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How much do you edit your work before you post it?

Fire of Insight
Joined 2nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 20

I like to go with my gut and do almost no editing. A word or phrase here or there gets moved around or taken out but not much more to speak of. How much do you do?

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

I don't usually edit my work...I like it raw, straight from the heart. Sometimes I do some edits too but only to correct punctuations, grammar, etc.

That way I can compare over time how much I've improved. There is really no rule on editing, unless you have someone edit it for you. Here, you can post anyway you like.

poet Anonymous

it depends. sometimes i write it and post immediately. sometimes i sit on it a few days, then go back and edit. i get long winded at times and i'm bad for mixing my metaphors if i'm free writing and then don't go back to see what i did.

Tyrant of Words
United States 32awards
Joined 10th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 209

if anything, a word or two....must keep process as spontaneous & non-selfconscious as possible.......Hi Ho.....i pity the "OCD Artists" who have to sweat bullets over each word to 'get it right' in proper postures'd'classroom to get a 'good-grade' & Be A Good POET.  

poet Anonymous

Until it is preserved in the amber of a finalized printing - book, magazine, etc -  everything remains open to editing. I still revisit and rewrite poems as old as 10 years, even after they have been consumed as is. If someone suggests a poem could be improved, I'm all ears.

There are very few poems that can't be improved. Unfortunately, there are very few who are capable of pointing out what those improvements could be.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

I am a habitual editor.
I never see how my poetry really reads  until it's posted.
Then again being dyslexic I'm sure has everything to do with that.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
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Forum Posts: 1483

about 4 times....
English is not my first language ... so I sometimes mix up words that sound alike but mean something different.

ugh... but hey ... thank you 'Google'

Strange Creature
Joined 14th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 3

thinlane said:I like to go with my gut and do almost no editing. A word or phrase here or there gets moved around or taken out but not much more to speak of. How much do you do?

Editing is a constant process that doesn't stop until you die.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 2nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 20

After reading some of your comments I believe I'll be thinking hard about my editing style with my poetry. It's there to be worked on forever so why not revisit it? With my long fiction I edit like a madman so why am I so freeform and quick with my poetry I wonder? Something to mull over. I'm not talking about a word or two but even the structure.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 186

I usually only edit a poem as I am writing it because then I can work some phrases out, however, there are times when I will go back and edit a poem a few dozen times before deciding what to do with it. Other things however, such as stories, I will type, print, edit, edit again, retype, and repeat the process. It just depends on my mood and how well my details and such things are done.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

I think I'd slot into the chronic editing category. I'll edit every line multiple times before I consider the poem finished, some poems feel like they write themselves, these need little editing, but others can take days and need more work. On the odd occasion I've made some minor edits on poems written years ago, but I won't make drastic edits on old poems, it feels like you're stealing a soul when you fuck around with them too much after the muse is long gone.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

I can hack at a piece for hours or even days after a first draft ... Fortunately poetry doesn't follow conventional norms in terms of punctuation, nonetheless I still play around with line spacing endlessly as it affects the flow of a piece for a reader

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

I have easily put many hours into a single piece. Every word counts. Eliminate the static and deliver only source material.

I also record my poems so practicing the performance can take a while too

poet Anonymous

As a person who makes a partial living off my writing [mainly books], I have no choice BUT to edit.  But in all honesty, Poetry doesn't require much editing as the majority of it is free-versed and punctuation is optional and grammar (whether spelled or pronounced correct or incorrectly) is entirely up to the Poet/Poetress.

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