Words on a Canvas
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15th November 9:21pm
Wh1skeySwagger Swagger

The Elephant In The Infantry
poetry 4605
Not My Writing

Penned by Adam Carter in 2018 best I can tell.
10th November 1:50pm
admin DU Webmistress

November Visual Poetry Competition
poetry 4594
This month's competition is to create a visual poem about healing. This could be physical, social, mental or spiritual healing.
8th November 00:04am

The Wren (Visual)

The Wren (Visual)
The Wren
I wrote and designed this one for my late grandma, Mimi. <3 I was very proud of this one. I thought it turned out very nicely.
8th November 00:03am

Watercolor Tears

Watercolor Tears
Watercolor Tears
I just designed this one and I'm kinda proud of it. <3
29th October 2:25pm
admin DU Webmistress

Humanity is the soul of Wealth
poetry 4560
A poem by Viddax for NaPoWriMo 2020.
16th October 3:02pm
Sex_on_the_Joe Joe-D

please help
I have a poem that I would like to enter in the werewolf visual contest but I do not know how to get the poem to show up through the image. Please respond and help me so I can know how to do this next time I need to.
12th October 11:49am
admin DU Webmistress

October Visual Poetry Competition
poetry 4516
This month we have a Halloween themed competition to create a visual poem about werewolves.
Edited 26th September 10:45pm
admin DU Webmistress

Winner of our #brother Visual Poetry Competition
15th September 7:43pm
admin DU Webmistress

The Jogger at 4am
poetry 4458
A poem by Layla for NaPoWriMo 2020.
7th September 9:27am
admin DU Webmistress

September Visual Poetry Competition
poetry 4429
This month's competition is to create a visual poem about a brother; whether you actually have one, or just wished you did!
4th September 7:23am
Wh1skeySwagger Swagger

Unbroken (Lyrics by Dan Couch)
poetry 4419
27th August 9:11am
David_Macleod 14397816


There is someone in the mist
He is so hard to resist
He says he wants to get in
Claims he is my twin
The windows are bolted and locked
My shotgun loaded and cocked
But, he is still very persistent
He becomes strangely insistent
His face comes into focus to some degree
I looked more closely and realized it was me
It was my dark half who wants my possession
I cannot make this concession despite his aggression
His oppression and list of transgressions, indiscretions
His evil procession leads to a regression depression    
This is not a battle for the faint of heart or the weak
Not for a weak mental physique or cowardly freak
It's impossible for me to turn the other cheek
Let battle commence, I've readied my defense
I will dispense an intense offense at his expense
Despite his pretense the lies he misrepresents  
I am a warrior hence
Victory is assured
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
poetry 4388
New Poem
