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Fault Line
Irony, is the whole world throwing it's hands up, saying:
"It's not my fault. I'm just one person. It's not my job."
Old men tell me it's a young man's fight—
Young men tell me "yeah, but, not right now",
So when young men grow old with unplanned strife,
We all know they're responsible, just not quite how.
Not MY problem—I just gotta live with it.
That's our motto for Monsanto and cancer,
while trying to hit the lotto, 'cause God's got no answer;
We'll choose not to acknowledge it…it'll cease to exist,
Like a top-dollar scholarship given, teaching the kids,
And the reason is this—bottomless pits are top of the list,
so we've got a skewed perception of what positive is,
and if each is a gift...lots of us have reason to live,
But diseases run free in what we keep in the fridge.
They're genetically modifying and fluoridating water,
Like an enemy occupying incorporated slaughter—
just to canonize a profit...and it's ironic, antibiotics—
are standardized topics—processed food products are complex, true.
Too often, the consequences are onset proof—
I guess God blessed common sense with nonsense, too.
Mass confusion, delusion and the human condition,
The illusion of choice, and all the stupid decisions—
made daily…pre-approved while using a system,
always systematically rerooting its use and description,
The truth…is a victim—living proof is soothing amusement,
A room with a view and a newer prescription,
assimilated and pacified…you were too intuitive,
always challenging things and asking why,
Screwing with consumers, often callousing dreams of passers-by—
Too elusive and thick-skinned…brooding and dissatisfied,
Insinuating conspiracy theories—a serious query is asinine,
thus bastardizing our situation, that information is…classified,
'til it’s pasteurized for public consumption—
Another conundrum as advertised.
With sacrifice in abundance, our other destructive appetites—
are plundering some blunder while under instruction of masterminds.
So it would seem...by our keen subservience.
A liar is a liar, and the buyers seem deserving if--
the preachers keep on preaching and the choirs keep from learning it.
Dire and disconcerting, it's...typecast as aggressive,
But the fires keep from burning when 'fight back' is a question.
Time just keeps returning it right back from the essence,
Repeating the same cycle...why ask an obsession—
if seeing the same sights'll bring life-lasting impressions?
We've always done it this way...pass the buck—
buy back a recession, and stifle the ones with something to say,
this ignorance is bliss...that's why we've never made it different for the kids.
That's why we’ll never take a risk for what it is—
Lest a Byzantine despot...they're not listening for thickening test-plots,
so give me liberty—or give me...Xbox, and magic assumptions.
All this pollution to look past the corruption,
So here's a solution—just don't ask if it functions,
we offer excuses, then go bask in our judgements.
Standing at the fault line, wasting our breath—
I’ll be placing my bets, it ain’t falling on you.
Damages and lost time, chasing our debts—
Always did what they said, ‘cause that’s…all we could do,
So God bless this ignorance…may it absolve the innocents—
for generations to come—it’s their problem…isn’t it?
Copyright © 2014 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project
"It's not my fault. I'm just one person. It's not my job."
Old men tell me it's a young man's fight—
Young men tell me "yeah, but, not right now",
So when young men grow old with unplanned strife,
We all know they're responsible, just not quite how.
Not MY problem—I just gotta live with it.
That's our motto for Monsanto and cancer,
while trying to hit the lotto, 'cause God's got no answer;
We'll choose not to acknowledge it…it'll cease to exist,
Like a top-dollar scholarship given, teaching the kids,
And the reason is this—bottomless pits are top of the list,
so we've got a skewed perception of what positive is,
and if each is a gift...lots of us have reason to live,
But diseases run free in what we keep in the fridge.
They're genetically modifying and fluoridating water,
Like an enemy occupying incorporated slaughter—
just to canonize a profit...and it's ironic, antibiotics—
are standardized topics—processed food products are complex, true.
Too often, the consequences are onset proof—
I guess God blessed common sense with nonsense, too.
Mass confusion, delusion and the human condition,
The illusion of choice, and all the stupid decisions—
made daily…pre-approved while using a system,
always systematically rerooting its use and description,
The truth…is a victim—living proof is soothing amusement,
A room with a view and a newer prescription,
assimilated and pacified…you were too intuitive,
always challenging things and asking why,
Screwing with consumers, often callousing dreams of passers-by—
Too elusive and thick-skinned…brooding and dissatisfied,
Insinuating conspiracy theories—a serious query is asinine,
thus bastardizing our situation, that information is…classified,
'til it’s pasteurized for public consumption—
Another conundrum as advertised.
With sacrifice in abundance, our other destructive appetites—
are plundering some blunder while under instruction of masterminds.
So it would seem...by our keen subservience.
A liar is a liar, and the buyers seem deserving if--
the preachers keep on preaching and the choirs keep from learning it.
Dire and disconcerting, it's...typecast as aggressive,
But the fires keep from burning when 'fight back' is a question.
Time just keeps returning it right back from the essence,
Repeating the same cycle...why ask an obsession—
if seeing the same sights'll bring life-lasting impressions?
We've always done it this way...pass the buck—
buy back a recession, and stifle the ones with something to say,
this ignorance is bliss...that's why we've never made it different for the kids.
That's why we’ll never take a risk for what it is—
Lest a Byzantine despot...they're not listening for thickening test-plots,
so give me liberty—or give me...Xbox, and magic assumptions.
All this pollution to look past the corruption,
So here's a solution—just don't ask if it functions,
we offer excuses, then go bask in our judgements.
Standing at the fault line, wasting our breath—
I’ll be placing my bets, it ain’t falling on you.
Damages and lost time, chasing our debts—
Always did what they said, ‘cause that’s…all we could do,
So God bless this ignorance…may it absolve the innocents—
for generations to come—it’s their problem…isn’t it?
Copyright © 2014 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project
Written by Ant1-Her0-Project
#3 Ant1-Her0-Project
Okay folks, so for our third instalment of the #spokenwordlowdown, we cross the water to the states, for a man whose lyricism, makes you REALLY, have to listen ! So, let's find out more about the ..... Ant1-Her0 Project ......
Okay, hey there Travis, aka ... Ant1-Her0 Project, good to catch up with ya, so, why the name, " Ant1-Her0 Project ", and why the numbers, instead of letters in the name ?
Thanks for the interest, I appreciate it.
The ANT1-HER0 Project is the name of a multimedia art installation I created, and have showcased in five states so far. The project is an ongoing art narrative about a graffiti writer trying to instigate rebellion in a corporate-controlled police state. The project is comprised of illustration, graphic art, poetry, prose, and spoken word performances. The numbers represent binary code, which I also tend to use as a metaphor for social programming. On a less-exciting note, there is also at least one band, and a skateboard company that uses the name "Anti Hero" --so using the numbers may help me avoid any alleged copyright/trademark infringements if my project ever builds a large enough audience to present potential conflicts on the business end of it. You can never be too careful.
Where are you from and how old are you ?
I just turned 36, and I'm from New London, CT. I'm relocating to New York State in October, due to the fact that my work is better received in NY than it is in CT.
Passion, Intensity and intricate wordplay is what I get from your material ....
How would you define what your brand of Spoken Word is ?
I'm not sure I can speak for any particular brand it's akin to --but I can say that I'm heavily influenced by 80's 90's Hip Hop and Punk Rock. I'm certainly not a traditional person or poet by any means, so in my experience, no particular brand of anything is usually quick to adopt what I do, despite being appreciative of it. In terms of delivery, it's kind of an unfamiliar territory, but I like it that way. I've always been a fan/supporter of raw, unapologetic poets and lyricists who make a habit of raising the bar for technical ability while challenging the status-quo --and at the end of the day, I'd like to think I'm doing my part to pay it forward. As one of the fastest and most effective vehicles for influencing thought and behavior, I think art has a duty to serve on the front lines of social change.
Do you find that audiences connect with your material easily ?
Yes and no --and for deliberate and unintentional reasons, if I'm being perfectly honest. I work hard to ensure that I'm entertaining, and thankfully, for years now, the applause has always been very favorable to me --but the work I do is also confrontational and complex, so it depends on how open they are to sociopolitical topics and how much they enjoy a good challenge. On the deliberate side, I don't create art with the intent of it being fully-grasped in just one sitting. Personally, I prefer works of art that require many visits to digest, so I don't go out of my way to hold anyone's hand. Many people argue that all good art makes a clear and simple case, but I don't think that's a golden rule --ease of accessibility may also make it disposable.
What was your worst performance experience and why ?
I was in the final round of a poetry slam, competing for a spot in CT's national slam team --and I got distracted, and tripped myself up while performing a brand new poem that I think would have advanced me. A drunk dude stumbled loudly into the venue, and disrupted me while he was looking for someone he knew--normally, I'm not so easily distracted, but I was a little more nervous and excited than I usually am, because I really thought I could win. Overall, it was still a great experience, and I met some really dope poets. Though I've won many smaller titles, I don't go into any competition with expectations of winning, because my style is so unorthodox --so knowing I could have just spiked my nerves a bit.
Is writing therapeutic for you ?
Definitely --even at a young age, I found myself better equipped to express myself through writing; as I would imagine most writers probably do. I've been writing as long as I've been drawing, which is longer than I can remember. I do a lot of independent research regarding sociopolitical and socioeconomic topics as well, and though that depresses most people to no end, I also find that incredibly therapeutic. I have an insatiable desire to learn and understand as much as I possibly can --it's too bad that it'll never be enough.
What's going on currently with the Ant1-Her0 Project and is there anything fresh in the pipeline ?
After self-publishing a "more accessible" introduction to my work with a chap book/DVD combo, I'm currently working on a full-length book called "WAR PAINT - The ART of DISSENT". The full-length book will include all of my illustrations and poetry, several essays, two sequential short stories, and a spoken word DVD. It's an in-depth introduction to counter-culture initiatives for the anarcho-curious, and examines the roles art and entertainment play in both pacification and activism.
Musically speaking, who are you listening to currently ?
I'm very picky when it comes to music. A few of my favorite bands are Propagandhi, Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, Rise Against, and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. A handful of my favorite Hip Hop acts include Supastition, Hail Mary Mallon, Doomtree, Blueprint, Foundation, and always Boot Camp Clik...but you did say currently --there are many other artists who've had a tremendous amount of influence on me over the last 25 years, and I'd be more than happy to talk about all of them if asked in the future.
..... and Finally, in Trumps' America, do you think that Spoken Word, can touch the type of people who voted for him ?
This is a tough question. Yes and no. If I didn't think people could be reached, I wouldn't bother doing what I do --I also feel it's most important to focus on young minds that are still malleable. Anyone over a certain age is so well-indoctrinated and polarized in their views, that the only thing that may change their minds are life-altering experiences --challenge those people, but know that they're probably too far gone. Even in debate, know that your opponent's mind is not likely to change --your audience is the silent observer watching the debate unfold. I'm 36, that means the future already belongs to someone else --much of my generation is too old to care-- any chance we have is to influence the way that our kids think about things. Social change can be equated to watching hair grow --if you're in it to see significant changes in your lifetime, you're likely to find yourself being deeply depressed and discouraged almost every step along the way. I would argue that one's energy is best spent on those who are willing to change. The world is changed by the ones most willing --the ones most willing are a mindful minority. The compact majority are largely incapable of critical thought, and are going to do what they always do --follow their leader.
.... and, as with everyone, is there any merchandise you'd like to promote ?
For anyone who's interested, I have do have an online store on my website --www.ant1her0.com -- where my first multimedia chap book is for sale, and high quality prints of all my original illustrations. I ship anywhere in The United States.
Benefits Who?
#2 NicodemusReuben
Okay folks, now you're in the #SpokenWordLowdown Zone, and Yes, I, Big Virge, am your host, and am very happy to be featuring this young talent, Nicodemus Reuben, an interesting, and very gifted wordsmith .....
I had a chance to catch up with him, so, with no further ado, let's find out a bit more about this #SpokenWord Artist & Writer ......
So, firstly, good to connect, and thanks for chatting with us,
where are you from, how old are ya, and how long have you been doing this ?
Hi Virge and Deep Underground. Thanks for reaching out to me.
I'm from Essex in the south of England originally, but I've mostly been about Wales for the last ten years or so. The hip hop scene in Cardiff especially, was a big reason for me to stick around down there, homegrown labels and promoters like, Mean Business and Rockpie, are keeping it vibrant and varied.
I am currently steadily hurtling out of my twenties like someone pushed the airlock button, clinging on to every excuse for recklessness and immaturity I can find on my way out to the unknown void.
As for writing, it's pretty much been a constant thing. I have my first 'book' from when I was about five or six in my draw still. It's mainly a bunch of drawings of me as a superhero, but each page is a chapter. That's what I assumed you had to do to be a serious, adult writer at that point presumably.
The spoken word thing generally evolved from me playing with language to the point where it made more sense in a performance format, than on the page.
Okay, so, why the name, in fact, NAMES, NicodemusReuben & your alter ego, Dorian Grayskull ?
Nicodemus is my actual, legal first name. I usually have to come up with psuedonyms that sound less outlandish and ridiculous. Reuben is my middle name. So that's that one.
Dorian Grayskull is from 'The portrait of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde, and Castle Grayskull from He-Man. I'm fairly obsessed with exploring dualities, and the duality between literary culture and pop culture I find pretty interesting, so that's mainly what that is.
Dorian Grayskull was sort of an excuse for me to channel some aspects of performance, and myself, that I found fairly ridiculous, or at least, worth examination, into a character. But also because I love grand theatrical tradition, like burlesque, japanese noh theatre, the idea of the cosmic jester and the tragic clown. It was basically just a bunch of stuff I liked I threw into a melting pot and Dorian Grayskull was the outcome
You're pretty fearless in the topics you cover, is there anything you won't cover , if so why ?
Ha, ok, I don't think anyone's said that to me before. I won't get too deep into politics, but I think that if you want to create in a certain climate, you have to make something that's true to that climate, otherwise it's just popcorn entertainment. I've always valued abrasiveness that gets people talking over inoffensive wine bar piano music.
How do you come up with the concepts for your visuals ?
The words usually inform that stuff in some way. I think one of the videos I did I just used a music video generator program, so top tip there if you're pressed for time or lacking in talent, both of which applied to me at the time. The 'sniffergods' video is pretty much all the genius of the absolute zen master that is DocBlackdaWho, I basically ranted some vague concepts at him and he made it all happen. The XXIII Music clips were pretty much all down to the talent of those guys too. I love visual art but it's something I'm still learning how to implement, but I like being ignorant about things like that so they retain a bit of magic for me.
Incredible depth in your work !
What do you do to relax away from writing, etcetera?
Haha, Different kinds of writing help. I've actually decided to just go for it and started on a novel this year, just to say I've done it really. I still read as much as I can too. Before I build up the pretence of being massively scholarly and dedicated too much though, I am a massive videogames nerd. Like, obscene amounts of time, though I do think well written games have huge artistic value too. Music as well, whenever I can, usually instrumental stuff like jazz or trip hop when I'm writing. As for hip hop, 'Otherworld' by Turna Phrase and 'Barrydockalypse' by Joe Dirt, both super lyrical Welsh MC's, have been on pretty much constant rotation this year. I do have a feature on Otherworld though, so I skip that track.
Also, gotta say, you have a sweet flow, and cool dynamism in your delivery!
How long do you take learning your work ?
Appreciate it. As long as it takes man, as long as it takes.
and now, for some cheese ?
Favourite Food ?
I am actually well into brocolli at the moment. That's proper lame I know. I'm vegan though, so it's like steak for me.
Do you have a favourite spoken word artist, if so, who & why ?
I can't really pick one that stands above the rest. There's a load of more well known people I'm into, but I've been absolutely floored during my time in Cardiff by some of the local stuff. Turna Phrase, Johhny Giles, Zhubat, pretty much the whole Mean Business Records roster, I was just constantly surrounded by people that made me want to up my game significantly. They're mostly hip hop artists but all of them implement such a focus on word craft it all feeds back.
What Night/ Event, would you recommend to SW Artists ?
Honestly, any event with a microphone. If it's not a spoken word event, go down there with your best work and make it a spoken word event. It's a great way to get your work out to people who wouldn't normally consider a poetry night but are secretly craving something to break up the barrage of Mumford and Sons covers.
Great, Thanks for your time man, and finally, any upcoming projects or merchandise, you wanna talk about ?
I haven't got a great deal spoken word wise happening at the moment. I recently spent a month in Berlin and wrote a ton of weird stream of conciousness gonzo fiction about my time there, which people can find on my blog along with other writing of dubious quality.
Oh and, just one more thing, we won't have you hacking the webpage' if we hashtag this interview will we LOL ??
haha, hashtag away mate.
#spokenwordpoetry #dupoetry
"Direct" ... A poem written by Big Virge 27/10/2005
(Big Virge)
#1 BigVirge
Welcome to the #dupoetry Spoken Word Lowdown. The Spoken Word Lowdown is on a mission to find and feature the best #spokenword artists on Deep Underground Poetry and beyond. Our first instalment of the #spokenwordlowdown features BigVirge. He's the outspoken DU Poetry member, and spoken word enthusiast, who will be hosting this spot next week. So let's get to know him better with an interview and spoken word video.
What was your first encounter with poetry?
Ha, that's a tough one, so i'll go for, Being BORN !!!
How were you introduced to spoken word, and how would you describe it to those unfamiliar?
I think a young lady from America gave me a CD of HBO Poetry, that had Black Ice on, and I was like, I can do that, so now, I do.
It's Poetry, just with some twists, and a variant of the fundamental style of writing, to enable it to be read and performed, in a way that entertains, flows and takes it out of the closet of being, something that only studious heads are into, it's a movement, in many ways now too.
You've worked on numerous music projects. How similar are writing lyrics and spoken word, and how do you approach them differently?
I actually don't approach them differently, or have that conundrum to deal with ! What people hear from me over music, is rarely, tampered with or edited, it's how I wrote it and delivered it in the studio, so, my stuff is separate from Hip Hop in that way, not done, " to a rhythm ", but completely the other way around, the producers who work with me are the ones who adapt, and work around me, which is nice for me, but i'm sure, pretty difficult for them !
Which life experiences have most influenced your spoken word poetry?
Wow, too many to mention, but I think the pivotal one, was the World Trade Centre destruction, I wrote a piece soon after, and sent it to my girlfriend at the time, and she was like, "I cannot believe that you just wrote this at work !". That's when I knew for sure, that I had something !
How did moving from the UK to Barbados affect your Spoken Word?
Shhh, i'm in between lands Ha Ha .... but yeah, spending so much time in Barbados has definitely changed, developed, and i'd say, improved my style of writing, it's so peaceful and beautiful here, that, as serious as I am, there's a slightly, lighter tinge to how things come out here, just a case of sun, sea and good food right ?
How and when did you join DU Poetry, and what role do you think it can play in promoting Spoken Word Poetry online?
I joined about 4 years ago now, due to a woman who I knew at the time, putting me onto it.
I think, as with all of these sites nowadays, it can play a huge role, but that's down to the quality of what it presents......
Next week, you'll be hosting The Spoken Word Lowdown on our Facebook page, what are your plans for it?
I plan to get as many, top quality artists work in the same space as possible.
I have been reading publicly since the 90s. Either that or fronting a band.. My jacked up phone won't let me post a pic. Look at Lex Hoebel on that Facebook thing where everyone feels so self important that they build a shrine to self to bless this world with profound words not to be missed
I Am
I am young
I am ambitious
I have planned it all out, mapped it all out
I said I'd do this and that...and I'm doing it. I'm doing it all I'm doing it well but what is missing
I keep searching for it in beautiful eyes and touchable hair, gorgeous bodies and in unknown kinks
I have it all planned out
I'm doing so well
So why am I in his bed and that bed in my bed now with him and with her
I am doing it all but I don't feel good about
Will I ever just be me alone in my bed
Or will I continue on this maze of gorgeous people
All sharing with me something I want but don't have
All offering me things I don't know how to find
All providing me with something I can not give myself
Will I ever be enough
Will i ever be content with just me and what I have to offer.
Or will I just search and search and never find what it is I am looking for
As I think of the work waiting on my desk for me
The writing of more papers and taking of more tests
I want to give up
I want to call a quits and tell the world
YOU HAVE beaten me
But I can't do that-
all eyes are on me
The classmates the friends the relatives of relatives on Facebook
All secretly hoping I will fail because then they are better than me, or their children are better than me.
Then maybe they will have more self confidence even just for a moment
So If I have to dull the throb of rejection with meaningless people and their meaningless bodies
I will
Because I am young
I am ambitious
I am ambitious
I have planned it all out, mapped it all out
I said I'd do this and that...and I'm doing it. I'm doing it all I'm doing it well but what is missing
I keep searching for it in beautiful eyes and touchable hair, gorgeous bodies and in unknown kinks
I have it all planned out
I'm doing so well
So why am I in his bed and that bed in my bed now with him and with her
I am doing it all but I don't feel good about
Will I ever just be me alone in my bed
Or will I continue on this maze of gorgeous people
All sharing with me something I want but don't have
All offering me things I don't know how to find
All providing me with something I can not give myself
Will I ever be enough
Will i ever be content with just me and what I have to offer.
Or will I just search and search and never find what it is I am looking for
As I think of the work waiting on my desk for me
The writing of more papers and taking of more tests
I want to give up
I want to call a quits and tell the world
YOU HAVE beaten me
But I can't do that-
all eyes are on me
The classmates the friends the relatives of relatives on Facebook
All secretly hoping I will fail because then they are better than me, or their children are better than me.
Then maybe they will have more self confidence even just for a moment
So If I have to dull the throb of rejection with meaningless people and their meaningless bodies
I will
Because I am young
I am ambitious
Written by Nia399
Hi guys I wrote this and I included just audio because I make weird faces when I do it but any feedback is great

7th August 9:14am
Hey-hey loud-speaker peeps.
This group has been running a couple of weeks now and we are really excited and encouraged by the response it is getting from you all. Thank you for being part of it.
We want you all to feel a part of this group - therefore I'd just like to leave this here to discuss any suggestions you'd like to see in the group, or any topics that you'd like to see that we haven't already discussed?
The floor is yours!
- Missy
This group has been running a couple of weeks now and we are really excited and encouraged by the response it is getting from you all. Thank you for being part of it.
We want you all to feel a part of this group - therefore I'd just like to leave this here to discuss any suggestions you'd like to see in the group, or any topics that you'd like to see that we haven't already discussed?
The floor is yours!
- Missy