To myself I have been most unkind
Always focussing outwards and never in
Self concern a mortal sin
I’ve accepted less and given more
Now I’m like an empty store
Space once abundant with lots to give
Now bare,...
Darkness falls and I am sinking
Into thoughts of life and love
And how silly it is when seen from above
The worry and fear over insignificant matters
That leave the heart and soul in tatters
I search for answers and deeper meaning
Only to find none
I feel a shift in my mind
To myself I have been most unkind
Always focussing outwards and never in
Self concern a mortal sin
I’ve accepted less and given more
Now I’m like an empty store
Space once abundant with lots to give
Now bare,...
289 reads
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Hollow Words
Words without action are meaningless
Lip service paid to placate the weak
I buy in every time, my craving heart devours the false words
I live off them for weeks until no sustenance remains
Sad little cow chewing her cud
I express my pain again
It is not felt or seen, fingers point at me
It’s always my fault
I must change
I am the problem
The words were said, I should accept them and move on
Behaviour doesn’t matter
Devour the words and shut up
The cycle continues little cow
Until finally pent up anger and...
Lip service paid to placate the weak
I buy in every time, my craving heart devours the false words
I live off them for weeks until no sustenance remains
Sad little cow chewing her cud
I express my pain again
It is not felt or seen, fingers point at me
It’s always my fault
I must change
I am the problem
The words were said, I should accept them and move on
Behaviour doesn’t matter
Devour the words and shut up
The cycle continues little cow
Until finally pent up anger and...
353 reads
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Hell pain
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
You’ve put a vice around my heart and turn the key so slow
You dole out the pain in servings, making sure to spread in out
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
God has left me here to suffer
He’s shown me no way out
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
My worth is never seen,
The effort just not worth it, no one is too keen
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
God why did you give me this face so plain
Why the hell did you give me this heart so big...
You’ve put a vice around my heart and turn the key so slow
You dole out the pain in servings, making sure to spread in out
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
God has left me here to suffer
He’s shown me no way out
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
My worth is never seen,
The effort just not worth it, no one is too keen
I am in hell pain if you really want to know
God why did you give me this face so plain
Why the hell did you give me this heart so big...
446 reads
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You and I
I wish I never met you
I wish I never knew
That the one who set my heart on fire
Would then tear my heart in two
You treat me like I’m stupid and blind to it all
You traded me for another you said had a better location
But she doesn’t have this body and she doesn’t have this heart
The heart you used to say you loved
The one you now tear apart
You think I don’t see it as your interest drifts away
Try as I may I know nothing will make it stay
I am just a thing you used while you got your shit together
I fear that despite all this...
I wish I never knew
That the one who set my heart on fire
Would then tear my heart in two
You treat me like I’m stupid and blind to it all
You traded me for another you said had a better location
But she doesn’t have this body and she doesn’t have this heart
The heart you used to say you loved
The one you now tear apart
You think I don’t see it as your interest drifts away
Try as I may I know nothing will make it stay
I am just a thing you used while you got your shit together
I fear that despite all this...
521 reads
Ode to A Dog
Faithful companion until the end
A selfless love that never ends
So pure and true
I thank God for you
My truest friend
This heart you mend
With just a look
Your love I took
The greatest gift I will ever receive
So much greater than you would believe
Unconditional love you give
I’ll never know a purer love as long as I live
I thank you my sweet little friend
For my soul’s wounds you always tend
Our time together far too brief
You’ll leave me with the deepest grief
But I’ll carry you with me always
Until we...
A selfless love that never ends
So pure and true
I thank God for you
My truest friend
This heart you mend
With just a look
Your love I took
The greatest gift I will ever receive
So much greater than you would believe
Unconditional love you give
I’ll never know a purer love as long as I live
I thank you my sweet little friend
For my soul’s wounds you always tend
Our time together far too brief
You’ll leave me with the deepest grief
But I’ll carry you with me always
Until we...
436 reads
Strength of A Woman
You’ll never know what she’s been through
Invisible scars she keeps hidden
Knocked down again and again
Yet like the sun she keeps rising
She carries the world on her back
You’ll never see the pain
She will never complain
She does what she must
Sacrificing her happiness for them
Fighting the stares, judgement, and shame
Failure is not an option
Object of desire and hatred
Conflicting opinions of what she should be
She’s so much more than you’ll ever know
Her intelligence she plays down so you can feel like a man ...
Invisible scars she keeps hidden
Knocked down again and again
Yet like the sun she keeps rising
She carries the world on her back
You’ll never see the pain
She will never complain
She does what she must
Sacrificing her happiness for them
Fighting the stares, judgement, and shame
Failure is not an option
Object of desire and hatred
Conflicting opinions of what she should be
She’s so much more than you’ll ever know
Her intelligence she plays down so you can feel like a man ...
342 reads
What Is Life?
What is life?
Questions never answered
Why do we live; why do we die?
Stranger’s lives interwoven in a tapestry called humanity
All the joy and all the pain
Would you do it again if given the chance?
Random events not understood
Some bad, some good
Is there greater meaning?
To make it all worthwhile
Or is it happenstance?
Or perhaps a puzzle not yet put together?
The picture to be revealed as you find all of the pieces.
Questions never answered
Why do we live; why do we die?
Stranger’s lives interwoven in a tapestry called humanity
All the joy and all the pain
Would you do it again if given the chance?
Random events not understood
Some bad, some good
Is there greater meaning?
To make it all worthwhile
Or is it happenstance?
Or perhaps a puzzle not yet put together?
The picture to be revealed as you find all of the pieces.
532 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Baredsoul