
Written to Reviewed Ratio?

poet Anonymous

Curiosity overcame me and set me wondering.  What has been the widest gap between one of your posted poems re: number of “reads” vs. number of comments on a particular piece. (I realize there may be a dozen reasons why a reader may not comment, so a “no comment” doesn’t necessarily imply anything negative…as I said, just curious and my question is completely innocuous). I’ve been on sites where submissions have received no comments at all (good or bad) on any of the author’s multiple efforts!  If you’d take a minute to “comment” on this question, I’d appreciate it. 

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I’m not really sure how you’d find the answer to this. I can search my poems by “least comments first” but it mainly just filters out poems I have chosen “no comments” on.


Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14647

It seems this question was asked by someone not too long ago.  

Most read is 1819 ( Tree of Life ); least commented on ( aside from not requesting comments ) is 1 ( Not This Island Music ).
There you go.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 30awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1879

I haven’t commented recently very on site recently, both with poems I like or comments on my poems, I go through stages where I am up for commenton and replying then there are tilmes I just read and like and just post my meagre words. I’m sure their are a lot of people like that on the site, in my defence but no excuse is my autism, being interactive can be drawing on my brain not antisocial just a very tiring experience living in the world constantly figuring things out

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14647

I feel that way and am not autistic, Asperger.  You're not alone. I had to to go through 3-4 pages of accepting no comments just to find that one least comment.

Tyrant of Words
Spain 8awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2915

AspergerPoet56 said:I haven’t commented recently very on site recently, both with poems I like or comments on my poems, I go through stages where I am up for commenton and replying then there are tilmes I just read and like and just post my meagre words. I’m sure their are a lot of people like that on the site, in my defence but no excuse is my autism, being interactive can be drawing on my brain not antisocial just a very tiring experience living in the world constantly figuring things out feel ya in that place right now..
Then I get all overwhelmed at the comments I need to catch up on...and I run away again

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2296

I am usually a
tit for tat, type of commentator; if You comment on one of my spills i feel i owe You a thank You or some other thoughtful response.  I think it's my OCD, gig, though i cannot confirm this.

As far as commenting on others' spills,
i will usually NOT LEAVE a COMMENT if i don't understand the spill.
Believe it or not, when i try and DO comment and didn't understand most of the time (not all the time)
i got admonished and so i just read and come to my own (schizophrenic?) conclusions in silence.
& often i click the like button if i liked the spill even it i had no idea what it means    : )

poet Anonymous

A thanks to you folks who took the time to answer!  I appreciate it!

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