
Random Poems

Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
Forum Posts: 106

I like the random poem feature, and I've found some good poems and writers using it. However, I've noticed that almost all of the poems it generates seem to be from the same time period: early-mid 2016. Occasionally, I come across an older one, but I've yet to happen upon anything recent.

It would be great if the random poem function could be focused on the last six months of poems, which would give a greater chance of finding currently active poets. A choice of seeing the broader range or from the last three to six months would be even better.

I'm not sure how many people use that feature, but it's one of my favorites.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14528

I used it frequently when I first joined in search of poets I'd connect with.  Then felt like I began seeing the same thing when a couple popped up I'd already read. By then I had discovered poets to follow and my plate became full between supporting those and Mod duties.

It's a good suggestion. I'm sure Webmiss will weigh in when she sees it. [/nonsense]

Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
Forum Posts: 106

It works great for me when my attention span is low. I can just keep hitting refresh until something catches my eye, easily bypassing walls of text, strange formatting, and other things that I sometimes find frustrating. When I really like something, I check to see if the author is still active, and that's when I noticed for a random function, it seems to have a pretty narrow scope for what it generates.

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The random poem link will show a random poem from the last 30,000 submissions. During the last year we had around 33,000 submissions, so it's a bit less than a years worth.

It already excludes your own poems, and I have just updated it to not show you anything you've already read.

Hope that helps.

Zaroff poetry
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 69

very cool, i dig it.

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